
Did you do something out of the ordinary? It can't be a forced kiss on the little uncle, right? I feel like I'm cheating.

author:Sunshine sheets
Did you do something out of the ordinary? It can't be a forced kiss on the little uncle, right? I feel like I'm cheating.

The picture comes from the Internet

Pink Porsche interior.

Lu Zhan's gentle eyebrows and eyes were vaguely serious, and a cold voice sounded in the cramped carriage, mixed with a hint of coolness.

"Listen to Shiguan, did you confess successfully? He's your boyfriend? "The three words of boyfriend are elongated.

Lu Shiguan: "......"

She didn't say anything!

"Well, he's my boyfriend." Lan Xi answered his question seriously.

Lu Zhan's ink eyes were as silent as stars, his gaze slowly moved to the right, glanced at Lan Xi, and said in a deep voice, "Your vision is not very good." ”

Lan Xi: "Huh? ”

"He won't help you with your bag." Lu Zhan drove indifferently, his face condensed.

These words evoked Lan Xi's memory.

Throughout the day, Zhou Ran really never asked to help her get her bag.

This will be pointed out sharply by Lu Zhan, and Lan Xi's fair little face is embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

"Little uncle, there is no hard requirement that boys should do this." Lan Xi made excuses.

The land war was silent.

Others he doesn't know, his girlfriend, must be unconditionally pampered, this is the most basic.

The atmosphere in the carriage is quiet.

The man's tail voice went up, with a light smile, and changed the topic, "I sent your BMW car to be destroyed, this pink Porsche, give it to you." ”

"Little uncle, this is too valuable." Lan Xi was surprised, and her apricot eyes widened.

Porsche says a few millions.

Although the Lan family can afford it, she is still in school, and it is good to drive a low-key BMW.

"I also bought the red Maserati for her in Shiguan, you don't have to be pressured, as a gift from the elders to the juniors." Lu Zhan was afraid that she would not accept it.

This damn elder status is occasionally very useful.

Lan Xi was dumbfounded.

Lu Shiguan and him are uncles and nephews.

And she.

and the relationship between the eight poles of the land war and the eight poles.

"There was a serious problem with that BMW, and it couldn't be repaired, so it had to be replaced with a new one." Lu Zhan continued.

"I can buy it myself, little uncle." Lan Xi's eyes were serious and determined.

Lu Zhan made the final decision, "Don't refuse." ”

Lan Xi quietly sent a message to Lu Shiguan, the meaning of the good sister, "Xixi, accept it, my little uncle has money, just a Porsche."

"If you hadn't told me that he really likes men, I would have wanted you to be my little aunt, hey, it's a pity, I can only support you in pursuing your senior."

Xiao Yu ......

The tips of Lan Xi's ears were hot.

"Don't talk nonsense, my little uncle has someone he likes but can't be together, it's hard enough, don't block him."

"Alright, alright, don't worry."

"We can't say such things again in the future, we have to support the feelings of the little uncle."

"Okay, listen to you."

Lan Xi took back her phone.

Turning her head, she smiled at Qin Li who was fighting on the land, her apricot eyes were slightly curved, "Little uncle, come on." "Clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture.

Lu Zhan's eyebrows were raised, what did Little Rose say?

Inexplicably, she was poked by her actions and laughed, and a low laugh spilled out of her throat.

Lan Xi didn't realize that it was not the way home, until the car stopped in front of a restaurant.

"Little uncle, are we here for dinner?" Lan Xi followed and got out of the car.

Her relationship with Lu Zhan is beyond the scope of what it should be.

If you want to talk and stop, he is his best friend's uncle, and it is difficult to ignore him.

High-end western restaurant.

A meal in five figures.

Now she really believes that what Lu Shiguan said just now is just a Porsche.

Nothing more......

Oh, yes.

A Porsche can be said to be delivered away, and a high-end Western meal is nothing.

The waiter walked over and led them to their predetermined window position.

Lan Xi took out her mobile phone, "I'll call Guanguan and ask her to come and eat together." ”

"No, she's eaten." Lu Zhan took away the phone.

The tablet slipped into her hand and asked her to order.

On the screen of the mobile phone that had not yet been turned off, Lu Zhan saw the last message from Lu Shiguan, "Little aunt."

Lu Shiguan finally joked, Lan Xi didn't see it, so he let Lu Zhan look at it first.

Lock your phone's screen and set it aside.

Peach Blossom Eyes looked at Lan Xi's mobile phone intentionally or unintentionally, and this little aunt shouted to his heart.

immediately transferred millions of pocket money to Lu Shiguan.

Lu Shiguan: "......"

What's the situation?

"Uncle, I love you, you are really my dear uncle!"

"Emote withdrawn."

"Oh! Such a cute little expression."

"You like to flirt?"

"Little uncle, girls like it, there are hundreds of expressions, more than me."

Land Warfare: "......"

His eyes lifted slightly, and Lan Xi looked at the menu seriously.

Lu Zhan stared at her drooping half of her face, the eyelashes under her beautiful eyebrows were like thick brushes, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed to sweep across his heart, causing a burst of itching.

Fingertips curled up and clasped the edge of the phone.

"Send me your expression."

「……??? Are you still my little uncle? It's not your character."

"Lest you be called old often."



A series of messages were sent, all of which were Lu Shiguan's emojis.

Hearing the voice, Lan Xi raised his eyes to look at him.

If she is not allowed to play with her mobile phone, but she is playing there, the elders will oppress people with majesty and be wronged.

"Little uncle, I'll order it, you can see what else you want." Lan Xi turned the tablet in one direction and placed it in front of him.

Lu Zhan glanced at it, and the little girl only ordered two dishes.

Fingertips touch on the screen and add a few.

"Eat so little, too lean, no meat." Lu Zhan's lazy voice rose slowly, and he couldn't say that there was no meat he was referring to, but where there was no meat.

The voice was three points more frivolous, and it came out of his mouth, but it did not make people feel disliked and disgusted.

"There's meat." Lan Xi retorted.

Lu Zhan chuckled in a low voice, his chest rising and falling as he laughed, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

Lan Xi bit his lip and frowned, Lu Zhan clenched his fist against his lips, and he could vaguely see the curvature of the corners of his eyes.

