
"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

Talk about food moments

2024-06-30 08:38

There is an old saying among the people: "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought" What does this mean? When will it be in ambush in 2024, will the head leak, and how to see it?

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, it is about to come to the Gregorian calendar in July, in this month, there are two solar terms, the so-called, small summer and big heat, steaming and boiling, in addition, the dog days in the head of the volley, will also appear in the Gregorian calendar in July.

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

1. When is the ambush in 2024?

Ambush, also called the first day, refers to the first day of the dog days, it represents the beginning of the year, the hottest beginning, the time of the year is not fixed, in the traditional calendar, there is a record of "summer solstice three Geng will count the head of the volt", that is, from the beginning of the summer solstice solar terms, we began to count the Geng day, when counting to the third Geng day, is the beginning of the ambush.

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

This Geng day, it refers to the ancient "Ganzhi Chronicle Law" with the prefix "Geng" day. Because the date of the ambush is determined by the combination of the 24 solar terms and the Ganzhi day, the date of the summer solstice is not fixed, and the "Geng day" also has certain changes, coupled with the existence of leap months, resulting in the different time of the ambush every year.

The summer solstice in 2024 is June 21, that is, the 16th day of May in the lunar calendar.

The specific time of the dog days is:

Initial volt: July 15, 2024 - July 24, 2024, a total of 10 days.

Zhongfu: July 25, 2024 - August 13, 2024, a total of 20 days.

Last day: August 14, 2024 - August 23, 2024, a total of 10 days.

2. What does it mean to "three dog heads do not leak, and the cattle die in drought in Fuli"?

Sanfu head, that is, the beginning of the three dog days, we can directly understand that the volt head, or the beginning of the first volt, that is, when entering the ambush, leakage, meaning leakage, here refers to the rain in the sky. In ancient times, people often said that the sky was leaking, which meant that the rain kept falling, and in the whole dog days, drought, representing heat, even the old cows died of drought.

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

The meaning of this sentence is that if there is no rain during the ambush, then the whole dog day will be quite hot.

The author believes that this is easier to understand, originally dog days are the hottest stage of the year, at this time, if there is rain, then the follow-up cooler can also be understood, if it has not rained before this, it is naturally prone to drought, and even a hot weather.

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

There is also a proverb: "drenching the head, drought and tail, rain in the middle and see the cold in autumn", in the futian, rain at different times, the impact on the subsequent entire weather is very large.

3. Will the head leak?

This means that when the ambush is in place, whether it will rain or not, then it depends on the weather conditions of the day, and we can also judge it simply by the weather forecast.

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

If it rains, the dog days will be relatively hot, if there is no rain, then the dog days will be relatively hot, we must do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down. After all, this year's dog days have 40 days, which is a relatively long dog day.

"The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

Of course, these proverbs and proverbs are all regional, but they are some natural laws passed down by people's mouth, and they cannot represent the specific actual situation, so we can understand it, and we can't use it as an absolute standard for judging the hot and cold of the dog days.

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  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?
  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?
  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?
  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?
  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?
  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?
  • "The dog head does not leak, and the cow dies in the drought", when will it be in ambush in 2024? Will the volt head leak?

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