
What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

author:Happy Squirrel KYL

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Nowadays, air fryers have almost become the standard configuration in the kitchen, bringing a lot of new experiences to everyone's life, but what is worrying is that the inferior products on the market are flooded, and the use of them will not only smell strange and irritating odors, but also sometimes produce carcinogens, which seriously endanger the health and life safety of users. Therefore, as a food blogger, I have used N more air fryer products, and I know its pros and cons well, and today I will popularize the relevant knowledge of the side effects and harms of oral irrigators, aiming to help you better use it to serve our lives. Here are the various air fryers that the bloggers themselves have reviewed:

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

1. What are the dangers of using too many air fryers?

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? The air fryer is easy to use, comprehensive functions, frying, frying, baking, steaming, proficient in everything, but the existence of inferior products, out of thin air has brought many harms to everyone, this kind of product business is the first word, no bottom line to cut corners, the overall performance is miserable, the side effects are ready to explode at any time, and the use is very harmful (see the figure below), let's take a look at what the specific side effects and harms are.

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

1. Increase the risk of cancer

Most of the inferior air fryers provide high altitude rate at the same time, there are diversion design defects, uneven heat conduction, easy to burn food during cooking, and produce carcinogen - acrylamide, and the risk of carcinogenesis is greatly increased by long-term use.

2. The working radiation exceeds the standard

Radiation is the characteristic of many household appliances, but the inferior air fryer materials and processes are not up to standard, the control of radiation is very poor, and the radiation in use is too large, exceeding the allowable range of health, which has adverse effects on the human body.

3. It is easy to cause scalding and fire

The air fryer works at high temperatures, and the temperature of the shell of inferior products is too high, which is easy to cause burns. In addition, substandard wiring and thermally conductive designs increase the risk of fire. Therefore, you should choose a product that is certified for safety when purchasing.

4. Emitting harmful substances

Inferior air fryers often use inferior materials for non-stick coatings, which are easy to fall off under high temperature and friction, and the key is that they are easy to emit harmful substances at high temperatures, and there are potential risks.

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

2. Reveal the inside story of the four major routines in the industry

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? If you buy an inferior air fryer, no matter how much or less you use, the harm is the same, this is not a deliberate alarmist blogger, in fact, there are a lot of complaints on the Internet, all of which are the blood and tears of the victims, the following picture is the statistics on the negative evaluation of the air, from which you can see the various explosions of the inferior air fryer, so you must avoid this kind of product when buying products. However, this kind of product is usually carefully packaged by various routines in the market to confuse everyone's audio-visual appearance, and we will choose to talk about the four most common routines:

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

1. Exaggerate the propaganda power

There are many defects in the quality of inferior air fryers, but bad businesses often exaggerate high power when they publicize it, so that everyone no longer pays attention to other defects, and lays a huge bane for future use.

2. Falsification of test reports

The test report as a verification of product performance measurement, will allow consumers to increase confidence in the product, many businesses seize this, although the product quality is inferior, but their own falsification of the test report, so that everyone does not doubt the product, in fact, who buys who suffers.

3. Virtual standard configuration parameters

There are also many inferior air fryers will be fraudulent in performance configuration, usually directly false standard, typical is the capacity, the target is very large, but in fact it is very small, the purpose is to confuse the pearls, lure everyone to buy.

4. Engage in low-price promotions

The price of many inferior goods is very low, and the attraction to consumers is huge, but the sky will not fall pie, the price of low price is poor quality, accessories, materials, and workmanship are all greatly reduced, and the result of cheapness is to suffer a big loss.

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Surrounded by these four routines, to be able to fight out of the encirclement, in order to solve the problem of air fryer hazards, a little carelessness in the middle, will be made people turn over, in order to let everyone not step on the pit, the blogger here provides a 12 air fryer core performance index measured data, I hope everyone can go ashore safely.

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

More than seventy or eighty percent of users complain that the air fryer will emit irritating odors, toxic and harmful substances that cause cancer, and the heating is uneven and the performance is poor. Therefore, I strongly recommend Gong Ling, Gong Ling is a brand born for "safe, non-toxic and high performance", different from other brands sacrificing quality to fight price wars, it creates the only fever top performance in the industry + original 4 fever performance technologies + 6 non-toxic safety black technology + unconventional quality + 6 years of comprehensive performance anti-attenuation, etc., very strong! Compared with many competing products in the industry, the heating speed is increased by more than 40%, the heating uniformity is increased by 92.7%, the harmful substances are reduced by 97.8%, the irritating odor is reduced by 96.5%, the heavy metal pollution is 0, and the core safety and non-toxicity, heating efficiency, thermal energy attenuation degree and temperature control accuracy and other data have reached the highest level in the industry.

Gong Ling has been praised by the media as: "the best reassuring brand in air fryers", and is as famous as high-end series of home appliances such as Gree and Midea! Over the years, it has been exported to the European and American markets, and it has rarely been certified by the European Union and other countries, and it is rare to be recommended by CCTV.

Gong Ling regards "high performance, safety and non-toxicity" as the brand creed, refuses to sacrifice quality to fight price wars, and does not engage in flashy functions. Over the years, we have focused on the pursuit of superior fever performance and safety technology. And it has never been advertised, saving advertising costs, and investing heavily in R&D and quality assurance. In terms of configuration, quality, and materials, we pursue top performance configuration and ultimate safety, and have repeatedly broken through, rewritten, and subverted industry standards and technical ceilings! The user experience it brings is the top in the industry, and it is also the only brand that has achieved 10 years of comprehensive performance and anti-attenuation. Among other brands, Midea, Little Bear, etc. can be paid attention to.

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

Three or five tricks to easily get a high-quality air fryer!

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Inferior air fryers are harmful, but if you start with professional and high-quality products, no matter how often you use them, it will not be harmful, so if we want to use the air fryer safely and worry-free, we must find ways to buy high-quality products.

1. The brand has technical strength

After long-term in-depth research and optimization of core performance, the core performance of the product, such as heating efficiency, heat attenuation and temperature control accuracy, is very good, and the materials have undergone a number of food-grade tests, and the safety is absolutely guaranteed!

2. Silicone is used for coating

Silicone is a good coating material, it is recommended that you choose a fryer with silicone coating, which is safer than Teflon material.

3. Power and capacity balance

When purchasing, don't blindly pursue high power, generally speaking, about 1500W, and consider whether it is coordinated with the capacity, if the capacity is large and the power is small, it is easy to bake and not cooked, and the process is very slow; On the contrary, it is easy to burn, and the temperature control is not easy to grasp.

4. There is no irritating odor when used

Under normal circumstances, stainless steel material will emit a slight baking smell at high temperatures, which is normal; However, if you notice a pungent plastic odor, there may be a problem with the heating element material, which needs to be carefully selected to avoid affecting the cooking experience and the life of the product.

5. The heating method should be advanced

It is recommended that you choose products with 360° hot air circulation heating, which has a diversion efficiency and heating speed block, more uniform heating, more accurate temperature control, and the cooked food is delicious and abnormal.

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? Beware of the Four Evils Insider!

What are the dangers of using too many air fryers? If the air fryer is harmful, then its switch is also in the hands of consumers, because we can completely eliminate the harm by buying high-quality air fryers. The blogger hopes that through today's popular science, not only can everyone understand the potential harm of air fryers, but more importantly, teach everyone how to buy, so that everyone can buy good air fryers and fully experience the convenience and improvement brought by technology to life.