
"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

author:Lao Zhang's health theory
"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Since Hong Kong's handover in January 1997, Anson Chan has had high hopes for her, with many expecting her to contribute to Hong Kong's future.

However, the reasons why this once hopeful government official finally chose a regrettable path are cause for thought.

So what was the reason for her to turn her back on her grandfather's beliefs and choose to be this "traitor"? Let's follow the editor to find out!

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

1. The "red sprouts" were crooked

Chen Fang Ansheng was born in Shanghai in 1940, and her grandfather, General Fang Zhenwu, devoted himself to the revolutionary cause under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

In the fiery years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, General Fang led his troops to fight in the south and north, marched forward bravely, successfully recovered many lost territories, and was known as an outstanding patriotic general.

Fang Ansheng received a high-quality education under the influence of his grandparents since he was a child.

After completing her studies in Hong Kong, she entered the University of Hong Kong, where she focused on English and English Literature, eventually graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

In 1960, Fang Ansheng, who had just graduated from university, seemed to be favored by fate.

After graduating from the Department of English Literature at the University of Hong Kong, he went straight into politics and served as the Hong Kong Administrative Officer and Deputy Director of Social Welfare.

Hong Kong was still under British colonial rule, and according to the mechanism of selecting officials at the time, Chinese were usually not given priority.

Therefore, when Fang Ansheng was appointed to an important position, it caused quite a stir in the local area.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Soon after, she met her future partner, Dirong Chan, and in 1963 they tied the knot, following the traditional custom of Hong Kong, she chose to take her husband's surname, and has since been known as Anson Chan.

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During her tenure as Deputy Director of Social Welfare, she initiated and founded the Association of Senior Women Government Officials, which aims to promote equal pay for men and women for equal work.

The emergence of her decision not only lit the lamp of hope for outsiders who are working hard in Hong Kong.

It also makes them believe that through unremitting efforts, they can integrate into this vibrant city and truly become an inseparable part of it.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

By actively advocating for women's rights issues, she has successfully gained the support of many women and accumulated initial capital for her political career.

During the five-year period from 1993 to 1997, Ms. Anson Chan was a member of the Chinese Parliamentary Secretariat, and her outstanding performance fully demonstrated her professional ability.

As a female leader, she stands out for her outstanding achievements in a male-dominated field, which is not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also a strong support for the idea of gender equality.

Subsequently, she rose to the next level as Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, an appointment that was widely praised and hotly debated by the public.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

People are looking forward to this female official who has worked tirelessly to break down gender barriers and believes that she will bring more positive impact to Hong Kong's development.

But he never imagined that it was such a person who started "Hong Kong independence" behind his back and was even the leader.

Second, I didn't expect it to be a "smiling tiger"

Anson Chan understands the expectations of the people, and she has portrayed herself as a selfless leader.

As a descendant of martyrs, this identity added a layer of aura to her, which also made her more comfortable in her later behaviors.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Under the cover of her amiable female image, Chen Fangansheng secretly carried out many operations.

During the negotiation stage of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, as a representative of Hong Kong and the British side, she showed a positive attitude toward the mainland and worked hard to ensure the smooth return of Hong Kong.

In the context of the time, Anson Chan was so trusted by the British government that Britain was ready to award her the Medal of Honor, but she politely declined.

The decision only earned her more praise among the Chinese public, who were seen as genuinely contributing to Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

After Hong Kong's official return to China in 1997, a special administrative region government was established, and she was reappointed as a senior administrative officer because of her trust in her as a "patriot".

In her new role, she is convinced that she has what it takes to become the chief executive.

After all, after years of preparation, he has given frequent speeches, devoted himself to public welfare activities, and carefully packaged his image.

However, fate did not go her way, which made her resentful.

Despite her public display of a high degree of synergy with her work, she has continued to take covert actions in private, resulting in the blocking of several major projects one after another.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

She then used these situations to elevate her personal status, knowing how much Anson Chen yearns for power.

Therefore, when she failed to obtain the post of Hong Kong's chief executive, she spared no effort to cause problems for the nascent SAR.

In 2001, Anson Chen announced the early end of his nearly 39-year public service career for personal reasons.

However, her retirement did not fade her out of the political arena and began to openly confront the central government and the SAR government.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Despite her retirement, she still wields considerable influence in the government.

On the one hand, she openly criticizes extremists who go against the rules of policy; On the other hand, she secretly supports the opposition behind the scenes.