"Little uncle, what are you laughing at?" The questioning voice was also soft, and his apricot eyes were full of water.

Lu Zhan's smile was refreshing, like a summer sea salt soda blowing on his face.

"I think the way you retorted just now is cute." A pair of dark eyes looked at her with a smile.

The back of Lan Xi's ears seemed to burn slowly, and the neon colors outside the window shone into the glass window, dappled with light and shadow.

It fell on her, her hair glowing and covering her reddened earlobes.

Her voice was soft, "Little uncle......"

Sorry to call him softly.

Lu Zhan's gaze stayed on her, and the waiter interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere when he served the food.

"All the dishes are ready, and the two of them use it slowly. Today there is an event in our restaurant, couples can get a pair of special bears at the designated location to take photos and check in, which are pink. ”

The waiter smiled brightly and pointed to the check-in place not far away.

Lan Xi was confused, opened his mouth to refute the waiter, "We ......"

"Okay, let's go." Lu Zhan raised his eyes and glanced at the check-in place not far away.

The bear doll is pink, and Lan Xi likes it.

Lan Xi was interrupted by his words, she turned her back to the punch field, and needed to turn around to see, and followed the line of sight of the landing battle.

It's really a pair of pink bears.

The pink bear is so cute, at first glance, she likes it very much.

Biting my lower lip, I want it so much.

But the relationship between her and her little uncle is not what the waiter said.

As my thoughts drifted, there was a warmth in my wrist, and a familiar smell lingered on the tip of my nose.

Lu Zhan grabbed her wrist.

He was calm, "You like all things pink, don't you like the bears?" ”

Lu Zhan leaned down, the distance was almost close, and the aura on his body became rich.

A clear and shallow voice whispered in Lan Xi's ear, "Pretend we are a couple." ”

"You don't lose, and you ...... No one will know. ”

Lu Zhan lowered his eyes, his gaze fixed on her clear apricot eyes, and the tail note was magnetic.

Lan Xi's whole body was enveloped by his aura, and the waiter stood not far away and watched them. Every sense in her body was magnified, and Lu Zhan pinched her earlobe lightly with his fingertips in front of the waiter.

The action is intimate and ambiguous, just like what couples would do.

She didn't say yes.

Her wrist was still held by Lu Zhan, pulling her up from her position.

The warmth and strength from her wrist made her feel that this was not a dream.

Every touch.

Lan Xi didn't feel comfortable.

When they came to the photo check-in place, the staff took out a photo of the designated action for them to choose.

Each photo is intimate, and there are people kissing.


Lan Xi just fell in love, and the first kiss was still there, so it was impossible for her to kiss Lu Zhan.

Lu Zhan picked out a photo leaning on his shoulder, "How about this one?" ”

Lan Xi opened his eyes, barely acceptable.

"That's it."

Standing in front of the punch wall, the staff instructed them to move.

"The girl's head is a little closer to the boy's shoulder."

"Boys can put their arms around girls' shoulders."

"You are so strange, you can't pretend to be a couple for this little bear, right?"

The staff joked.

A trace of nervousness crossed Lan Xi's face, and the tips of his ears were hot.

Lu Zhan curled his eyelashes, his thin lips opened slightly, and he smiled dumbly, "We have just been together for a short time, and we are still getting acquainted with each other. ”

"I see, I promise to give you a satisfactory shot." The staff laughed.

Lan Xi was inexplicably weak-hearted.

After taking the photo, the staff gave a pair of pink bears to Lan Xi, "You take it." ”

"Thank you." Lan Xi took it, his voice soft.

Lu Zhan's fingers on her shoulder curled slightly, "You go first." ”

Lan Xi walked away, Lu Zhan took out his mobile phone and looked at the staff, "Can you send me the photo just now?" ”

"Haha, yes." The staff smiled teasingly.

The photo was passed over, and Lu Zhan carefully collected it.

After dinner.

Lu Zhan drove Lan Xi back.

Instead of taking her back to Rose Manor tonight, she was sent back to Apartment One.

Give her the car keys, "Take the keys well, and pay attention to safety when driving." ”

"Little uncle, then how do you go back?" Lan Xi took it.

The car key was placed in the palm of her hand, and Lu Zhan's fingertips swept it gently, causing a wave of itching.

He furrowed his eyebrows, the dim lights of the underground parking lot shone down, obscuring his dark eyes.

The uplifted tone was soft and tactful, with a seductive and a slight smile spreading.

"I can't go back, will you let me go up?"

Lan Xi: "......"

The fingertips curled up a curl, and his breathing was slightly rapid, "I'll go up first." ”

"You call Assistant Yue to pick you up."

Dropping this sentence, Lan Xi quickened his pace and walked to the elevator room.

Lu Zhan stood there and looked at her, his low muffled laughter was particularly clear in the empty parking lot.

Lan Xi poked his head out to look at him after entering the elevator, and found that Lu Zhan was looking at him, and hurriedly retreated.

Elevator up.

When he got home, Lan Xi sent him a message, "It's home, thank you uncle for the car and dinner, good night."

The phone rings at the door.

After she went upstairs, Lu Zhan also came up to make sure she got home safely.

The phone screen flickered with the girl's emoji, a smile hung from the corner of her mouth, she pressed the phone screen, and stayed quietly in the corridor for a long time before leaving.

Lan Xi was lying on the bed after taking a shower, and there was no thoughtful message on her mobile phone.

After a few hours of separation, he did not look for himself.

The little fair face was dull, the eyelashes trembled slightly, and a strange feeling welled up in my heart.

A heart sank.

The senior must be busy, and she can also take the initiative to message him.

"Senior, what are you doing?"

didn't receive a message from Zhou Ran, and Lu Shiguan's dialog box jumped in.

She made a video call.

"Xixi, I'll come to the Lu family's old house for dinner tomorrow, my mother said that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you." Lu Shiguan's light voice drifted into the eardrums.

Lan Xi was embarrassed when he thought of land battles.

It's okay to go to the Lu family's old house, just don't see Lu Zhan.

Her voice was soft, "Will Uncle Xiao go back?" ”

"I heard my dad say that my little uncle will go on a business trip to the next city tomorrow and won't come back." Lu Shiguan replied very sincerely.

