
How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

author:Poetry and books on the pillow are idle

Hello friends, let's learn Chinese characters today→ how to pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean? Let's find out!

How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?
How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

1. The pronunciation of the word "redundant".

Redundant pronunciation: rǒng, a first-level character in modern Chinese. It was first seen in small seals.

How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

Second, the basic information of the word "redundant".

Chinese: Redundant

Pinyin: rǒng

Note: ㄖㄨㄥˇ

Radical: 冖 (bald treasure cover)

Extradepartmental strokes: 2

Total strokes: 4

Five-stroke: PMB

Variant character: 宂

Structure: upper and lower structure

Stroke order:、乛 ノ ㇈

Stroke order writing: dot horizontal apostrophe/horizontal hook apostrophe horizontal bend hook

How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

3. What is the meaning of the word "redundant"?

The original meaning refers to idleness, and by extension, the meaning is redundant.

  1. Idle, superfluous and useless: ~ people. ~长 (cháng). ~Member. ~Superfluous.
  2. Busy, busy: dial ~ (take time out of your busyness). ~Troubled.
How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

4. Interpretation of ancient books


How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

Explain the words

How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

5. Etymological glyphs

How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?

What does "verbose" mean?

Long pronunciation: rǒng cháng

From: Western Jin Dynasty writer Lu Ji "Wenfu".

Meaning: Refers to (articles, speeches, etc.) a lot of nonsense, very long, and derogatory.

The word "lengthy" is used to describe something that lasts too long, beyond what is normal or necessary, causing inconvenience or boredom. It is often used to describe content such as articles, speeches, conferences, movies, etc., which are too long and lack compactness, leaving the listener or reader tired.

How do you pronounce the lengthy "redundant"? What do you mean?" What does "verbose" mean?