
Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Your wound isn't a big deal, but it's not a good symptom!"

Uncle Li was taken aback by the doctor's words. He had just been diagnosed with abrasions, so why did he have "bad symptoms"? It all started with a sudden rainstorm.

That day, Uncle Li rode out under the scorching sun, thinking that he could go to the market smoothly to buy some fresh vegetables, but who knew that the sky suddenly changed halfway, dark clouds were thick, and after a while, heavy rain poured down.

Uncle Li was in a hurry, the wheels slipped on the slippery ground, and he fell to the ground with the car, and his arms and knees were rubbed painfully.

Uncle Li endured the pain, stood up in embarrassment, and pushed the cart all the way to the nearest hospital. He waited in line in the emergency room because his wound needed to be treated.

At this time, a young doctor came over, saw that his face was a little strange, and asked, "Are you feeling a little unwell?" ”

"It's okay, it's just a fall." Uncle Li waved his hand, "It's just that the wound hurts a little." ”

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

The doctor frowned, carefully observed his face, felt his pulse again, and muttered, "Your wound is not a big deal, but this symptom is not good!" ”

Uncle Li was confused and asked, "What's the symptom?" I feel pretty good. ”

The doctor sighed, took Uncle Li to the consultation room, and began a detailed examination. During the examination, the doctor found that Uncle Li's skin was a little red, his breathing was also a little short, and his pulse was much faster than normal.

The doctor then asked some questions: "Have you felt dizzy lately?" Did you have nausea or vomiting? Do you feel particularly tired? ”

Uncle Li thought for a while and nodded: "It's a little, but I thought it was because of the hot weather." ”

"It's not just hot!" The doctor patted him on the shoulder, "You're suffering from heat stroke!" ”

Uncle Li looked surprised: "Heat stroke? I don't even feel how hot it is! ”

The doctor smiled: "Many people are like this, and by the time it feels wrong, they have already suffered from heat stroke. Especially middle-aged and elderly people like you are more likely to ignore these symptoms. ”

As a result, doctors began to explain in detail the various manifestations of heat stroke, as well as how to prevent and treat them.

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

The first presentation: skin abnormalities

The doctor pointed to Uncle Li's red skin, "This is one of the most obvious symptoms." During heat stroke, the body dissipates heat and causes a large amount of blood to flow to the surface of the skin, causing the skin to become red and hot.

Sometimes a rash occurs. In this case, don't ignore it, be sure to cool down in time, find a cool place to rest, and drink some water. ”

The second manifestation: lightheadedness

"You just said dizziness, it's because heat stroke can cause a high body temperature, which affects the normal blood supply to the brain. Middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to have this condition due to their own decreased blood vessel elasticity.

When you feel dizzy, don't continue to move, stop immediately, sit down or lie down to rest. ”

The doctor gave Uncle Li another case: "There is an old Wang, who is about the same age as you, who was working in the fields that day, and suddenly felt the world spinning at noon, fell to the ground, and almost fainted.

Fortunately, he was found in time and sent to the hospital for rescue, so there was no major incident. So, dizziness is a small problem that can't be ignored. ”

The third manifestation: nausea and vomiting

"Heat stroke can also cause digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting. Especially for the elderly, who are not as good as young people, their digestive system is more affected.

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

In this case, drink water in small amounts and many times, and avoid gulping water to avoid aggravating vomiting. ”

The doctor continued: "There was an old lady who was drying her clothes in the scorching sun one day, and suddenly felt her stomach tumbling and couldn't help but vomit.

The family rushed to give her water, but the more she drank, the more she vomited, and finally she was sent to the hospital to find out that it was caused by heat stroke. At this time, avoid strenuous exercise and find a shady place to rest. ”

The fourth manifestation: tiredness and fatigue

"Tiredness and fatigue are also common symptoms of heat stroke. When the body is exposed to high temperatures for a long time, there is a large loss of water and electrolytes, resulting in fatigue and weakness.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people like you, your physical strength is not as good as that of young people, and you are more likely to feel tired. ”

The doctor recounted a real case: "There is an old Zhang who likes to exercise in the morning after retirement. One morning, it was unusually hot, and he felt so weak that he couldn't run for long.