Lan Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Lu Shiguan smelled a hint of abnormality, and gossiped, "Why do you care about my little uncle?" ”

"Nothing." Lan Xi's dark apricot eyes flashed, avoiding answering the question.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up.

Zhou Ran still didn't reply to the message.

Lu Zhan suddenly sent a voice, the voice was lazy and magnetic, gentle and bewitching, listen carefully, the tail note trembled slightly.

"You don't want to share one of the bears you got in the name of a couple?"

"At least, I did my part."

The man's words were clear, and the deep timbre was repeated in her ear, in the earpiece.

This voice is too crispy.

She typed, "Then next time we meet, I'll give you one." ”

Lu Zhan is right, he also contributed, and the gifts should be divided equally.

Lan Xi didn't realize that she had fallen into Lu Zhan's trap, and he didn't say anything about what he could just say.

Lu Zhan held down and spoke, "Okay, I'll ask you next time we meet." ”

The snow is like salt, and it snowed heavily in Beijing today.

Snowflakes fell from the gray sky, light and elegant, silently covering the entire city, covering the white landscape.

Towards evening, Lan Xi drove her pink Porsche to the Lu family's old house.

Taking down the gift from the car and handing it to the maid, Lu Shiguan ran over and sat down in the living room holding her hand.

"Come on, what kind of gifts do you bring?" Lu Shiwan didn't like her being so polite.

They are good friends, and when they come to Lu's house, they just like going home.

Lan Xi smiled.

It is basic etiquette to be a guest at someone's house.

The Sultan cooks herself, and even though she is the wife of a wealthy family, she also has a good hand at cooking.

Her family likes it, and she is willing to cook.

"I'm here." While the pot was still stewing, the Sultan came out to talk to them.

"Hello Auntie." Lan Xi's little face is puffy, the long eyelashes are covered, and the magnificent little face is quiet.

"I have a nice blush on my face today." The Sultan observed the subtleties and complimented her on her makeup.

Lu Shiwan's eyes widened, "I didn't even notice it, Mom, how did you see it." ”

The three women were in a play, and when they were chatting happily, two figures walked in from the door.

One of them has a calm temperament, and he is Lu Shiguan's father, Lu Hua.

Beside him, a man with a tall posture exudes a noble temperament.

…… It's land warfare.

Didn't you say he went on a business trip? How did you come back so fast?

Lu Zhan's burning eyes stared at Lan Xi, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his gaze behind the lenses concealed a faint nostalgia.

Today he wears a pair of gold-framed glasses, a black coat on his arm, and a custom-made suit that sets off his slender and straight figure, and his temperament is outstanding.

Lan Xi's heart trembled slightly, and she couldn't help curling her fingers.

The cold wind poured into the living room through the crack in the door, and Lan Xi shrank for a moment.

"Little uncle, aren't you going on a business trip?" Lu Shiguan was surprised.

"I'm going to be back when the matter is settled, and I can't go home yet?" Lu Zhan handed the coat to the servant and hung it up.

Lu Shiguan pouted, and he didn't often go back to the Lu family's old house.


She came to the Lu family, how could he not be there?

The little girl didn't look at him, but looked down at her toes, and her ears beside her white cheeks were pale crimson.

Shy again......

After dinner, Lan Xi went upstairs to find Lu Shiguan.

Encountering Lu Zhan at the top of the stairs, the man blocked the way, "Meet so soon, Lan Xi." ”

"Yes...... yes, little uncle. ”

Lan Xi picked her ears uncomfortably, how could she see Lu Zhan, she was uncomfortable.

Yesterday pretending to be a couple thing, this will be unscrupulous in the mind.

Take a deep breath and look up at him, his apricot eyes like the moon.

"Little uncle, I'm looking for Guanguan, you let me go over."

"I didn't stop you."

Lu Zhan's expression paused slightly, his pupils reflected her figure, and he replied seriously.

Lan Xi was embarrassed for a while.

There was such a big aisle next to her, and she could go over both, and her eyelashes fluttered, and she walked past Lu Zhan.

Behind him, Lu Zhan reminded, "Don't forget what you promised me last night." ”


Lan Xi didn't think about it for a while.

What promised him last night......

Little Bear!

"Okay." She muttered, "But tomorrow, I didn't bring it." ”

Lu Zhan took two steps back, his dark eyes smiling arbitrarily, and his eyebrows raised.

Staring at Lan Xi's reddened eyes, he lowered his voice, "Say that you will meet me next time, and you can't break your promise." ”

"I'll go back with you later."

Lan Xi: "......"

Lan Xi looked at Lu Zhan speechlessly.

The corners of his mouth hooked a thin smile, those peach blossom eyes are beautiful and charming, what does he want the bear to do? Is it to give it to the person he likes?

Thinking like this, Lan Xi didn't think it was strange.

Anyone has the right to pursue love, and it is understandable that the little uncle just wants to give a gift to the person he likes.

Lu Zhan didn't wait for her to agree, and walked downstairs.

Lan Xi turned around and went to Lu Shiguan's room.

Lu Shiwan pulled Lan Xi and asked how she felt about her date with Zhou Ran yesterday, Lan Xi pulled out a helpless wry smile, and told her what she didn't reply to when she sent him a message last night.

"Senior, why is this!" Lu Shiwan was a little angry after hearing this.

Zhou Ran has always been gentle and easy to get along with at school, enthusiastic, and when he meets someone to greet him when he walks on campus, he will smile back.

So cold in the face of your own girlfriend?

"The senior estimated that something was delayed, so he didn't reply." Lan Xi forced a smile, and she felt that this excuse was far-fetched.

"Xixi, don't make excuses, no matter how busy you are, you should reply to the message and tell the other party that you are busy, instead of saying nothing." Lu Shiwan has never been in love, but he also knows how to do it.

Thinking seriously about Lu Shiguan's words, Lan Xi's good-looking apricot eyes were scattered.


The phone on the bed rang suddenly.

Lan Xi's eyes lit up instantly, his eyebrows were clear, and he raised his mobile phone, "The senior has replied." ”

"Lan Xi, I'm sorry, I came to the next city last night for something temporarily, and I have been busy, so I don't have time to reply to your messages."

"It's fine."

"I have something to do, you can rest early."

After Zhou Ran finished saying this, he disappeared again.

