
scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

author:Lao Zhang's health theory
scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Marriage and childbirth, inheritance is a very important thing for the Chinese people, in ancient times there were three books and six appointments, and in modern times there are also three bride prices and three gold.

Although the state has introduced relevant policies to restrict high bride prices, there are still many families who do not hesitate to raise money to borrow money to pay the high bride price in order to marry their daughters-in-law.

After all, in the environment of "more men and fewer women", if you want to get a satisfactory daughter-in-law, you still need to show a certain economic strength.

The young couple I want to talk about today just got married for a year and chose to divorce for various reasons.

For the parents, in order to help their son get married, a high bride price has been paid.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

It is unacceptable for two young people to divorce after only one year of marriage.

But who will compensate for the lost economic losses? The daughter-in-law who worked so hard to marry just gave up?

For this reason, they found the "Old Lady" program team, hoping that a third party could disclose their stories and judge who was right and who was wrong.

It is best to return the bride price money, and then everyone will return to the bridge and return to the road.

After the mediator was in place, I heard that the glorious gift cost nearly 390,000 yuan, I thought that the young couple would use it to start a business after marriage, but I didn't expect that my wife quickly bought Mercedes-Benz after getting the money, what is going on?

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

1. High bride price

Xiao Xie is the son of Sister Qi, and because he is an only child, his husband and wife have been particularly fond of him since he was a child.

However, the warm family was about to break up because of his son's marriage, and the family quarreled many times in private, and after no result, they simply called the program team.

Hopefully they can judge what is right or wrong, but what exactly happened to this family?

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

After the mediator sat down, she was held by Sister Qi to complain, she said that she was Xiao Xie's mother, and she was heartbroken about her son's marriage.

In order to make his son get married smoothly, he spent 388,000 dowry, not including the three gold parts.

The banquet is handled according to the specification of 5,000 per table, and the sum of the front and back is more than 500,000.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Not only that, but after marriage, his daughter-in-law Xiao Chen quickly became pregnant.

After giving birth, she asked to be admitted to the confinement center, and Sister Qi had to pay tens of thousands of yuan for hospitalization.

Out of the confinement center, Xiao Chen said that he needed to hire a nanny for 3 months, but Sister Qi was reluctant to pay this money, and she couldn't bear her son's hard begging.

So she paid another half of 8,000 yuan and 4,000 yuan of her salary.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

From marriage to childbirth, Sister Qi spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her son and daughter-in-law.

Although I feel a little sorry for money, I am willing to do it for the good of my son.

But what happened next made her unbearable, her son and daughter-in-law divorced by agreement after only 1 year of marriage, and the child was naturally taken away by her mother after separation, and Sister Qi lost her daughter-in-law and grandson at the same time.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

The daughter-in-law who spent a lot of money to marry said that she would leave, but Sister Qi couldn't accept it at all, and she even suspected that her son and the woman were jointly doing the game, in order to defraud the old man's savings.

In addition, Sister Qi also heard about something that made people angry.

The 380,000 dowry she gave to the young couple was thought to be used to support small families or young people to start a business, but afterwards it was actually taken by her daughter-in-law to buy a Mercedes-Benz.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

On the one hand, Sister Qi felt that her daughter-in-law's consumption was high, and on the other hand, she felt that she was cheating on her marriage, so she made trouble with the program team in a fit of anger and asked the other party to return the bride price.

The mediator was also shocked when he heard this, the bride price of nearly 400,000 yuan is indeed not a small amount, plus the money spent on wine and childbirth, hundreds of thousands of yuan have already been spent.

However, the two divorced after only 1 year of marriage, which really makes people wonder if it was premeditated.

Second, there is a hidden secret

The mediator began to ask Xiao Chen on the side, "Is the bride price of 388,000 a fact?" "Is it true that the bride price was taken to buy Mercedes-Benz? Xiao Chen's answers one by one are true.

Now the mediator was also angry, he didn't understand how someone could be so extravagant, not only charging a high bride price, but also buying a brand-name car without negotiation.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Xiao Chen explained that the bride price was negotiated at the beginning, and she agreed to marry when she saw that the other party was willing to pay.

Secondly, I talked to Xiao Xie in advance about buying a car, and both of them had no opinion before mentioning the car.

The mediator still couldn't believe it after hearing this, and he asked Xiao Chen why he proposed such a high bride price, and he didn't know that the state is now controlling the high bride price?

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Under being forced to ask, Xiao Chen finally revealed the hidden truth behind it.

It turned out that Xiao Xie had a wife before he fell in love with him, and the other party was more than ten years older than him, and his mother-in-law, Sister Qi, did not agree to the marriage.

However, the other party already had Xiao Xie's child, so Xiao Xie hurriedly testified with the other party.

After the child was born, Sister Qi was still dissatisfied with the marriage, thinking that the woman was too old, and proposed to give 240,000 yuan to ask for a divorce.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed, and left with the money and the child.

Xiao Chen belonged to Xiao Xie's second marriage, and she didn't like Xiao Xie at first.

At that time, she was in a state of lovelorn, and seeing Xiao Xie launch a fierce pursuit offensive against herself, she thought that it would be better to change to a boyfriend who loved her.

Later, when it came to getting married, she simply proposed a high bride price of 380,000 yuan, thinking that she could persuade the other party to quit, but she didn't expect Xiao Xie's family to agree.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

At this time, Xiao Chen felt that the other party was sincere, although he didn't love the other party, he could try to live.

