
Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Uncle Xiong Chengzhong thought to himself, "I have to make up for my body today", so he went to the vegetable market early. When picking spinach, the aunt next to him suddenly approached him mysteriously and whispered: "Cheng Zhong, although this spinach is beautiful green, I heard that it is a kidney disease accelerator!" Uncle Xiong Chengzhong wondered that the healthy food he had always thought had such a hidden danger.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

The doubts in his heart made him unable to buy groceries with peace of mind. On the way home, Uncle Xiong Chengzhong decided to go directly to his old friend Dr. Hu. Dr. Hu is an experienced nephrologist who is well aware of these "home remedies" and "misconceptions". As soon as Xiong Chengzhong arrived at the hospital, he couldn't wait to throw the question to Dr. Hu.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Hearing this, Dr. Hu smiled, motioned for Xiong Chengzhong to sit down, and then slowly explained: "Chengzhong, these words you have heard can only be regarded as half incomplete. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which may increase the burden on the kidneys and promote the formation of kidney stones if consumed in excess by people with renal insufficiency. For healthy people, it is okay to consume spinach in moderation. ”

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

He continued: "In fact, there is not only spinach in foods high in oxalic acid, but also tea, chocolate, nuts, etc. The key is to control the amount and eat a balanced diet. Oxalic acid itself is not a toxic ingredient and can only cause problems under certain conditions, such as excessive ingestion and a lack of the necessary mineral balance in the body. ”

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Dr. Wu also explained in detail the basic knowledge of kidney function and health maintenance, emphasizing the importance of healthy living. He told Xiong Chengzhong: "If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, in addition to paying attention to your diet, you also need to exercise regularly, maintain good living habits, and avoid excessive fatigue and long-term stress." Regular check-ups are also essential, especially at our age. ”

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

After this explanation, the stone in Uncle Xiong Chengzhong's heart finally landed. He thanked Dr. Hu for his patient answers, and thought that in the future, he would really pay more attention to his diet, and he could not judge anything based on rumors alone. Feeling much more relaxed, he waved goodbye to Dr. Hu and walked home briskly to prepare a "scientific dinner".

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

When it comes to kidney health, in addition to avoiding foods that can cause problems, there are also some vegetables that are the real "patrons of the kidneys". You may all know about regular healthy vegetables, such as carrots and tomatoes, but these three vegetables may make your eyes shine because they have a significant effect on maintaining kidney health.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Onions. Onions not only make dishes taste better, but they're also a great booster for kidney health. Onions are rich in antioxidants, such as sulfides and flavonoids, which can help reduce inflammation levels in the body and control blood pressure.

Onion also helps to reduce excess water in the body of patients with kidney disease, which is achieved through its diuretic effect, especially for those who need to control their body water.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Red bell peppers. Red bell peppers are rich in vitamins A, C, and B6, which are all important vitamins for supporting kidney health. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the kidneys eliminate free radicals from the body and reduce oxidative stress, while vitamins A and B6 are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and help prevent infections, which is very beneficial for protecting kidney function.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Celery. Celery may be a "supporting role" in the eyes of many people, but it can play a "leading role" when it comes to maintaining kidney health. Celery is high in water and rich in electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium, which help maintain electrolyte balance in the body, which helps the kidneys work properly.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Celery also has a certain diuretic effect, which means that it helps the kidneys flush out excess water and toxins, which reduces the pressure on the kidneys to work. Not only that, but celery also contains a compound called "apigenin", which has been found to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure, which is one of the keys to keeping your kidneys healthy.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

The selection and consumption of these vegetables is based on a simple but extremely important principle: a balanced diet. For the maintenance of kidney health, in addition to paying attention to the intake of these foods, we also need to pay attention to avoiding excessive consumption of high-salt, high-protein foods, which are common factors that lead to increased burden on the kidneys.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

By understanding these "kidney-friendly" vegetables and incorporating them into our daily diet, we can not only help the kidneys perform their physiological functions better, but also effectively prevent the occurrence of kidney disease.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Among the many ways to maintain kidney health, in addition to focusing on diet, there are some lesser-known lifestyle habits and natural remedies that can greatly promote kidney health. We often overlook these methods, but in fact, they can bring great benefits to our kidneys without us even realizing it.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Stay properly hydrated. We all know that drinking enough water is necessary, but what exactly should be done to best support kidney function?

Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is a general recommendation, and the right amount of water is based on an individual's weight, activity level, and existing health problems. Water not only helps the kidneys filter waste products, but also maintains blood fluidity and reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

Appropriate physical activity. Instead of vigorous exercise, regular moderate-intensity activities such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling can boost heart function and circulation, which indirectly supports kidney health.

By increasing muscle strength and improving blood circulation, exercise also helps the body use insulin more efficiently, further controlling blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes, a major cause of kidney disease.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

There are also special therapies that deserve attention, such as foot massage to stimulate acupuncture points associated with kidney health. Traditional Chinese medicine theories believe that many acupuncture points in the human body are connected by meridians, and that the function of internal organs, including the kidneys, can be promoted by massaging certain acupuncture points. For example, the Zusanli acupoint is located below the knees, and regular massage of this acupoint can help regulate kidney function and improve overall health.

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

With these lesser-mentioned methods, we can maintain kidney health more holistically. In practice, the comprehensive application of these strategies can help us support the function of the kidneys in many ways, prolong the health status of the kidneys, and improve the quality of life.

(All names have been changed)

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Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables



[1] Guo Cancan, Liu Dandan.Research progress in pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, West China Medicine, 2024-6

Is spinach a "catalyst" for the kidneys? Doctor's advice: If you want kidney health, you can eat more 3 kinds of vegetables

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