If Lan Xi edited it, she didn't have a chance to send it out, so she deleted it all.

Lu Shiguan saw her loneliness in her eyes and couldn't bear to hit her again.

"Or ...... Let's go out for a drink? ”

If you're in a bad mood, you always have to have a way to vent,

Lan Xi pulled her eyebrows, cast a fine and dense silhouette under her long eyelashes, and her red lips were slightly open.

"You're not afraid of the little uncle."

"I'm afraid." Lu Shiwan shrunk her neck, "Say you want to go." ”

Lan Xi: "......"

The mood that was originally low doesn't seem to be so low.

"Let's go, let's go~" Lu Shiguan pulled her up.

The two went downstairs.

On the first floor, I met the land war.

He walked from the direction of Lu Hua's study, probably just finished talking about the company.

"Little uncle, let's go out for a while." Lu Shiwan curled her lips and smiled.

Lu Zhan frowned lazily, and his words were brisk, "It's almost nine o'clock, where are you going?" ”

Carefully observing Lu Shiguan's makeup, Lu Zhan directly pierced, "You want to go to the bar?" ”

Lu Shiwan gasped.

Uncle Xiao is simply a god!

"That, I'm in a bad mood, let's go have a drink or two and relax and relax." Lu Shiguan's tone was serious this time, not like he was pushing Lan Xi out as a shield.

Lu Zhan covered his thick eyebrows, his eyebrows were lowered, and his cold gaze fell on Lan Xi's dark apricot eyes.

The little girl's dark eyes were dim, and her eyebrows and eyes that were smiling in the past were only dull, and it could be seen that she was really not in a good mood.

Lan Xi blinked, and when he raised his eyes, his tone was slow, "Little uncle, is it okay?" ”

The sudden mood made her mood a little low.

Fingertips clench the hem of your garment.

"Yes." Lu Zhan bent his fingers, his hand was in his trouser pocket, and the hem of his shirt hung loosely behind him, lazy and casual, "However, I don't worry about you two girls." ”

"So, I'll go along."

Bow Bar.

The booth with the best view of the bar is the exclusive territory of the land war.

The mixed air was filled with the smell of tobacco and alcohol, the booths were filled with smoke, the dim lights shone on the crowd, and the music was turned on so loudly that it almost shook the ears of the deafening.

Because Lu Zhan followed, Lan Xi and Lu Shiguan just stayed in the booth and drank honestly, and did not go to the dance floor to dance.

Yan Yu was busy.

"It's not fun to drink dry, so it's better to ...... Playing a game? ”


Lan Xi's voice was low and soft.

Lu Zhan stared at her silently, the tails of his eyes trembled obviously, and there was a slight distress in his eyes, and after a few seconds, he also participated, and his voice was hoarse, "Let's play." ”

"Let's play Truth or Dare." Yan Yu calls the shots.

He picked up an empty beer bottle from the ground and placed it on the table.

Lan Xi drank another glass of beer, "Okay." ”


I don't know if it's because of the low mood, Lan Xi felt that tonight's wine was very intoxicating, rubbed the corners of her forehead, her head was dizzy, she seemed to have only drunk three bottles of beer.

Lu Zhan observed her every move, his thick eyebrows full of worry.

"Start in a clockwise direction, Lan Xi, you go first." Yan Yu picked up the wine and put it on the table for easy access.

Lan Xi frowned.

The white fingers pressed the bottle and turned it around hard, and the bottle pointed at her.

"This game is truth or dare, the bottle points at you, and the three of us can each ask you a question." Yan Yu smiled evilly.

Lu Shiwan sighed, "When did the rules of the game become like this?" ”

"That's how I play in my bar." Yan Yu hooked his lips.

Lan Xi straightened his waist and sat down, his hands on his knees, "Okay, ask!" ”

Yan Yu rubbed his palms and was the first to ask, "Do you have anyone you like?" Is he here? ”

His problem is too obvious.

is obviously targeted, and in addition to him, it is the land war.

When Yan Yu looked at Lu Zhan's dark eyes, he lowered his voice and approached his ear, "She is the little rose you like, your eyes are very innocent." ”

He could see it, so he did it on purpose.

Lu Shiwan looked at Yan Yu in surprise, he wouldn't like it, right?

The figure of Zhou Ran appeared in Lan Xi's mind for the first time.

But after the first date yesterday, Zhou Ran seemed to be a different person, and she suddenly didn't want to answer this question.

Picking up the wine glass, "I drink." ”

She drank all the wine in the cup, looked at Lu Zhan, and said in a soft and slow voice, "It's time for you to ask, little uncle." ”

Lu Zhan's dark eyes were rippling, like the blue and deep water of a lake, attracting Lan Xi, and it was bound to pull her into the whirlpool and immerse herself.

"I won't ask, let you go." Lu Zhan didn't want to ask the question he wanted to ask and couldn't get the answer he wanted to hear, so he simply didn't ask.

Lan Xi blinked her glossy eyes.

Lu Zhan didn't ask, Yan Yu took the opportunity, "You don't ask, I'll ask, Lan Xi, do you like men older than you?" ”

The second question still revolves around feelings.

Lu Shiguan was surprised again.

It seems that Yan Yu really fell in love with Xixi at first sight, Xixi can't be her little aunt, and it's not bad to be Yan Yu's girlfriend.

Lan Xi smiled, his apricot eyes were clear and bright, his eyes were shining with a wet light, like the eyelashes of a feather fan slowly fanning, and his drunken slow movements looked very good.

Lu Zhan lowered his eyes in confusion, he wanted to hear whether Lan Xi would like a man older than her.

Lan Xi rested his elbows on the table, trying to support his head.

Suddenly tilted his head and looked at Lu Zhan, the bite was very light, his red lips curled, and he smiled, "Yes, ......"

The fingertips of the palms and fingers on Lu Zhan's knees curled up, and he couldn't help but tighten, hearing Lan Xi's words, his breathing unconsciously became a little heavier, the lights were dim, and the emotions in his ink eyes were unknown.

Looking at the girl beside her, the deep eyes that were close at hand were full of seriousness.

Yan Yu's gaze wandered back and forth between the two of them, and the corners of his mouth were teasing smiles.

