
After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

author:Mr. K. History

As the only female emperor in Chinese history to officially ascend the throne, Wu Zetian's life can be described as dangerous step by step.

Although Wu Zetian finally won the throne and ascended to the throne, the world's evaluation of her is still mixed.

And Wu Zetian seems to have expected this kind of thing, and specially set up a wordless tablet for himself, which means "Ren Jun commented".

Let's not talk about the descendants, in the court of Wu Zhou, how did the officials evaluate her? Isn't there a minister who wants to support her?

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Lady Wu Clan's Tang

Wu Zetian, the empress of Wu Zhou, how did she ascend to the throne that countless people dream of step by step as a woman? How many bumps in the road to her rise are, I'm afraid only she knows.

Legend has it that on the night Wu Zetian was born, the sudden light made the whole room white.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

The light even penetrated through the window, making Wu Zetian's father, who was waiting outside, feel delighted.

After all, the vision of the white light is the vision of the rich and noble people recorded in the ancient books, and it seems that his martial arts family is going to produce a boy who can be a big official.

But when the midwife came out with the child, he was stunned, because it was not the young master who was born, but a young lady.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Wu Zetian's father was directly dumbfounded, he was born with such a dazzling white light, this must be a rich and noble person, how could it be a daughter?

Wu Zetian's father hurriedly brought the child over to check, but the result was a big disappointment.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

But Wu Zetian's father didn't treat her badly because she was a girl, so Wu Zetian had a happy childhood.

In addition to his father, Wu Zetian has two elder brothers, and a mother who is a side room.

When Wu Zetian's father died, the two elder brothers were in charge of the family's affairs and always wanted to bully their mother and daughter.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

In the end, Wu Zetian's mother and daughter couldn't stand the insults of the two Wu brothers, and left the Wu family together and came to live in Chang'an.

At that time, Wu Zetian was only a dozen years younger, but he was already as beautiful as a fairy.

If it weren't for the fact that she and the two brothers of the Wu family who bullied them were brothers and sisters, I am afraid that Wu Zetian would not be able to get out of the gate of the Wu Mansion.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

After Wu Zetian came to Chang'an with his mother, he quickly became famous in Chang'an City. Every day, many people come to visit, hoping to see Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian's fame soon spread to the ears of Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin took advantage of an outing to come to the door of Wu's mother and daughter's house.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

After seeing Wu Zetian, Tang Taizong knew that the rumors in the market were not exaggerated, and Wu Zetian was indeed as beautiful as a fairy.

So Tang Taizong ordered Wu Zetian to be "invited" to the palace as a guest, which meant that there was no turning back.

Wu Zetian's mother had seen the darkness of a large family in the Wu family, so she was unwilling to let Wu Zetian go through the suffering of the harem again.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

But Wu Zetian still followed Tang Taizong into the palace without hesitation, she always thought in her heart that it was a great honor to be by the emperor's side, and others couldn't come if they wanted to.

But Wu Zetian did not get the favor she imagined when he entered the palace, but no one cared about him as if he had been beaten into the cold palace.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Of course, this is not Wu Zetian's fault, after all, Li Shimin was already in his sixties at that time.

Of course, in addition to Li Shimin's physical reasons, there is also a more mysterious reason.

As early as when Wu Zetian first entered the palace, Li Shimin personally met with a little Taoist boy. This boy is the boy next to the famous fortune teller Yuan Tiangang of the Tang Dynasty.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Yuan Tiangang sent a disciple to send a letter to Li Shimin, and the content of the letter was also very simple, with only one sentence: "The third generation of Tang died, and the heroine Wu took her place." ”

Although this sentence was short, it startled Li Shimin. Li Shimin hurriedly asked if there was a way to save him, such as killing all the women surnamed Wu in the world?

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

The boy relayed Yuan Tiangang's words to Li Shimin, this difficulty is unavoidable, you can't see blood, you have to follow the trend to have vitality.

Then the boy departed.

Soon Li Shimin thought of Wu Zetian, isn't this person a woman surnamed Wu?

So, Li Shimin imprisoned Wu Zetian in the harem and did not let Wu Zetian contact anyone.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

But there are always a few dishonest people in the palace, and when they hear that there is a fairy-looking concubine imprisoned in the harem, they want to come in and find out.

And the captain of this "expedition team" was Li Shimin's crown prince Li Zhi, and when they came to the cold palace, they saw the locked gate. They were not stumped, Li Zhi directly climbed over the wall, and then saw Wu Zetian.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

As soon as the two of them met, they fell in love. Soon Wu Zetian and Li Zhi were together in private, which can be regarded as a touch of warmth in the cold palace.

Li Shimin has never seen Wu Zetian since the side he saw among the people, and the second time he met was when Li Shimin was about to die.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Li Shimin's biggest worry before his death was the sentence left by Yuan Tiangang, under Li Shimin's questioning, Wu Zetian had no choice but to say that he wanted to become a monk and guard Li Shimin's soul, and Li Shimin let her go with peace of mind.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

However, although Li Shimin is enough to be wary of Wu Zetian, Wu Zetian's fate is really difficult to change.

After Wu Zetian became a monk in Ganye Temple, he was discovered by Li Zhi, who became the emperor, in the second year.

