
The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things

author:Ervin New Films
The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things

In the hit drama "The Story of Rose", Huang Zhenhua's ending looks normal.

Although the relationship between Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng had a little twists and turns due to the appearance of Peng Songtao, there were no major problems, and their son had reached the age of entering school.

Although Huang Zhenhua's career is still a little sluggish, with Su Gengsheng's high income and the help of the Huang family's parents, Huang Zhenhua's small life is still very nourishing.

However, when I looked back at "The Story of Rose", I found that among the many characters, Huang Zhenhua's character design is actually not too normal.

The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things


Huang Zhenhua, as Huang Rose's brother, should have been a solid backing and rational guide on her growth path.

However, as the story progresses, Huang Zhenhua's behavior gradually reveals an "abnormal" trait that does not match his identity.

His blind admiration for Zhuang Guodong is the most direct embodiment of this.

Huang Zhenhua is a middle-aged man with a good reputation in the architectural world, but he seems so superficial and one-sided in terms of understanding people.

Although Zhuang Guodong is personable on the outside, Huang Zhenhua has never really understood the indifference and selfishness in his heart.

In contrast, Zhuang Guodong's father, Zhuang Taiwen, although he did not occupy too much space in the play, his deep concern for roses and his sober understanding of his son made people feel the rationality and warmth of a mature parent.

The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things


Huang Zhenhua's blind trust in Zhuang Guodong is undoubtedly the best example of his superficial understanding.

In the emotional entanglement between Huang Rose and Zhuang Guodong, Huang Zhenhua has always played the role of adding fuel to the fire.

He ignored Zhuang Guodong's complex and changeable emotional journey, and only saw his appearance as a match with roses, but did not delve into whether Zhuang Guodong was really suitable for roses.

This kind of judgment based on superficial phenomena not only made Huang Zhenhua fall into a misunderstanding, but also cast a shadow on Rose's emotional world.

What's even more staggering is that when Rose was deeply hurt by Zhuang Guodong's betrayal, Huang Zhenhua not only did not give enough comfort and support, but repeatedly pushed her into Zhuang Guodong's arms, so that Rose was hurt by Zhuang Guodong for the second time.

This kind of behavior of ignoring her sister's feelings and blindly pursuing superficial harmony is undoubtedly irresponsible for Rose's happiness.

In contrast, Zhuang Taiwen, Zhuang's father, showed sobriety and rationality after learning about the emotional entanglement between Rose and Zhuang Guodong, which made Huang Zhenhua even more naïve and superficial in knowing people.

The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things


Wong's emotional performance was equally disappointing.

Before meeting Su Gengsheng, he seemed to have been immersed in a self-delusional emotional world.

His perception of women often stays on the surface, lacking in-depth understanding and experience.

This kind of emotional naivety and one-sidedness makes him particularly powerless in the face of complex emotional problems.

The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things

Especially in the misunderstanding with Bai Xiaohe, Huang Zhenhua showed his emotional naivety to the fullest.

An unexpected roommate took a nap, which made him suspect that he had become someone else's father, and even asked Bai Xiaohe in person if her son Lele was his own.

If this kind of absurd plot didn't happen to Huang Zhenhua, it would be unimaginable.

Huang Zhenhua's emotional immaturity and impulsiveness not only put him in an embarrassing situation, but also made the people around him a little more contemptuous and helpless.

The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things


If Huang Zhenhua's performance in understanding people and emotions is forgivable, then his behavior in interfering in his sister's marriage is completely unacceptable.

The love affair between Huang Rose and Fang Xiewen was originally a beautiful story, and the two supported each other and started a business together, which should have a bright future.

However, Huang Zhenhua interfered again and again, not only telling Zhuang Guodong Rose's phone number and work address, but even leaking the news of Rose and Fang Xiewen's marriage, as well as the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown.

This kind of behavior not only ruined his sister's happy life, but also made Fang Xiewen have a great disgust with Huang Zhenhua.

Huang Zhenhua's excessive interference is not out of real concern and love, but from his deep desire to possess and control his sister.

He couldn't accept his sister out of his sight, and he couldn't tolerate his sister being with someone he didn't approve.

This kind of selfishness and narrow-mindedness makes him particularly extreme and arbitrary when dealing with his sister's marriage problems.

The story of roses: Huang Zhenhua is not normal, and he is not as considerate of Rose as Dad Zhuang as he does these few things


Therefore, looking back at the various plots in "The Story of Rose" again, it is not difficult for us to find all kinds of "abnormalities" in Huang Zhenhua's brother.

His superficial understanding, emotional naivety, and excessive interference in his sister's marriage all make people feel deeply disappointed and helpless.

In contrast, Zhuang Guodong's father, Zhuang Taiwen, shows a more mature and rational side, and his understanding and understanding of roses are deeply admired.

Wong's story shows us that even those closest to us can hurt us because of selfishness, narrow-mindedness, and prejudice.

Therefore, when we are faced with various emotional problems in life, it is especially important to stay sane and sober.

Only in this way can we avoid repeating the mistakes of Huang Zhenhua and truly protect our happiness and tranquility.