Lu Shiguan opened his eyes in horror, would Brother Yan Yu's purpose be too obvious, he really liked it.

But I'm going to have a boyfriend, isn't this digging into other people's corners?

"It's not fun, so I'm not going to play it." Lu Shiwan interrupted the ongoing game and took down the beer bottle on the table.

Lan Xi was drunk and dizzy, his steps were vague when he stood up, and his body was crooked, Lu Zhan hurriedly stood up and let her lean on him.

"I'm going to the bathroom......"

Lan Xi's drunken voice was soft and glutinous.

Lu Shiguan walked over, "I'll help you go." ”

"Shiguan, I have something to tell you, let Ah Zhan send her." Yan Yu pulled the person away.

"Hey...... No, what can you tell me? Lu Shiwan wanted to shake off Yan Yu's hand, but he clenched it very tightly.

The two disappeared.

Lu Zhan lowered his eyes, his eyes gradually darkened, the hand hanging by his side hugged Lan Xi's crisp waist, his eyes fell on her side face, under the thick eyebrows and long eyelashes, those eyes were as bright as stars.

"I'll take you, can you still go?" The man's voice was extremely gentle.

The big rough palm rested on Lan Xi's drunken and slightly drunk cheeks, and the thumb brushed her soft lips.

"Yes...... Can ......"

Lan Xi tilted his head, his little hands tugged at the clothes of the landing battle, his body swayed slightly, and his wet apricot eyes contained moisture, relying on the chest of the landing battle.

Lu Zhan helped her tidy up her messy hair, took out a headrope from her pocket, and tied her long black hair into a low ponytail.

Gently brushing up his hair, Lan Xi circled his waist, motionless, very well-behaved.

"Alright." Lu Zhan shook his head helplessly.

Hold Lan Xi's wrist tightly and take her to the bathroom.

Lan Xi's footsteps floated, and Lu Zhan directly picked up the person horizontally, with only the drunk and hazy girl in his eyes in his eyes.

Lan Xi rubbed in his arms, muttering some inaudible words in his mouth.

Lu Zhan lowered her head to listen, and a name slowly spat out of her mouth.


The big palm holding her arm curled up slightly, the light above his head shining on him, and his face was full of sourness.

Every movement of her, every smile, can make waves in his heart.

"It's called Lu Zhan." He's good at it.

Lan Xi in his arms muttered, "Lu ...... War. She frowned slightly and shook her head, "No...... No, it's a small ...... Little uncle. ”

"I'm not your little uncle." Lu Zhan hugged her tightly.

Lan Xi's slightly drunk appearance made his heart itch, and he lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Baby, call my name." ”

Gently hugged her into his arms, warm breath sprayed on his ears, the man's deep voice lingered, Lan Xi raised his eyes, and softly hooked Lu Zhan's neck.

The clear eyes are shiny and watery, with a little sultry.

"Land ......"

Hearing this, the corners of Lu Zhan's mouth unconsciously smiled.

The corners of the eyes and eyebrows are dyed with tenderness.

Hold her hard.

"Good." The light timbre is dyed with a hint of mistle.

Lan Xi frowned, "Bathroom." ”

The beer swelled, and her little face twisted.

Lu Zhan chuckled dumbly, and a muffled laugh overflowed from his chest, "Okay, I'll take you there." ”

The lights outside the restroom were dim.

Lan Xi staggered out, his apricot eyes were hazy, his cheeks were crimson, Lu Zhan walked quickly to her side, and there were wisps of ripples in his eyes.

Gently wrap your arms around Lan Xi's waist.

Lan Xi leaned into his arms and buried her head in his chest.

"Go home." Slurred words spread from Lu Zhan's chest.

"Okay, take you home." Lu Zhan carefully picked her up, and Lan Xi's body was soft against him.

One hand passed through the man's arm, and the other hand naturally fell to her side, and a few strands of hair fell from the delicate side face, tickling it, and she shook her face.

Lu Zhan carried her and slowly walked to the car.

Open the car door, gently put the person in the passenger seat, and fasten the seatbelt for her.

The phone rang.

In a deep voice, "Hey." ”

"Ah Zhan, Shiguan and I will drink together, this will be too drunk, where are you? Shall I send her back or will you call someone to pick her up? Yan Yu's warm voice came from the earpiece, mixed with a little drunkenness.

"Carry her out." Lu Zhan snorted.


A few minutes later, Yan Yu came out with Lu Shiwan in his arms.

The black Bentley stopped on the side of the road, Yue Ze got out of the car and opened the door, and Yan Yu put the person in the back seat of the car.

"This little girl, who drinks a lot, walks away, and is a little dizzy by her." Yan Yu waved his hand and turned to leave.

Lu Zhan instructed Yue Ze, "Send her to the Rose Manor, call her up tomorrow morning, and send her to school." ”

"Yes, sir." Koshizawa responded.

The black Bentley drove away.

Lu Zhan sat in the driver's seat of the pink Porsche, and noticed that the temperature in the car was still a little low, so he turned the temperature up a few degrees.

Reaching out and gently caressing Lan Xi's hair, he started the car, drove away slowly, and set off in the direction of Apartment One.

The small carriage is filled with the smell of pampering.

The apartment illuminates the rooms with soft lighting.

Lu Zhan put the person on the bed, and the moment Lan Xi touched the bed, he woke up in a blur, and his misty eyes saw the man in front of him, and the corners of his mouth hooked up an intoxicating smile.

"Little uncle, why are you ...... here?"

The words were vague and indistinct, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Zhan smiled helplessly.

"It's not worth it for a man like this, soft, can you see how I am?" Lu Zhan stroked her cheek.

The bottom of his heart became softer and softer, and his rough fingertips rubbed gently, and for a while, the hair hanging down his ears was pulled behind his ears by him, and he looked at her with his eyes full of tenderness.

Lu Zhan took a glass of warm water and helped her up, "Soft, drink a little water first, otherwise your head will hurt tomorrow." ”

Lan Xi was woken up by him.

The discomfort of being woken up in her sleep made her slightly angry.

Coquettishly murmured, "Annoying." ”

"Well, drink some water." Lu Zhan put the water glass close to her lips, Lan Xi's body reaction was greater than the nervous consciousness, and he took a few sips.

Drink the whole person and fall down again.

