
You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

author:Swing the outpost
Author: MIC

Friends, from 6 a.m. on 26 June to 6 a.m. on 27 June, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) dispatched 35 sorties and seven warships to carry out activities around the Taiwan Strait, of which 33 sorties were "four bread sandwiches" from the north, center, south, and east, and in addition, the PLA 42 planes and ships surrounded the island of Taiwan "270 degrees", causing the alarm bell of the entire Taiwan missile force to ring from morning to night.

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

As an inalienable part of China's territory, Taiwan can no longer return automatically, and the mainland can only force its return by "forcing reunification by force." From its visit to Taiwan in August 2022 to triggering the Taiwan encirclement exercise to the current PLA's regular encirclement exercise against Taiwan, it has already possessed the obvious ability to "fight independence and block the enemy".

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

When the People's Liberation Army (PLA) normalizes its exercises and training activities to encircle Taiwan Island, it will also accelerate the collapse of the DPP's image, accelerate its credit bankruptcy, and accelerate its loss of ruling power over Taiwan.

Taiwan itself is China's Taiwan, but in order to hinder China's rise, the United States is keen to play the card of "using Taiwan to contain China." Not long ago, the US House of Representatives passed the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, which clearly stated that it is necessary to arm Taiwan with all its might, enhance Taiwan's self-defense and counterattack capabilities, and lead Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and other countries to encircle China through the leadership of the Aukus Alliance, and block the Strait of Malacca, Miyako Strait, and Bass Strait at a critical moment to cut off China's maritime trade routes with the outside world.

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

This is obviously a signal of the destruction of Taiwan and a major obstacle to the process of China's reunification. If we look at the US strategy of using Taiwan to contain China, even if it cannot destroy Taiwan, it will not give up suppressing China, because there is no room for two tigers on one mountain, and the United States will never allow its hegemony to be challenged.

Therefore, if the United States wants to maintain its position as the world's No. 1, it must make China submit and make China compromise in various fields such as economy, science and technology. However, Taiwan is China's internal affair and, more importantly, China's territory, and there is no room for negotiation or compromise on this point. Judging from the fact that the mainland has organized military planes and warships to conduct exercises and training activities around Taiwan on many occasions, China will not give up liberating Taiwan by force.

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

But there are 2 points to note:

First, the strategic initiative in liberating Taiwan must be in China's hands, and we will absolutely not follow the script designed by the United States and jump into a fire pit dug up; the more the United States stimulates and induces China to use force against Taiwan, the more China must maintain its determination and not be impulsive.

Second, one of the purposes of the United States in supporting Taiwan independence and arming Taiwan is to control more countries and use the strength of the entire Asia-Pacific region to contain China. However, out of various geopolitical interests, such as to obtain US weapons and economic investment, or to increase international discourse, or for the sake of land resources, many countries will get on the US chariot and join the United States in opposing China.

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

Therefore, as far as China is concerned, we must make a clear bottom line: The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and no one is allowed to interfere, and whoever vainly wants to separate Taiwan from China's territory will be attacked militarily by China. The PLA's exercise around Taiwan is a warning to the United States, an extraterritorial interference force.

Obviously, the United States is a global troublemaker, a world superpower that fanned the flames everywhere and created wars, and it never needed an excuse to mess up other countries.

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

At present, the United States and the West are trying their best to aid Ukraine to resist Russia, and after cleaning up Russia, they will be able to concentrate on dealing with China. It can be said that the United States does not have the concept of living in harmony, and its bones are full of confrontation and destruction, and you lose and I win.

Therefore, the game between China and the United States is "you fight yours, I fight mine". For example, on the Taiwan Strait issue, it is not the United States that plays the Taiwan card and sells arms to Taiwan. China is about to conduct military exercises, and we are still taking the approach of "political warning + military deterrence" to promote the process of reunification in light of the actual situation and political needs for Taiwan.

You hit yours, I'll hit mine! The United States is fully arming Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has 42 aircraft and ships surrounding the island

Speaking from facts, all the actions taken by the mainland against Taiwan, including the abolition of some preferential economic policies toward Taiwan, the promulgation of the "Opinions on Punishing Taiwan Independence Separatist Activities in Accordance with Law," and the military exercises around Taiwan, are all paving the way for reunification.

Now, in order to achieve re-election, in order to satisfy the appetite of the US military-industrial complex, and in order to consolidate the hegemony of the dollar, Biden does not hesitate to promote the plan of "arming Taiwan" and "destroying Taiwan". Therefore, adopting a more flexible and effective way to deter the United States is one of our options!

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