
DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

author:DNF Xiaoxian

We all know that since the open beta of the mobile game, Baby Xuxu also takes the world lord to hit the first, as one of his own goals, for this goal, Baby Xuxu is also very persistent, not to change the strategy, let Dashuo change to a Devil May Cry auxiliary, the meridian weapon is replaced by a wild dragon, that is, by brushing fragments, let himself forcibly graduate a set of gravity sets, fortunately, the hard work pays off, and the ranking has also entered single digits.

Baby Xuxu's performance was disappointing

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

In the face of the ranking into single digits, the highest to win the 4th place also gives people a feeling that winning the first place is close at hand, but in these few world lords, Baby Xu Xu is disappointing, he played very well before the BOSS released the explosion mechanism, and he would use the hegemonic skill to dodge the attack, but when the BOSS released the explosion mechanism, he always couldn't dodge, and he was always the first to hang. For Xuxu Baby is always the first to hang, for his teammates Dashuo and a burst of rain, it is undoubtedly very hurtful, after all, he is the main C, and the main damage depends on him.

Baby Xuxu is dragging his feet again

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

But fortunately, not long after the baby Xuxu graduated, a burst of rain as a deputy C also graduated from the gravity set, and after graduation, a burst of rain also increased by about 25%, if the baby Xuxu did not make a mistake, then winning the first place in the world lord can be said to be a sure thing.

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

It's a pity that there is no if.,I originally thought that after a burst of rain gravity set graduated,,You can win the first champagne.,But Baby Xuxu dragged his feet again.,Also didn't dodge when the full-screen explosion was played.,Although Baby Xuxu pressed two double flashes and tried his best to dodge it.,But it's still a little early.。

The teammates were silent

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

In the face of Baby Xuxu's overturn again, his teammates were also silent, and they beat themselves well, and they didn't talk to Baby Xuxu! I guess I'm too disappointed in Baby Xuxu, every time he is the first to overturn, if he is replaced by a teammate who always rolls over, it is estimated that he is sprayed to death by Baby Xuxu.

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

However, after the overturn, the baby Xuxu is also very self-blaming, full of helplessness, a look of grievance, the whole person feels stunned, giving people a sense of tears, it is estimated that the baby Xuxu himself is embarrassed, after all, the number of overturns is too much, and it can not be counted.

The audience couldn't stand it

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

Not only did Baby Xuxu himself can't stand it, but the audience can't stand it either, after seeing that Baby Xuxu is the first to hang up, he is also mocking, not complaining that he is a real dish, Brother Xu's technique is not good, or complaining that Brother Xu's position is not good, and almost complaining about the ID of Baby Xuxu in the rankings, it is conceivable that the operation of Baby Xuxu is very disappointing. However, the damage of Baby Xu Xu is really high, although he is the first to hang, but he hit 120 million, which is higher than a burst of rain after 2 sleeps.

DNF Mobile Game: Baby Xuxu is dragging its feet again! The teammates were silent, and the audience couldn't stand it

【Personal Summary】

In general, it is expected that Baby Xu Xu will drag his feet again, but it is also very disappointing, after all, they have the strength to hit the first, but he drags his feet every time, not only making himself uncomfortable, but also making his teammates uncomfortable. But to be honest, even if Baby Xu Xu jumps out of the full-screen explosion mechanism, it will be difficult to get the first estimate, after all, he will not be stuck in the double awakening, and he will not reverse the big suck and break moves, and I feel that there is still a long way to go before the first.

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