The neckline of Lu Zhan's white shirt was slightly open, a section of his chest muscles was exposed, and a shallow smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking at the soft body sleeping on the bed, his eyebrows were soft.

Sitting on the couch in the room guarded her.

After glancing at the time, he dialed Yue Ze's phone, "Help Lan Xi ask for leave tomorrow." ”

"Okay, do you want to ask for the lady's leave?" Yue Ze looked at Lu Shiguan, and he was also very drunk.

"No, call her up tomorrow morning, and you will take her to school yourself." Lu Zhan's tone was not as gentle as when he spoke to Lan Xi, and there was a hint of coldness.

"Okay, okay." Yue Ze took pity on Lu Shiguan for two seconds.

The sunlight outside the window poured into the room through the cracks in the curtains, and the snow that had been falling for many days finally stopped today.

Lan Xi woke up, his brows furrowed, his fingers pressed his temples, there seemed to be a mess stirring in his head, and the feeling of dizziness kept coming.

Slowly opening his eyes, I felt that the ceiling was spinning, and my stomach was tumbling.

I patted my cheek to clear myself, but my head was groggy.

"Last night's wine, was it so intoxicating?" Lan Xi muttered, her voice with a hint of hoarseness, soft and soft.

Glancing at the clock at the head of the bed.



Today, Monday, I'm going to school, and it's going to be two classes in the morning.

Enduring the dizziness, she quickly got up to wash up and change her clothes, and she hurried out of the room.

I was so bent on going to school that I didn't even notice that there was anyone else at home.

There was a sound of spatulas colliding in the kitchen, and Lan Xi thought that there was a thief in the house, so he picked up the umbrella in the bucket at the door, raised it, and walked cautiously towards the kitchen.

Lu Zhan came out of the kitchen, breakfast in his hand.

Looking at each other, the umbrella that Lan Xi held in his hand fell to the ground.

"Think I'm a thief?"

Lu Zhan's speech speed was very slow, and his voice was mellow, and Lan Xi thought it was damn good.

She blushed and her heart was beating a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry little uncle." ”

"Why are you at my house?" Lan Xi was puzzled.

"Don't remember? You got drunk last night and I sent you back, but you pulled me and didn't let me go, and you kept calling me baby. Lu Zhan's tone was understated.

Lan Xi's cheeks flushed.

She didn't have any impression at all, she only remembered that she and Lu Shiwan went to the bar.

"I'm sorry little uncle, I didn't mean to!" Lan Xi's cheeks instantly flushed, and there was a hint of cuteness in shyness.

"And ......" Lu Zhan's tail tone rose, and he stopped talking.

Lan Xi clasped her hands tightly in front of her, biting her lower lip lightly, her heart beating faster, did she do something out of the ordinary? It can't be a forced kiss on the little uncle, right?

Xing's eyes were full of panic and nervousness, mixed with apologies, and they were sorry for Zhou Ran.

She didn't mean to.

I feel like I'm cheating.

"Little uncle...... I...... What did I do ...... Is it excessive? Lan Xi was a little embarrassed.

"Do you want to hear it?" The corners of Lu Zhan's cold mouth rose slightly, revealing a touch of cunning.

Lan Xi lowered his head, not seeing the imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Zhan's eyes were deep, and he looked at the little girl in front of him, "Well, it's quite excessive, very excessive." ”


No way?

Lan Xi's lowered apricot eyes were flustered, and she was a little at a loss, "Little uncle, I didn't mean to, I don't remember anything, you ...... Don't worry about me. ”

She lifted her eyes, and her face was full of anxiety.

My heart was pounding.

What is more shocking than kissing my best friend's uncle, the point is that my best friend's uncle likes the same sex, and Lan Xi feels very bad.

Lu Zhan narrowed his eyes, watching the expression on her face change, and there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Don't you ask, what did you do to me?" The tone was a bit joking and ridiculous, and Lan Xi's already red earlobes would be even redder.

It's so red that it drips blood.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, can you act as if nothing happened last night?" Lan Xi's lips opened lightly, and her voice was soft, so soft that people's hearts were about to melt.

Lu Zhan bent down, looked at Lan Xi levelly, and a low laugh overflowed his throat, with a bit of casual casualness.

"Eat first."

"If I don't eat Uncle Xiao, I have to go to school." Lan Xi's pink lips closed one by one, and her apricot eyes were apologetic.

Lu Zhan grabbed her shoulders with his big hand, took her to the dining table, pressed her to the chair and sat down, "Sit down and eat, I have already helped you ask for leave." ”


Lan Xi looked dazed.

Sitting in a chair, his eyes full of doubt.

How does Uncle Little know which class she is in? It is estimated that when I asked for leave for Guanguan, I asked her by the way, and I don't know how Wanguan is.

Now that she has taken a leave of absence, she can have a good rest today.

My head is groggy, and the wine I drank last night is still very good.

took out his mobile phone from his bag and glanced at it, Zhou Ran still didn't reply to the message, what was he doing?

The mood is a little boring.

I just didn't want to think about it for now, and I would ask him when I went to school tomorrow.

Lan Xi's soft voice asked Lu Zhan, "Little uncle, you sent me back, how do you know my family's password?" ”

Lu Zhan picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and carefully placed it in the bowl in front of her, and he was not surprised to hear it.

The ink eyes are as warm as the spring sun, quietly staring at Lan Xi, thin lips spitting lightly, "Fingerprints can be opened." ”

Lan Xi: "That's right. ”

Enjoying the brunch prepared for her by Lu Zhan, Lan Xi sent a message to Lu Shiguan.

"Did you wake up?"

The other party is typing ......

seconds times.

"Embarrassed...... Whew, headache, want to throw up, what just woke up? I was called out early in the morning, Yue Ze sent me to school, did you eat? We'll go to the school cafeteria for dinner later."

Lan Xi: "??? ”

Going to school early in the morning?

Lan Xi slowly raised his head, his eyes fell on Lu Zhan, and he didn't say anything.

"What's wrong? Is there anything you want to ask me? Want to know what happened last night? Lu Zhan took a sip of the soup and put down the spoon, which made a crisp sound when it touched the bowl.

"No, little uncle." She doesn't want to know about last night's events, so it's better not to know, and to act as if she doesn't know anything.

