
The three most recommended majors to take in 2024

author:Cheerful pencil Da

In recent years, the list of popular majors in the college entrance examination has been released, and engineering majors such as artificial intelligence, communication engineering, and big data technology, as well as medical majors such as clinical medicine and stomatology, have attracted much attention. This article will reveal the top three popular majors for you to apply for in 2024!

The three most recommended majors to take in 2024

1. Which major is the most popular in the college entrance examination in recent years?

In recent years, the medical profession has attracted much attention, and according to the latest data in 2023, clinical medicine has topped the list of popular majors, and it is popular at both undergraduate and specialist levels. Looking back on the past three years, engineering majors such as artificial intelligence, big data technology, robotics engineering, communication engineering, etc., have become popular choices for the college entrance examination due to technological innovation in the data age and the demand for talents from high-tech enterprises. From the undergraduate enrollment data of the past nine years, it can be seen that engineering, management, and art have always occupied the top three, but the trend shows that engineering and art continue to heat up, and management has gradually cooled down. In terms of specific majors, engineering majors are gradually rising on the popular list of college entrance examinations, while management is showing a downward trend, which reflects the change in the society's demand for different professional talents.

The three most recommended majors to take in 2024

2. The three most recommended majors to take in 2024

For students who are about to enter the university campus, what majors are your smart choices in 2024? According to the latest employment report of Max Education and Research Institute, electronic information, medicine and traditional engineering majors other than civil engineering are undoubtedly the three most popular directions. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the employment trends of China's undergraduate and junior college graduates in the past five years, and clearly outlines the list of green card majors with broad employment prospects.

For undergraduates, the green card majors are mainly concentrated in engineering fields closely related to computers and electronic information. Information engineering, electronic engineering and automation, microelectronic science and engineering and other majors have become the preferred choice of graduates because of their cutting-edge technology and high demand. At the same time, traditional engineering majors such as energy and power engineering, road and bridge and river crossing engineering are also attracting attention due to their stable job market and wide application prospects. In addition, interdisciplinary engineering majors such as mechatronic engineering and digital media technology also provide diversified employment options for undergraduates.

The three most recommended majors to take in 2024

At the level of higher vocational colleges, engineering majors also performed eye-catching. Road and bridge engineering technology, power plant and power system, railway engineering technology and other majors, with their strong technical and high professional barriers in the energy, transportation and other industries occupy a place. For students who have failed the college entrance examination slightly, choosing the green card majors of these higher vocational colleges can also pave a solid path for their future careers.

In general, whether you are an undergraduate or a vocational college student, choosing electronic information, medicine and traditional engineering majors will lay a solid foundation for your future career development. This report from Max Education and Research Institute will undoubtedly provide a powerful reference and guidance for your choice of university major.