When I got home, I was still tired, and I was diagnosed with an electrolyte imbalance caused by heat stroke. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Li couldn't help but nodded: "It turns out that there are so many symptoms of heat stroke, it seems that I have to pay attention." ”

The doctor smiled, "Not only you, but each of us should pay attention, especially in hot weather."

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

Heat stroke may seem like a small thing, but if not handled properly, it can have serious consequences. He goes on to elaborate on several key points to prevent heat stroke:

1. Avoid going out during hot periods The hot hours are usually from noon to three or four o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is at its most toxic and the temperature is at its highest.

In particular, middle-aged and elderly people should try to avoid outdoor activities during this time.

If you must go out, be sure to take protective measures, such as wearing a hat and loose, breathable clothing.

2. Keep your body hydrated In hot weather, the human body is prone to sweating, which leads to water loss. Therefore, timely hydration is the key to preventing heat stroke.

Drink plenty of water, preferably light salt water or electrolyte drinks, which help maintain the body's electrolyte balance.

However, it is important to avoid drinking large amounts of water at one time and to take small amounts of water more often to better maintain your body's water levels.

3. Arrange your diet reasonably In hot weather, you need to pay extra attention to adjusting your diet. Choose light, easy-to-digest foods, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and avoid greasy and spicy foods.

These foods not only provide the nutrients your body needs, but they also help cool your body.

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

4. Make sure you get plenty of rest

It's easy to get tired in hot weather, so it's important to get plenty of sleep and rest. Lunch break is a very good habit that can effectively relieve fatigue and help the body recover.

Finally, the doctor reminded in particular: "If you have symptoms of heat stroke, you must take measures in time to cool down, hydrate, rest, and seek medical attention in time if necessary to avoid deterioration of the situation." ”

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Uncle Li felt that he benefited a lot. He decided that in the future, he must pay attention to protection in hot weather and no longer be careless.

Just as he was thinking about it, the doctor spoke again: "By the way, Uncle Li, do you know?" In fact, many people don't know that heat stroke can also cause some unexpected health problems. ”

Uncle Li asked curiously, "What's the problem?" The doctor explained with a smile: "For example, heat stroke may cause blood pressure fluctuations, especially in middle-aged and elderly people, whose blood pressure is already unstable, and high temperature can easily cause blood pressure to rise, and may even cause stroke."

In addition, prolonged exposure to high temperatures makes the skin vulnerable to UV damage, increasing the risk of skin cancer. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Li couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that this heat stroke is really not a trivial matter, I will pay more attention to it in the future." ”

The doctor nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, it is very important to prevent heat stroke, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

Hopefully, through this experience, you will be able to better protect yourself and enjoy a healthy life. So why do fluctuations in blood pressure in hot weather increase the risk of stroke?

In hot weather, the body's blood vessels dilate to dissipate heat, causing a temporary drop in blood pressure. However, over time, the body loses water and blood concentration increases, which in turn increases blood pressure.

For middle-aged and elderly people who already have high blood pressure problems, this blood pressure fluctuation is even more dangerous. Studies have shown that the incidence of stroke increases significantly in hot weather.

Data shows that the incidence of stroke is 20% higher than usual in hot weather above 35°C. ”

This is mainly due to fluctuations in blood pressure caused by high temperatures, which exacerbate the burden on the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, in hot weather, it is especially necessary to monitor and control blood pressure to prevent serious consequences such as stroke.

Preventing heat stroke is particularly important for middle-aged and older people, as their body functions are more fragile and more susceptible to heat than younger people.

Through a reasonable lifestyle and protective measures, you can effectively reduce the risk of heat stroke and protect your health.

I hope that Uncle Li's experience can bring a warning to more people, so that everyone can pay more attention in hot weather, stay away from the threat of heat stroke, and maintain good health.

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[1] Yu Ahong. Risk Factor Analysis and Prediction Model Construction of Persistent Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Severe Heat Stroke, China Emergency Medicine, 2024-06-07

Reminder: On a hot day, if there are 4 manifestations, it means that you have suffered from heat stroke, and many people do not feel it

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