"Since there is none, then eat obediently." Lu Zhan's ink eyes were focused, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.


"Huh? Why don't you go back?"

"Guanguan, I took a leave of absence today, I don't go to school, you ask someone else to eat." Lan Xi stared at her phone, her face full of guilt.

The little uncle helped her ask for leave, but didn't help Guanguan?

What the hell is going on?

Apricot eyes showed a hint of doubt, and the good-looking brows frowned slightly.

"Still playing on your phone?"

"Eat obediently."

"Or I'll confiscate your phone."

Lu Zhan's tone was stern.

Lan Xi felt the seriousness from the elders and obediently put down the phone.

"Okay, little uncle." The three words of the little uncle are very heavy.

Lu Zhan heard her call her little uncle very hard, his thick eyebrows frowned, and his gentle face was shrouded in a haze.

Xiao Aunt?

Or even emphasize the tone?

The corners of Lu Zhan's mouth hooked up a helpless smile, shook his head, his dark eyes doted, and that smile revealed a hint of connivance, and only she could do this.


After lunch, Lu Zhan had to go to the company to deal with affairs.

"Do you have any problems? Or am I at home with you? Lu Zhan put on his coat and stood at the entrance.

As long as she says that she needs him to accompany her, the company's affairs can be handled by Yue Ze first.

Koshizawa: "......"

"Little uncle, don't bother, I want to sleep, you go to the company, today is Monday, it should be very busy." Lan Xi bent down to open the shoe cabinet, took his leather shoes out of the shoe cabinet, and placed them on the floor.

Looking at the graceful figure who couldn't wait to drive him away, Lu Zhan's eyes gazed gently at the top of her head, "Okay." ”

After Lu Zhan left, Lan Xi lay on the bed absent-mindedly.

I don't understand why Lu Zhan treats him differently, Guan Guan is his niece, why did he ask her for leave instead of Guan Guan.

pretended not to know and called Lu Shiguan to find out the military situation.

The phone came through quickly, "Hey, I was just going to take a nap." ”

"Guanguan, who sent me back last night, do you know?" Lan Xi's voice was soft and tactful, like gurgling water, flowing in a stream.

She always spoke softly and softly, and Lu Shiwan's voice unconsciously lowered a few points, "I don't know, I don't know how to go back, I woke up in the morning and found out that in Rose Manor, it may be that my little uncle sent me back." ”

"You guess it was also arranged by the little uncle to send it back."

Lu Shiguan didn't know anything.

After Lan Xi went to the bathroom last night, Yan Yu took her to his private box, where there was a lot of beer on the table.

Lu Shiwan was angry and Yan Yu pulled her away, and directly fought with Yan Yu for wine.

"Did you mean to?" She looked up and asked Yan Yu.

His eyes were bright and smart, and when he spoke, he was puffed up, with angry anger, and he stood in front of Yan Yu with his waist pinched.

Yan Yu really wanted to pry her head open to see if it was paste.

Lu Zhan is so obvious, Lu Shiwan didn't see it?

"Do you really don't understand or pretend not to understand, it's so obvious." Yan Yu didn't say anything, and his expression was unclear.

Lu Shiguan really didn't understand.

She frowned slightly, "What the hell are you talking about, I'm angry, drinking, I'm going to drink you down, if I can't drink you, I'm not the little princess of the Lu family!" ”

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whom." Yan Yu personally opened all the wine on the table.

"You don't ask for mercy later."

"Whoever begs for mercy is a puppy."

Lu Shiwan sat on the sofa and brought the wine bottle in front of him, "Begin." ”

"The simplest rock-paper-scissors." Yan Yu slightly hooked the corners of his lips.

"Come on!" Lu Shiguan was successfully aroused by him.

played ten games, and Lu Shiwan lost eight games.

She refused to admit defeat and continued to play with Yan Yu.

In the end, Yan Yu was afraid that she would drink too much, so he stopped the farce and called Lu Zhan before sending the people away.

Lan Xi rolled over on the bed, and the bed was about to collapse by her.

What did you do last night?

kept rolling on the bed, and there were still words in her mouth, and the rose-shaped pillow on the bed was rubbed crooked by her.

"It's annoying." The irritable voice is also soft.


The phone screen lights up.


Clicking in, it is a screenshot of a takeaway order, and the list has her favorite taro paste flowing heart cake, and a cup of rose roasted milk.

"Afternoon tea."


"I saw that you like to eat, so I'll give you an order, I'm worried that you'll be bored at home."

"Little uncle, how do you know I like to eat?"

Could it be that Guanguan told him again?

The other party replied, "Shiwan said."

Lu Shiguan: "......"

Lan Xi lowered his eyes, revealing a puzzled look.

Why do you tell your uncle everything? actually secretly hit a small report, or hit her small report!

The little uncle is an elder, and he knows everything, Lan Xi only feels ashamed, like a child who has been caught by his elders for doing bad things.

Lan Xi's apricot eyes are crooked, and the black pupils are like a pool of spring water, moist and full, and the eye waves are flowing, like bright stars.

As an elder who is not related to her, the little uncle knows her hobbies.

Did Zhou Ran also inquire, what does she like?

Lu Zhan sat in an office chair with processed documents piled up on the table.

Rubbing the phone with his fingertips, the side photo of the mobile phone page, his eyes fell on it, and he didn't move for a long time, as if time had stopped.

A gentle smile appeared on his cold face.

Obviously, they had just met just now, and now he missed her again, and a trace of melancholy flashed on his handsome face.

He will wait.

Wait for the soft to like him.

She was a shining star, a seductive rose, and he wanted to see her shining, even in the dark.

The crush is like an unripe green fruit, sour and bitter, a gaze that pays attention in the corner and is afraid of being discovered, and it is a word that wants to be said and stopped.

The first time I saw her, she was dressed in a campus uniform, green as a bud that had just bloomed, and accidentally crashed into his arms.

The second time I saw her, she and Shiguan were watching fireworks in the Lu family courtyard, and he secretly watched her back on the second floor, longing for her to turn her head once.

The third time I saw her, she was sick and lived in the Lu family, the maid took care of her, she thanked her politely, her little face was as pale as paper, because of his identity, he stopped, and could only be silently anxious and distressed.

