
Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

author:One point
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

History often says that the bones of the faithful are buried everywhere in Qingshan, why should the horse leather shroud be returned, the civil servants do not love money, the military generals do not hesitate to die, and the world can be determined.

Among the many famous generals in history, there are very few who can die well, but the famous generals who were wrongfully killed are like carp crossing the river, even if it is Liu Bei Liu Huangshu, who left a name in Qing history, the Shu Han he formed was enough to unjustly kill three generals.

Under the background that there were no generals in Shu and Liao became a vanguard, there were still more generals unjustly killed by Shu Han than Wu and Wei.

Generally speaking, at that time, the world was divided into three, and Shu Han could be said to be at the bottom, and it was at the time of employing people, why did the Shu Han Group repeatedly unjustly kill the generals, whether these generals really had problems, or because of the factor of party strife.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

1. Guan Yu

Guan Yuluo was included in the unjustly killed generals, many people felt that it was very ridiculous, whether it was the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", everyone knew that Guan Yu was defeated in the Battle of Fancheng and finally defeated Maicheng.

However, after the continuous analysis of many people, some people gradually found that Guan Yu's death was very inexplicable, and some people even claimed that Guan Yu's death was Liu Bei's conspiracy.

Historically, after Liu Bei took Jingzhou, he quickly set his sights on Liu Zhang in Yizhou, who was located in the mountains and escaped the melee in the Central Plains.

It can be said that at that time, Yizhou alone could reach the comprehensive strength of several states in the Central Plains. Therefore, Liu Bei did not have the intention of interacting from the very beginning, but wanted to lure the wolf into the room and make a big deal with the small.

At that time, Guan Yu was his most trusted general, and he was also known as the god of war, Liu Bei thought that Guan Yu alone guarded Jingzhou, which was enough to deter the surrounding countries.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

Although Jingzhou has few troops, with Guan Yu's prestige, he has trained a fierce pawn, and Cao Wei and Dongwu can't raise their heads. After Liu Bei took Yizhou, the actual military force that could be mobilized approached Cao Wei, and it can be said that Liu Bei continued to expand at this time, but he could not annex the land for a period of time in the north.

The only option is to go south or east. Zhuge Liang captured Meng Shu seven times, the south of Yizhou was stable, and it seemed that only the east was left if he wanted to expand. Guan Yu, who was guarding the east, had the right to transfer troops privately since he got Liu Bei's approval, so the Battle of Fancheng began.

Some people say that in fact, Guan Yu's tent at this time has already listened to the tune and did not listen to the announcement, as if he had become a threat, so he sat back and watched Guan Yu's entire army annihilated. Some people pointed out that among the many generals, Liu Bei sent Meng Da, who had a bad relationship with Guan Yu, and Liu Bei was able to quickly gather troops to attack the east after Guan Yu's death, which shows that Liu Bei was preparing for war a long time ago.

So some people say that Guan Yu is the first person under Liu Bei's account to be unjustly killed.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

2. Mengda

The second is Meng Da, speaking of this person, many readers who are familiar with the Three Kingdoms are dismissive of this person. In terms of character, he can also be regarded as a slave with three surnames.

Before Liu Bei entered Yizhou, Liu Zhang lived in a corner, stuck to the city, sat and watched the development of the country, and before Liu Bei entered Sichuan, the entire Yizhou Group was almost at the end of its life.

Meng Da knew that continuing to follow Liu Zhang would only end up in a bad end, so he and the other two worked together to help Liu Bei seize Yizhou.

This move directly made Meng Da from the general of the enemy army to Liu Bei's minister of the dragon, and because of this great achievement, Liu Bei also had to reuse Meng Da.

In 219, Shangyong was included in the sphere of influence of Shu Han, and the guards naturally fell to Meng Da's head, but Liu Bei then sent his godson Liu Feng to assist from the side, but in fact he was secretly surveilling.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

It can also be seen that Liu Bei does not trust Meng Da.

In the end, the Battle of Xiangfan broke out, Guan Yu was besieged, and in desperation, he asked Liu Feng and Meng Da for help, but in the end, because of the contradictions in the past, neither of them chose to make a move.

In the end, Liu Bei took the opportunity to get rid of Liu Feng and paved the way for his own son Liu Chan, while Meng Da led his troops to surrender to Cao Cao, and died at the hands of Cao Wei under Zhuge Liang's design.

If Meng Da was unjustly killed, it would be forgivable, but Wei Yan really died too unjustly.

3. Wei Yan

It can be found that among the major generals in Liu Bei's group, many of the main generals who surrendered died in the follow-up foreign battles, such as Huang Zhong.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

Although there is no direct evidence to prove that Liu Bei eliminated dissidents, the outcome of the surrender faction is too strange, especially in Wei Yan's treatment, which can be called a direct frame-up.

Wei Yan was the sixth most famous general of Shu Han at that time, and he was present in many battles, including the Battle of Zhuchuan and the Battle of Hanzhong. These two battles were the only battles of Shu Han to expand their territory.

After Hanzhong was captured, the main generals were named the generals of the Quartet, and Liu Bei was the Taishou of Hanzhong and was responsible for guarding Hanzhong.

It can be said that at this stage, Wei Yan is still deeply trusted by Liu Bei Group, or there is no general in Shu at this stage, and Wei Yan's importance has become his greatest guarantee.

After the last Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang died of illness, and he ordered the Shu army to retreat in an orderly manner, but did not inform Wei Yan, which shows that from this moment on, Wei Yan has been excluded from the inner circle.