The two also agreed to continue the relationship after the expiration of the filial piety period in the third year.

In fact, he didn't wait three years, because Wu Zetian gave birth to a prince soon after returning to the palace.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

In the end, Wu Zetian relied on his son and Li Zhi's love for her, and his status in the harem soared, and even snatched the position of queen.

After becoming the queen, Wu Zetian's ambition became bigger and bigger, she began to ask Li Zhi to set up a phoenix chair above the court for herself, and she also began to learn to handle political affairs.

Subsequently, after a series of struggles, Wu Zetian ascended to the throne.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

The dragon shattered the dream of Emperor Wu

Wu Zetian ascended the throne at the age of sixty-six and became the emperor of Wu Zhou, although she is a woman, but she has been with Li Zhi for so many years, and she also understands the little thing in politics.

And she also has her own political means, so she naturally has a way to deal with those ministers in the DPRK who are dissatisfied with her. Her methods are extremely ruthless, otherwise this throne would not be Wu Zetian's turn to do it.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

In the early days of Wu Zetian, that is, during the period when she first ascended the throne, the politics of the DPRK and China were clear. She adopted a policy of light taxation and light labor, which reduced the pressure on the people.

Wu Zetian's political achievements at this time were very good, and he was even better at governing the country than Li Zhi, after all, Li Zhi could not make the world so peaceful when he was in power.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

But Wu Zetian's weakness is also obvious, that is, she has no eyes for people, and her cronies are all appointed by feeling.

Such official appointments have led to the emergence of many cool officials.

Those people have power in their hands, and their ambitions are gradually expanding. Under Wu Zetian's order, many of the old ministers of the previous dynasty were persecuted by these cool officials.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Therefore, Wu Zetian's reputation in the court is not very good, and many ministers secretly hate him.

In Wu Zetian's old age, she began to become arbitrary and arbitrary, arbitrarily deciding the life and death of ministers.

She is becoming more and more incapable of handling political affairs. Especially after the death of her right-hand man Di Renjie, Wu Zetian became even weaker.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

When Wu Zetian fell ill and couldn't get out of bed, she handed over most of the political affairs to her two "Aiqing": Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Zongchang.

But these two people don't know anything, they just greed for money and then leave the work to other people to do.

This chaotic behavior nearly collapsed the imperial court, so the ministers decided to stage a coup d'état and return the throne to Li Tang.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

So, before the coup officially began, several officials led by Prime Minister Zhang Khan Zhi took back Li Xian, who had been exiled after failing in the political struggle.

Li Xian is the son of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, which means that Wu Zetian is his biological mother. Originally, after Li Zhi's death, he should have been the one who took over the throne.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

After Li Xian secretly returned to Chang'an City, Zhang Khan Zhi and other officials said that Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Zongchang were secretly plotting a rebellion, so they led the forbidden army of Chang'an City to arrest the two of them.

Then the forbidden army surrounded the palace where Wu Zetian was recuperating, and Zhang Cambodia took the abdication edict prepared in advance, pushed the door and walked into Wu Zetian's bedroom.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Wu Zetian saw that it was not the two who came to the door, but Zhang Cambodia, and she instantly understood everything.

Wu Zetian didn't ink either, and after she signed the abdication edict, she drove everyone out, leaving only her own son.

Li Xian couldn't see Wu Zetian's expression, but he felt a trace of oppression.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Wu Zetian said to Li Xian: "I have a short life, I shouldn't be able to accompany you for long." ”

Li Xian felt a little guilty, Wu Zetian was his mother after all, and now that he was like this, he felt a little sorry for his mother.

Wu Zetian took Li Xian's hand and said, "Actually, I wanted to pass on the throne to you in a hundred years, why are you in such a hurry?" ”

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

Then Wu Zetian said that he was tired, so he drove Li Xian out. And Zhang Cambodia outside, they were cheering for the overthrow of Wu Zetian.

To celebrate Li Xian's accession to the throne, Li Xian held a grand banquet in the palace and invited many officials to attend.

Everyone talked and laughed at the banquet, but Yao Chong cried.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

They reproached him for weeping at this time, but he said, "It is my duty as a courtier to overthrow the tyrannical emperor with you." And I am crying today because I have accompanied Emperor Wu for many years, and today's sudden departure is my festival as a courtier under Emperor Wu. ”

Everyone was surprised, so how did Li Zhi react? He felt that Yao Chong was very loyal.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

At that banquet, everyone didn't know why Yao Chong was crying, and it wasn't until a year later that everyone found out that Yao Chong was the only one who understood.

After Li Xian ascended the throne, in order to vent his mother's anger, he exiled all the ministers who participated in the reorganization of Shenlong.

After Wu Zetian's abdication, everyone was happy, but Yao Chong was crying, and a year later, everyone found out: Yao Chong was right

And Zhang Cambodia, the head of those ministers, died directly on the way to exile, and the other ministers died or disappeared, which is really embarrassing.

What is the end of Yao Chong, who once cried in the palace?

Although they participated in the coup d'état, they showed their loyalty by crying in Li Xian. He was appointed prime minister by Li Xian, and then even became a very popular minister. Yao Chong really has great wisdom!