
In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

author:One point
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In 2021, an extremely bizarre incident occurred in South Korea, where a 3-year-old girl was found dead in her apartment, and her body was already decomposed. The police originally thought that the single mother ruthlessly abandoned her daughter and caused the tragedy, but the DNA test results were surprising: the girl's biological mother turned out to be her grandmother!

What the hell is going on? Could it be that the hospital is holding the wrong child? Or is there something else going on?

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

My grandmother turned out to be my own mother

In March 2021, in Gumi City, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea, a disgusting rancid smell wafted from a dilapidated apartment, causing the residents of the entire building to cover their noses and walk around. Someone then called the police.

The landlord of the informant, Jin Baoying, who had rented this house, had been in arrears for half a year's rent, and the phone could not be reached, so no one knew where to go. The landlord was worried that something would happen, so he called the police, and then called Kim Baoying's mother, Shi Mi-sook.

The police rushed to the scene, but before they could enter the door, they were choked by the stench. The landlord opened the door tremblingly, and the sight in front of him made everyone's stomachs flutter.

This is a place where people live, it's a garbage dump! All kinds of household garbage are piled up, the ground is full of moldy food scraps, dirty clothes, empty bottles, flies buzzing around, and there is simply nowhere to put your feet. The police endured their nausea and cautiously searched the garbage heap, hoping to find the missing Kim Bo-young.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

Shi Meishu was also anxious to look for her daughter in the house, but when her daughter was not found, she accidentally found a highly decomposed toddler corpse.

The corpse was no longer recognizable, except for the skeleton and some broken clothing, which could be vaguely identified as a child. Experienced police officers immediately judged that the child had been dead for a long time, at least several months.

It was confirmed that the deceased was 3-year-old Ji-yun, the daughter of the missing tenant Kim Bo-young. When Shi Meishu heard that this child was her granddaughter, she immediately cried. Neighbors said that Jin Baoying is a single mother who lives alone with her children, rarely goes out and doesn't talk to people much, and everyone doesn't know much about her.

At this point, the police preliminarily determined that Jin Baoying was suspected of abandoning the child to death. But the case took a turn for the worse after the DNA test results came out. The test results showed that Jiyun and Jin Baoying were not related by blood, but completely matched the DNA of Jin Baoying's mother, that is, Zhiyun's grandmother Shi Meishu.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

In other words, the two who have always been considered mother and daughter turned out to be biological sisters! This result caused an uproar in South Korean society.

But in the face of conclusive DNA evidence, her grandmother Shi Meishu flatly denied it, claiming that she could not be Zhiyun's mother, and insisted that there was something wrong with the test results.

However, the police have commissioned a number of agencies to conduct re-examinations, and the results are all the same. In this regard, Shi Meishu's husband Jin Wei also firmly sided with his wife, questioning the accuracy of the test results, which made the police even more suspicious that the couple was deliberately hiding something.

On the other hand, Jin Baoying, who was arrested by the police, looked very shocked, and she didn't know how her daughter became her mother's child?

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

As the investigation deepened, Jin Baoying's social account became the focus of police attention. The police found that Jin Baoying still posted photos and videos of Zhiyun on social platforms for half a year after abandoning her daughter, creating a false impression of motherhood and filial piety, and continued to receive childcare subsidies from the government.

At this time, the little girl had already been abandoned by her and died tragically in the garbage heap. The case has developed so far, and there are more and more suspicious points. Why did Shi Mi-sook hide the fact that she had a child? How did the child die?

Bizarre family relationships

As the investigation deepens, the strange family relationship of the Jin Baoying family gradually surfaces. Neighbors reported that Jin Baoying has lived alone with her daughter since the divorce, and rarely interacts with people, let alone has any movement with her parents.

What is incomprehensible is that Shi Meishu and his wife live downstairs, but they are indifferent to the lives of their daughter and granddaughter, as if they are strangers. During the New Year's holidays, the two families have never seen a reunion, and the level of indifference is staggering.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

What's even more strange is Shi Meishu's husband Jin Wei. When the police informed him of the DNA test results, which showed that his wife was the biological mother of the child, instead of showing normal reactions such as shock and anger, he calmly questioned the accuracy of the test results and firmly sided with his wife.

This unusual reaction surprised the police.

It stands to reason that any man who learns that he has been cuckolded and that his wife has secretly replaced the child will be furious and even fight. And Jin Wei's reaction is really strange, could it be that he already knows his wife's secret?