Without personally granting the military order, Wei Yan was naturally reluctant to withdraw his troops, so he could only continue to lead the troops on the Northern Expedition, but this was contrary to Zhuge Liang's order.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

So Yang Yi wrote to Liu Chan and reported that Wei Yan's rebellion was established, and in the end Wei Yan was beheaded by Ma Dai, which is really embarrassing!

Fourth, Lu Xun

The reason why Shu Han had a series of later Northern Expedition arrangements came from Guan Yu's loss of Jingzhou. According to the strategic plan of the Shilong squadron of Sangu Thatched House, Zhuge Liang first hoped to take Yizhou and Jingzhou at the same time, and continue to encroach on the north through a pincer offensive.

In this way, it will be able to turn Yizhou's "Shu Dao Difficulty" into today's disadvantage and turn it into an advantage of sending suspicious soldiers and attacking north by surprise.

Later, Liu Bei Group did its best to lay down Guanzhong, which was also based on Longzhong's strategic thinking. But after all, Guanzhong couldn't catch up with Jingzhou, whether it was the vast territory or the number of soldiers, so the overall strategic direction of Shu Han changed from encroaching on Cao Wei to attacking and defending, and finally exhausted the national strength and was destroyed.

If Guan Yu can hold Jingzhou, then everything will be very different. The root cause of all this is to blame on Lu Meng of Eastern Wu.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

Lü Meng took advantage of the battle between Guan Yu and Cao Wei to attack Guan Yu from behind, thus capturing Jingzhou and causing Guan Yu's entire army to be annihilated. Later, Lu Meng died of illness, and Lu Xun took his place.

Before Lu Xun ascended the throne, Eastern Wu was repeatedly defeated by Zhang Liao, and the 100,000 army was defeated by Zhang Liao's 7,000 soldiers and horses, and Jiangdong suffered the biggest crisis since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Under the condition of life and death, Sun Quan broke the routine and reused the little-known Lu Xun, in the face of a huge gap in troops, Lu Xun took the battalion step by step, relying on the terrain formula to launch a comprehensive blockade. After a long period of suffering, Liu Bei finally made a mistake.

Due to the terrain, Liu Bei had to station his troops in the valley, from the configuration of the troops, the defense of the troops after the camp was still in place, but Liu Bei ignored the surrounding trees.

Liu Bei's final ending is also clear to everyone, he was directly burned by Lu Xun for 700 miles, and some people say that it was because Lu Xun killed too much in this battle that he was finally killed by resentment.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

But in fact, Lu Xun's ending was just a microcosm at the time.

After Sun Gan reached his old age, he became extremely narrow-minded, and he also loved to kill ministers, Lu Xun persuaded not to change the crown prince for the sake of national stability, and as a result, Sun Quan was angered.

Although Sun Quan did not kill Lu Xun, Lu Xun died because of Sun Quan, and in the continuous alienation and reprimand, Lu Xun died of indignation.

Fifth, Zhang He

After all the first generals of the Cao Wei Group withered, it also encountered the dilemma of talent fault within it. Because of this, Zhang He and Sima Yi gradually stood at the center of Cao Wei Group and became the only famous generals.

Speaking of Zhang He, this person is an old opponent of the Shuhan Group. The famous Zhuge Liang in history slashed Ma Jian with tears, because Zhang He broke the grain road guarded by Ma Tan, and finally Zhuge Liang had to retreat.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?

Later, Zhuge Liang made several northern expeditions, all of which failed because of Zhang He's efforts. But such an excellent general died in the infighting, and the person who did it was Sima Yi.

Who is Sima Yi, history has given the answer, he had a very high prestige at that time, coupled with the continuous pressure of the Cao Wei royal family, so he gradually had the intention of weakening the power of the central royal family.

However, Sima Yi has an unavoidable problem, that is, Zhang He. This person has almost the same prestige as himself, and his voice in the army is only high and not low compared to Sima Yi, Sima Yi knows that Zhang He will be the biggest obstacle to his own power.

In order to get rid of this confidant, when Zhuge Liang failed to withdraw from the Fourth Northern Expedition, Zhang He was ordered by Sima Yi to lead the army to pursue. You must know that the Shu army at this time did not fail, but had to withdraw because of the lack of food, and the morale was still very strong, and the soldiers were strong.

Usually pay attention to the poor and do not chase, but Zhang He did the opposite, and sure enough, the Shu army ambushed in Mumen Road was completely annihilated, and Zhang He himself died under the random arrows.

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?


A generation of generals finally fell to such a point, such an ending is really embarrassing, and people can't help but sigh that the political struggle in ancient times was really treacherous, one step at a time, one step at a time.

A generation of outstanding generals did not die on the battlefield, but died in the intrigues and tricks of their peers, which can be called the sorrow of the Three Kingdoms and the times.

Perhaps, this is the ultimate fate of an excellent general with high merit.

Wei Shu Wu Dou was magnificent, and he did not win or lose after decades of fierce battles, but in the end he was picked by Sima Yi, which was a huge irony at the time.

The price of Shu Han and Wu is the destruction of the country, and the price of Sima Yi's family is that the blood is completely slaughtered, which can really be said to be a murderer.


Baidu Encyclopedia - Guan Yu, Meng Da, Wei Yan, Lu Xun, Zhang He

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

Who are the 5 famous generals who died the most wronged in the Three Kingdoms, one each of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, and three Shu Han?