This situation makes it difficult for the relevant agencies to track down the real manipulators, and the truth has not been revealed for a long time.

3. Completely reduced to a "traitor"

Later, Chen Fang'an simply began to tear off his disguise and began to work against the country head-on.

Especially after receiving the emblem from the Queen of England, he directly entered the political arena and started the "Hong Kong independence turmoil", openly engaging in sabotage, demonstrations, and opposition.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Her actions later directly led to 78 days of riots in Hong Kong, and the local government and judicial system also completely collapsed.

Later, she publicized "Hong Kong independence" in more and more ways, and her followers began to increase.

She even began to skillfully use her friendly relationships with many school executives to promote this idea in schools

It has become a focal point in the debate arena and has had a negative impact on young people.

Fortunately, Hong Kong's education authorities quickly recognized this mistrend and made it clear that freedom of expression must be based on the right ideas.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Seeing that her plan had failed, she felt very unwilling, so she decided to use the "black money" in her hands to continue to promote "Hong Kong independence".

After Hong Kong announced its constitutional reform report in 2014, it even whimsically wanted to discuss with the British government and prepare to intervene in politics.

It is precisely through these various behaviors that the people of Hong Kong finally see clearly that she is a wolf in sheep's clothing, luring the Hong Kong people step by step to "commit treason".

At that time, "Ta Kung Pao" and "The Sun" also directly called them "traitors" and "traitors".

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

She herself failed to realize her political ambitions through legitimate means when she was in power, and after leaving the opposition, she began to collude with Britain and the United States under the banner of "democracy" and "freedom", standing on the opposite side of the central government and the Hong Kong government.

For the sake of a little vote profit, he does not hesitate to sell Hong Kong for glory and harm Hong Kong to contain China, and he is an out-and-out villain who is two-faced and duplicitous.

Anson Chen has been in the whirlpool of political struggle for many years, and her cunning and scheming have made her like a fish in water in the political arena.

However, despite her clever efforts to cover up her actions, flaws are still inevitably revealed.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

These flaws were supposed to be the key to bringing her to justice, but the lack of hard evidence allowed her to escape the severity of the law.

Now, Anson Chen's accomplices have been arrested, and her crimes have gradually been exposed to everyone.

She was originally comfortable in political struggles, but now she has become the target of public criticism.

The spurning of her is growing day by day, and her reputation and status have been greatly damaged.

The former political strong woman has now become a laughing stock in people's mouths, and her image has plummeted.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Fourth, in the end, good and evil will be rewarded

Although the saying "good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil" may contain some superstitious overtones, it seems to be unusually accurate when applied to Anson Chen.

Her family has long blamed each other for fighting over the inheritance, and her closest brother, Chen Shunsheng, also chose to commit suicide due to long-term illness and depression.

Her daughter, Chen Huiling, experienced betrayal by her husband and eventually died of grief, and the cheating husband was later imprisoned for breaking the law.

Hong Kong society gradually saw the true face of this kind-looking old woman, so much so that whenever they saw Anson Chan, it was like finding a mouse in a rice bowl, and everyone shouted and beat her.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

On June 26, 2020, Anson Chen realized the unfavorable situation and issued a retirement statement.

In her statement, she mentioned that due to her age and the death of her daughter Chen Huiling, she decided to withdraw from the political arena and pursue a peaceful life in her old age.

However, Hong Kong media analysis believes that Anson Chen's decision is not only based on her so-called "family reasons", but more out of helpless adaptation to the current political reality.

After all, when her husband died, she was not seen to have withdrawn from politics.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fang'an is now living as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

At the same time, Hong Kong citizens have not shown sympathy for her "pain of losing her daughter", and they have not forgotten how this "old woman" stirred up the storm in the past.


Chen Fangan was born into a prominent family and has an enviable family background.

However, she chose a path that was contrary to her family tradition.

Regardless of the reputation of her ancestors and the expectations of her family, she did not hesitate to "recognize the thief as her father" and threw herself into those behaviors that were considered misdeeds by society.

This behavior not only caused her feathers to lose their luster, but also disgraced her family.

She seems to have no idea about her image and reputation, allowing herself to fall into a situation of notoriety.

What she did made her the target of everyone's attention and everyone's shouting.

Today, Anson Chen has become a street rat, spurned and ostracized.

The consequences of all this are her own fault.

If she had been able to cherish her feathers and maintain the honor of her family, perhaps her life would have been different.

However, time cannot be turned back, and she can only bear the consequences of her choices alone.


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