
The most feared thing about the final exam of the semester is "not working hard at all, cramming for the time being"

author:Observe the world and taste life

Nowadays, there is a very common phenomenon among elementary school children: "I usually don't work hard, and I am cramming for a while." "This kind of child usually does not study steadily, every time through a large number of recitations before the exam, a large number of brushing questions to improve the score, they think they are very smart, as long as they learn before the exam, they can still get high scores.

The most feared thing about the final exam of the semester is "not working hard at all, cramming for the time being"

Originated from the Internet

One of the parents who talked to me today about her child didn't feel very good about it. She said that the child is very smart, has a very, very good memory, and every time she uses the two weeks before the exam to brush a lot of questions, memorize a lot of the test points marked by the teacher, and get into the top ten steadily, and if you are lucky, you can get into the top five. Last year's final exam came out almost the original questions, and her daughter said that the math multiple-choice questions did not change the order after the test, saying that she had memorized them all, so her daughter took the fourth place in the class this time. I have to admit that this child's memory is really good, and it is not easy to remember the answers to the questions in a short time. But the higher the grade, the more dangerous this model is, and it can be said that this model does more harm than good. Especially in middle and high school, this temporary cramming pattern is definitely full of loopholes, and no matter how good your memory is, it will make you fall again and again.

The most feared thing about the final exam of the semester is "not working hard at all, cramming for the time being"

Originated from the Internet

This is the case with my niece, and now in high school, in addition to good Chinese, all other subjects are miserable, in fact, the second year of junior high school has dropped significantly. My niece is really a very smart child, not to mention her memory, she can almost memorize it in ten minutes after more than ten minutes of classical Chinese, and her grades in elementary school fluctuate by assault, sometimes in the top five, sometimes in the dozens. This child is very lazy, does not like to write, does not like to get up early to recite, sleeps until noon during the holidays, does not endorse at all, does not write, the biggest advantage is especially to read extracurricular books, so the Chinese grades have always been very stable. But at the beginning of junior high school, it was quite good, and I could rank more than 20 people in the class, but my grades began to decline in the first semester, and I said that I couldn't memorize the subjects at all, and I didn't know which course to memorize before the exam. In the second year of junior high school, he slipped directly to the bottom few, and the high school also went to a not very good high school according to the lowest score. The reason why she went to junior high school and fell so much is related to her habit of "cramming", primary school tasted the sweetness, thinking that junior high school could also be, but I don't know which of the seven courses in junior high school can be scored by surprise. Her qualifications are so good, if she is steady, it will never be what she is now.

The most feared thing about the final exam of the semester is "not working hard at all, cramming for the time being"

Originated from the Internet

If your child also has this habit, you must break it as soon as possible, otherwise you will fall sooner or later. No matter when, steady and steady is the king of learning, opportunism can be better than a while, but not a lifetime.

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