So Sister Qi took out 380,000 savings as a bride price, and subsequently provided financial assistance such as banquets and confinement centers.

Since Sister Qi's family is willing to contribute money and efforts, why did Xiao Chen and Xiao Xie's marriage only last for one year?

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

3. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict

It turned out that Sister Qi had lost patience in the process of paying money again and again, she thought that her daughter-in-law was too able to spend money, and she refused to take care of the children with peace of mind, and she had to run out to play during the feeding of the children.

But Xiao Chen said that her husband didn't help take care of the children at all, and he had to breastfeed every few hours, completely losing his freedom.

Just went out to play for a day, and was extremely dissatisfied with my mother-in-law.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, Sister Qi did not deny it, it seems that this is a fact, and Sister Qi may still be a little harsh on this daughter-in-law.

And what made Sister Qi most dissatisfied was that Xiao Chen used the bride price privately, thinking that it was used to decorate the house or start a business, but she used it to buy a Mercedes-Benz car.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

At this time, netizens couldn't hold back anymore and expressed their opinions one after another.

Most people think that Sister Qi is a little unreasonable, obviously she introduced the two parties to each other, and agreed to the other party's high bride price, why did she turn around and talk nonsense?

There are also people who say that the bride price given to the woman is the woman's personal property, rather than asking the other party to spend the money on her son, what is the difference between this and a hand?

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

However, some netizens feel that the 380,000 bride price is too high, and the woman should not deal with it without authorization after receiving it, and everyone still needs to sit together to discuss the use.

It was precisely because of her dissatisfaction with Xiao Chen's approach that Sister Qi became more and more dissatisfied with this marriage.

How can a marriage be consummated if it is interfered with by family members? The relationship between Xiao Chen and Xiao Xie is also gradually breaking down.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

The mediator also thought that the two were too naïve, and divorced after only one year of marriage, and it stands to reason that the woman should indeed repay part of the bride price.

And Xiao Chen said a big secret, it turned out that the two did not break off after the divorce, and they still ate and lived together.

And Sister Qi also received her son's blind date request, and found a marriage partner for him again.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Sister Qi is very satisfied with her new marriage partner, and Xiao Xie also has a substantive relationship with the other party.

Sister Qi thought that her son could take care of it, so she borrowed more than 100,000 yuan from relatives and called to use it as bride price for the other party.

But Xiao Chen and Xiao Xie did not completely break off, but the relationship between the two was better after the divorce, and they even had the idea of remarrying.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

This made Sister Qi angry, she felt like a fool, being played between her son and several women.

At this time, the silent father finally opened his mouth, pointed at his son and scolded: "The family is unfortunate! The grandson's surname was also changed to Chen by them! "If we remarry, we should not have this son!" ”

Fourth, the final choice of remarriage

At this time, the mediator seemed to have woken up from a big dream, and he was a little dizzy by this series of reversals.

It turned out that Xiao Xie and Xiao Chen had never been broken, and he himself had a third object, and the most important thing was that this time it was a dowry of more than 100,000 yuan.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

No wonder Sister Qi is so angry, she failed to set a daughter-in-law for the bride price money one after another, and she didn't get any benefits after spending the money.

The mediator repeatedly asked Xiao Xie whether he wanted to remarry or his parents, but Xiao Xie only lowered his head and was silent.

Seeing this, Sister Qi scolded again, Xiao Chen stood up and said: "It's the mother's constant suppression that will make her son so unbearable!" The mediator asked Xiao Chen if he could not accept the help of his parents and live and raise his children on his own in the future.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Xiao Chen immediately replied: "Yes!" She said that she would look for a job and work hard to support this family.

Seeing this, Xiao Xie answered the mediator's question - he chose to remarry.

Sister Qi immediately took out the agreement and IOU, and she asked her son to show in black and white that she would not share any family property, and the hundreds of thousands of dowries would be returned in full.

In the end, Xiao Xie pressed the handprint, and this farce slowly came to an end.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"


Marriage is a beautiful thing, a promise that two people want to be together.

However, most families gave up the original intention of marriage in order for their sons to marry daughters-in-law, and chose to end the matter directly with a high bride price.

Although some people will get married for the sake of money, can their married life really be smooth and peaceful?

Taking the bride price of the parents to marry a wife means losing the economic power in the family, and the parents who contribute the money can interfere in the lives of the young couple at will.

Over time, incompetent husbands and aggrieved wives will appear in the home.

scraped together a bride price of 380,000, saying that it would be used to start a business after marriage, but the woman quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz"

Xiao Xie and Xiao Chen are not wicked people, and they also rushed to live when they got married. But the two took too much money from Sister Qi, and of course their own lives will be pointed at.

Xiao Chen, who couldn't stand the difficulties of his mother-in-law, chose to divorce, and Xiao Xie, who didn't dare to resist his mother, naturally couldn't stop it.

The two young people could have raised their children well, but they were forced to maintain their marriage for only one year.

Although he finally chose to remarry, the price was to break with his parents.

In fact, things would not have come to such a desperate situation, before getting married, weigh your own strength, and have the courage to assume your own responsibilities, you will not make so many ridiculous things.


The bride price was 380,000, and it was said that it would be used for decoration after marriage, and the prospective daughter-in-law quickly bought "Mercedes-Benz" as a dowry? Qiantang Old Lady Uncle 2024-06-12

Curbing high-priced bride price and returning to the essence of the gift China Social Daily 2023-04-12