The police speculated that Jin Wei probably knew that Shi Meishu had cheated and gave birth to a child, but for some reason he chose to hide it. Perhaps in order to maintain the apparent harmony of the family, or perhaps because he was afraid that his reputation would be ruined after the truth was exposed, Jin Wei chose to bury this secret deep in his heart.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

And Shi Meishu also took advantage of her husband's psychology to recklessly transfer the child, and even send Jin Baoying's biological daughter away. All this points to an even more creepy speculation: this seemingly ordinary family may have other secrets.

Starved to death in the garbage heap

As the police peel back the cocoon, a heartbreaking truth gradually emerges: Zhiyun, who was only 3 years old, was starved to death.

Looking through Kim Bo-young's mobile phone, the police found that this woman's heart was simply harder than a stone. As early as half a year ago, Jin Baoying met her current boyfriend. Not long after falling in love, she quickly moved into her new boyfriend's house and left the young Zhiyun alone in that dilapidated apartment.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

What's even more hateful is that when Jin Baoying left, it was like moving, pots and pans, clothes and bedding, but nothing could be taken away, and the water and electricity bills had long been cut off, and poor Zhiyun was trapped alive in that empty "cage", not to mention food and drink, and he couldn't even mix hot water.

It's hard to imagine how a three-year-old child would spend the last days of his life in the midst of hunger and cold.

And all this, Jin Baoying, a mother, completely ignored it. She is immersed in the sweetness of her new love, where does she remember the biological flesh and blood who was abandoned by herself? In her eyes, the existence of Zhiyun may be like an old piece of clothing, discarded casually, without distress.

In the final days of his life, Zhiyun could only survive on the few food scraps left in his room and the occasional droplets of water from the water pipes. One can imagine how in the cold winter, with no heating and no food, the young Zhiyun suffered day after day in fear and despair.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

At this time, Jin Baoying was enjoying sweet love in the gentle hometown of her new boyfriend, and completely forgot her daughter who was ruthlessly abandoned by herself. Not only did she not feel the slightest guilt, but she fabricated the illusion of motherhood and filial piety on social platforms, and from time to time posted some photos and videos from before Zhiyun, accompanied by words such as "Baby, Mom loves you", in order to win sympathy and defraud the government of childcare subsidies.

This ruthless mother has woven a hypocritical world of happiness for herself. The poor little girl was lying in the garbage heap, unattended.

The truth is still not clear

Although the DNA test results are there, Zhiyun is Shi Meishu's biological child, but the more the case is investigated, the more it looks like a maze, and there are dead ends everywhere.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

Why did Shi Meishu hide the fact that she had a child? And go to great lengths to transfer the child with his granddaughter? This brain circuit is really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

The police checked for a long time and found that Shi Meishu's mobile phone did have some search records such as "how to give birth by yourself" and "no need to go to the hospital to give birth", probably trying to give birth to the child secretly.

The question is, when Jin Baoying gave birth to the child, she was in a regular hospital, and there were monitoring and medical staff everywhere, how did Shi Meishu change the child unconsciously?

And Jin Baoying gave birth to a daughter, this can't be mistaken, could it be that Shi Meishu and a certain accomplice should be in harmony with each other, and took advantage of the chaos to transfer the child?

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

The most worrying thing is that where did the child born by Jin Baoying go, was it given away by Shi Meishu, or where did it go, the police did not suspect whether Shi Meishu killed the child, but so far, there are no clues at all, and there is really no one alive or dead.

Since the incident, Shi Meishu didn't say anything, and she said she didn't know what the police asked, anyway, she insisted that she had never given birth to a child, and the DNA test results were wrong.

What the truth is, I'm afraid we can only know when Shi Meishu speaks. I hope that the child born to Jin Baoying is still alive, safe and healthy, which can be regarded as a little consolation for this tragedy.

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!


In April 2021, Kim Baoying was sentenced for abandoning her child, but there are still many doubts in this case that have not been solved, and it feels like fishing for icebergs on the sea, and only a small part of it is exposed.

What the police suspect most now is that Shi Meishu is likely to cheat and conceive a child, because South Korea can't kill the child, so she quietly gave birth to the child and dropped the bag. Because Jin Baoying was in the hospital when she gave birth, there are various records, and the children looked similar when they were born, Jin Baoying probably didn't think much about it, and was exploited by Shi Meishu.

So where did Jin Baoying's biological child go? This is one of the most important concerns of everyone. No matter where she is, I just hope that she will be alive and healthy.


Beijing News Network - A 3-year-old girl in South Korea was abandoned at home and starved to death, and when she was found, she was a dried corpse, and the police found an even more "weird" incident after investigation - A 3-year-old girl in South Korea was abandoned in her home and starved to death, and her DNA showed that her grandmother was her biological mother

In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!
In 2021, a 3-year-old Korean girl was found dead at home, and DNA testing showed: Grandma is the biological mother!

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