Fourth ......

Fifth ......

Every time he secretly looked at Lan Xi, it was accompanied by bitterness, and the taste made him melancholy and helpless.

Koshizawa knocked on the door.

Lu Zhan's thoughts were pulled back, and his voice was low, "Enter." ”

Taking away the documents on the table, Yue Ze's eyes glanced at the mobile phone on the desktop, which was a photo of Lan Xi.

Mr.'s crush, when will it be made public?

Yue Ze watched all the way, a little sad.


WeChat jumped in two messages.

Lu Zhan looked at it, and the remarks showed "soft"

His eyes softened, and he clicked on the chat box.

"Takeout received, thank you, uncle, I'll finish it well." (Cute .jpg)

Lan Xi was an elder when he was a land war, spoke politely, and habitually sent some cute little expressions.

Suddenly remembering Little Bear, she forgot to give it to Lu Zhan.

"Little uncle, come to me when you're done."

Give it to the little uncle as soon as possible, so that he can quickly give it to the person he likes.

Lan Xi felt that he couldn't delay the good things of his little uncle.

Lu Zhan stared at the mobile phone, as if he was about to stare through the mobile phone, the tips of his eyebrows were raised, and he stared at the message sent by Lan Xi, and the corners of his mouth hooked up with pleasure.

"Okay." (Touching the head.jpg)

Lan Xi: "......"

She rubbed her eyes and looked at it again, the little uncle made a love bag?



Lan Xi stayed at home for a day.

couldn't help but send a message to Zhou Ran, but no one replied to the message. When I called, the phone was turned off, as if the world had evaporated.

The thick feather eyelashes are covered, and the tail note is soft.

"Nothing will happen, will it?"

Lan Xi was frightened by her own thoughts, opened the WeChat address book, and found another senior.

"Senior, is Senior Zhou Ran by your side? I had something to look for him, but he didn't reply."

Lan Xi didn't say that she was Zhou Ran's girlfriend.

Zhou Ran told her to tell her friends when her relationship was stable.

People who know her relationship with Zhou Ran.

Except for Lu Shiguan, it is the little uncle.

Lan Xi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the pair of apricot eyes under the long eyelashes stared at the phone, biting her lower lip.

"He has something at home, he has taken leave, and I don't know when he will come back." Reply from the other side.

Lan Xi clenched his phone, "Senior, do you know what's going on at Senior Zhou Ran's house?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know."

"Thank you, senior."

Lan Xi locked the screen and threw his phone aside in frustration.


That's when the doorbell rang.

Lan Xi stepped on his slippers to open the door.

The door opened, and Lu Zhan stood outside, his suit straight, his black coat wrapping his tall and long figure, and his hair still had unmelted snow.

The melting snowflakes wet his shoulders.

The cold wind poured in, and Lan Xi, who was wearing home clothes, felt a chill.

Lu Zhan ignored the surprise in her eyes, grabbed her wrist, and walked into the house.

"Is it snowing outside?" Lan Xi had nothing to say.

The two were extremely close to each other, and the unique fragrance of Lu Zhan's body entered the tip of her nose and lingered around her.

Lu Zhan's casual eyes narrowed slightly, and he consciously opened the shoe cabinet, took out the pair of slippers that belonged to him, put his elbows on the shoe cabinet, and took off his leather shoes.

He hooked his lips, lazy and casual, "Well, surprised to see me?" ”

“…… 小叔叔。 ”

She was indeed surprised, surprised that he came so quickly.

"Isn't Uncle Busy Isn't Hey?"

"If you look for me, I'll come." What he wanted to say more was that as long as she looked for him, she would come as soon as she could.

Lan Xi was stunned and didn't answer.

Looking up at Lu Zhan, the man's dark eyes smiled and looked at her gently.

This gaze made Lan Xi at a loss for a while.

She hurriedly lowered her head, "Little uncle, it's not important that you can come over after you are busy." ”

Lan Xi turned around and went to the room.

Lu Zhan sat down in the living room, and a pink lace bra on the sofa hung on the armrest of the sofa.

The roots of his ears quickly turned red, his eyes moved away in a panic, his heart beat faster, and he looked a little overwhelmed.

Lan Xi came to the living room with the bear in his arms.

Lu Zhan turned his back to her, and when she saw that Lu Zhan's ears were red, she asked, "Little uncle, why are you ......?"

The word stuck in the throat.

Apricot eyes caught a glimpse of the bra on the sofa, the white little face was flushed, panic and shyness flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed the bear in his arms.

The body seemed to be nailed, and the lips were spurting and I didn't know what to say.

Throwing away the bear, grabbing the bra hanging on the armrest of the sofa and hiding behind her, she really wanted to find a crack in the floor to get into, and the awkward atmosphere permeated the living room.

When she's home alone, she doesn't like to be tied down.

Just forgot.

She went straight to open the door.

So, when the little uncle came in, he might have found out that she didn't ......?

It's embarrassing.

"Little uncle, little bear for you." Dada ran back to the room.

The door slammed shut, and it was locked with a click.

She lay on the bed, rolling around, biting her lower lip tightly, her pink lips were bitten by her, and there was a tingling pain, "It hurts~"

It's been a long time.

Lan Xi leaned behind the door and eavesdropped on the movement in the living room.

After so much time, the little uncle should go back, and there seems to be no sound in the living room.

When she thought Lu Zhan was gone.

There was two knocks on the room door.

"Lan Xi, I'm ready for dinner, remember to eat."

Breathing became rapid, Lan Xi's cheeks were shy, "Okay, okay little uncle, I know." ”


Lan Xi heard the sound of the door closing.

There was no movement outside the room, she opened the door and stuck out her head first, confirming that Lu Zhan had really gone back, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's embarrassing, it's terrible."

"How can I be seen by my uncle."

Lan Xi stared at the sofa, complaining softly.

How will I see my little uncle in the future?

She and Guanguan are such good friends, they definitely can't avoid meeting.

A chime came from the phone.

Uncle: "Actually, it's nothing, you can act as if nothing happened."

Lan Xi: "......"

For the next few days, Lan Xi did not see Lu Zhan again.

There was no class on Friday afternoon, and after class, Lan Xi booked the fastest flight to Shanghai, planning to go home.


Continued from the next article

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