
Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

author:Fog and rain review room

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Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

On June 28, there was a follow-up new development in the case of knife wounding in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, when the Chinese people who acted bravely did not have a good treatment effect, and finally passed away because of their injuries, which was not expected by most -0 people, and many people also spontaneously went to mourn.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement for this, praising his heroic resistance to the righteous act of the knife-wielding murderer, and at the same time regretting the death of such a hero, and comforting his relatives, hoping that they can continue to move forward through their grief.

In fact, when the knife case in the park involved Chinese and Japanese people, some clues were already revealed, and the public had a lot of dissatisfaction with the comments on this matter at that time.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Under the premise that Sino-Japanese relations are gradually declining, it is unacceptable that some netizens choose to empathize with the attackers who committed crimes, in other words, these groups who choose to appropriately reduce the punishment of criminals out of political considerations are somewhat one-sided.

As for the crime itself, we must realize that the nature of the perpetrator of stabbing people in the street, regardless of the nationality of the target group, should not be approved, and the circumstances are heinous, and must be severely punished.

Ms. Hu Youping chose to stand up to help the Japanese mother and daughter at this time, which showed the kindness and courage of the Chinese people and saved the loss of China's image.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Can the claim that the attack on Japanese tourists in China can be seen as the impact of political confrontation at the level of ordinary people, and what about the impact on tourism and foreign affairs? I have to talk about the danger of this problem.

China has always handled various international disputes with a diplomatic attitude of cooperation rather than confrontation and win-win rather than competition and sanctions in the international community, which has also established a good international image, and in recent years, there have been signs of breaking the suppression of public opinion in the United States and the West.

In the current situation, international tourists are being attacked and facing security risks, and the impact is extremely bad, which is why Ms. Hu Youping's spirit is even more highlighted, and she has not been emotionally coerced to make the right decision.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Many netizens said that they can't use excuses to whitewash the illegitimacy of their behavior, and the criminals targeted Japanese tourists, and wanted to rush on school buses and target children, which is obviously a dangerous person who is extremely vicious and full of contempt for the law.

Because there is a historical entanglement between China and Japan, and because of the nuclear wastewater issue, the international community's impression of it has declined again, which has had a great impact on the emotional position of the people, but these are two different things, and they need to be clearly distinguished.

If mistakes are not corrected by consensus and the law, then the authority of the law will continue to be lost, which will lead to a lack of reverence for the law in the hearts of the people, which is very detrimental to social development and the creation of a good atmosphere.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

This criminal Zhou Moumou unscrupulously challenged the authority of the law and committed murder with a knife on the street, which is an objective fact that no one can deny, and this aspect cannot be ignored under the pretext of feelings.

According to the description of the personnel at the scene, when the incident happened suddenly, Zhou Moumou suddenly rushed to the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and was stopped by Ms. Hu Youping on the way, and Zhou Moumou did not calm down, but chose to swing a knife and stab directly, and continued to pursue after Ms. Hu Youping fell to the ground.

In the end, she was subdued by other citizens and patrol police, and many local people in Suzhou were very indignant, indicating that Suzhou is a friendly city, and Ms. Hu Youping, who acted bravely, was admirable.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Fortunately, the incident did not affect the country's diplomacy and tourism industry, and the local Japanese tourist community said that China adheres to the principle of openness and inclusiveness, and has always advocated political dialogue in the region to resolve disputes, and this incident is an extremely rare case.

For a long time, China's international image has been suppressed by public opinion in the United States and the West, and the "China threat theory" is prevalent in the news industry of many outside countries, but Ms. Hu Youping and the rest of the public have dealt a serious blow to these smear remarks.

What is China's diplomatic attitude and what are its strategic demands? It is up to the international community to see with its own eyes and experience it in order to draw a definite conclusion, rather than simply characterizing it through false reports.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died and was praised as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

After the incident, the local government in Suzhou awarded Ms. Hu Youping the title of "Model of Righteousness and Courage" in gratitude for her contribution to saving the situation, indicating that the rule of law will be strengthened in the future to reduce or even eliminate the emergence of such radicals.

For Ms. Hu Youping's departure, not only the official, but also the public is deeply regretful, this lady chose to stand up, in fact, it represents the position of upholding the rule of law, which deserves to be respected by everyone, and the Japanese Embassy in China also issued relevant condolences news.

On the afternoon of June 28, the flag was lowered at half-mast in the museum to show respect for Ms. Hu Youping, and the relevant murderer is suspected of intentional homicide, which has an extremely bad impact and must be severely punished to uphold the law and the requirements of public feelings.

Bibliography: (Ningbo Evening News)

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