
Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"After so many years, can fungus really lower cholesterol?" Uncle Luo Huachun was on the hospital bed, and he asked this question to his neighboring patient, Uncle Li, with curiosity. Recently, because of physical discomfort, Uncle Luo was sent to the hospital by his family, although the life here is unremarkable, but the communication with the patients can always bring some seasoning of life.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

"I don't know, but I've heard that there is a special cellulose in the fungus that can help lower blood cholesterol." Uncle Li replied a little hesitantly, obviously he was not very sure about it.

Uncle Luo Huachun decided to verify this question, he rang the service bell in the ward, and after a while, the young Dr. Xie walked in with a hint of a smile. Dr. Chia, an internist in his thirties, is known for his expertise and patience.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

"Dr. Xie, I want to ask, can fungus really fight cholesterol?" Uncle Luo asked.

Doctor Xie smiled, and then sat down on the edge of Uncle Luo's bed. "Uncle Luo, that's a good question. Fungus does contain some beneficial components, such as dietary fiber and polysaccharides, which can really help us lower LDL in the blood, which is often referred to as 'bad cholesterol'. However, it cannot be directly called the 'nemesis' of cholesterol. ”

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Dr. Xie went on to explain, "Actually, there is an interesting interaction between dietary fiber and bile acids in fungus. Bile acids themselves are produced from cholesterol, and when the fibers in the fungus enter the intestines, they bind to these bile acids. ”

"This process prevents bile acid reabsorption, causing the body to consume more cholesterol in order to replenish bile acids, effectively lowering blood cholesterol levels. Not only does this help to cleanse the intestines, but it also helps regulate our blood lipids. ”

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

"Moreover, the fungus is also rich in antioxidants, which can help fight a range of cardiovascular diseases caused by cholesterol oxidation." Dr. Xie explained.

"However, it is not enough to eat fungus alone to lower cholesterol, it also needs to be accompanied by a reasonable diet and regular physical activity." Dr Chia went on to emphasise the importance of comprehensive treatment.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Uncle Luo Huachun nodded after hearing this, and was very satisfied with Dr. Xie's explanation. As soon as the doctor's words fell, Uncle Li also interjected: "Doctor Xie, in addition to fungus, what else should we eat to help blood vessel health?" ”

Dr. Xie smiled and was ready to answer, and Uncle Luo also listened attentively, hoping to get more health knowledge from the doctor.

Dr. Xie smiled and began to explain, his words full of enthusiasm for health knowledge and concern for patients. "When it comes to vascular health, the diets we often hear about such as whole grains, fish, and fruits and vegetables are important, but today I would like to share with you some foods that are often overlooked, but which are also very beneficial to blood vessels."

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Purple sweet potato. Contains anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. It can reduce oxidative stress and is important for the prevention of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, purple sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber, which not only helps intestinal health, but also helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, which has an excellent effect on maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Then there's peas, a seemingly ordinary legume, which actually contains a lot of protein and essential amino acids, which are key components in building and maintaining vascular health.

The high fiber and protein in peas can help control blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes, which is an important factor in cardiovascular disease. The antioxidants in peas can reduce inflammation, which is a non-negligible cause of cardiovascular disease.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Walnuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are good partners for our hearts. It can effectively reduce harmful lipids in the blood and help us stay away from the harm of heart disease.

Not only that, walnuts are also antioxidant masters, and the vitamin E and plant polyphenols in them can be active in the walls of our blood vessels, fighting off bad molecules that want to damage our blood vessels. In this way, walnuts help our blood vessels stay young and elastic, ensuring that blood flows smoothly and unimpeded.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Let's talk about the lesser-known black beans. Black beans are not only highly nutritious, but they also contain high amounts of bioflavonoids, which are natural compounds that have significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The high protein and fiber properties in black beans can also help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time while controlling blood sugar, which indirectly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

By incorporating these foods into our daily diet, we are not only providing the body with the essential nutrients it needs, but also enhancing the protection of the cardiovascular system in particular. Healthy eating habits can improve our quality of life in many different ways, and understanding these seemingly mundane but extremely important ingredients is the first step in protecting our own health.

After we've explored the foods that are good for blood vessel health, it's also important to be aware of those that can cause damage to blood vessels. Some foods that may not be so obvious but are actually extremely bad for vascular health.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Sugar. While the dangers of sugar have been widely discussed, many people may not be fully aware of just how serious the direct damage to blood vessels from excessive sugar intake is.

Sugar is not only one of the culprits that triggers weight gain, but more importantly, it causes a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, triggering an inflammatory response, which is one of the main causes of arteriosclerosis. Long-term high-sugar diet accelerates the damage to blood vessel walls and the process of arteriosclerosis, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

Less attention, but most harmful, is excessive intake of animal fats. Such as full-fat dairy products, high-fat meat. These foods are high in saturated fat and cholesterol levels that directly increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, while the buildup of LDL in the blood vessels will form plaques that further lead to hardening of the arteries.

Choosing low-fat or fat-free dairy products and reducing red meat in favour of fish or white meat can effectively manage this risk.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

By understanding these potentially harmful foods for vascular health, we can make more conscious choices about our daily diet, thus laying a strong foundation for maintaining our cardiovascular health.

It may take time and willpower to change your eating habits, but every step closer to health is worth it. Such lifestyle changes, while small, can bring huge health returns in the future.

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these

(All names have been changed)

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Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these



[1] Zhang Yuhong. The Effect of Strengthening Medication Safety Management and Health Education in the Department of Vascular Medicine, Health Management and Medical Education, 2021-7

Is fungus the "nemesis" of cholesterol? Doctor's advice: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must eat more of these