
Han Yu, Fu Laiqing, the Democratic Progressive Party, Lu Xiuyan, Hou Youyi, and then speak out!

author:Liang Cha the world

In the past two days of Taiwan's political arena, there is a bit of a feeling of dancing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and various forces are gearing up, and it is difficult for you to judge who is right and who is wrong!

We know that since the Kuomintang passed the five reform laws, the DPP has been exhausting all kinds of methods to resist, first Zhuo Rongtai, the head of the executive department, submitted a reconsideration, and after the reconsideration failed, the DPP is ready to propose an interpretation of the constitution, in an attempt to use the judiciary to interfere in legislation, we can completely conclude that the next offensive and defensive battle of constitutional interpretation is no less than the previous blue-green offensive and defensive in the Legislative Yuan!


No, the Democratic Progressive Party caucus, which has suffered setbacks in the past few days, has proposed to recall the Kuomintang legislators, and has also announced a list of recalls, targeting those Kuomintang legislators who narrowly defeated the DPP in the legislative election in the first half of the year! Moreover, the DPP also proposed a very vicious means of recall, that is, to lower the recall threshold!

At present, the first thing the green camp is targeting is Xie Guoliang, the mayor of Keelung, who is a member of the Kuomintang! Because of its low difficulty and high probability of success, the DPP even thinks of recalling Xie Guoliang and then recalling the Blue Committee, or even recalling Han Kuo-yu again!

In the words of Mr. Fu Laiqing, Lai Qingde was only 40% elected, but it takes 50% to remove him before he can cross the threshold; And a 60% elected legislator can be recalled with only 25%, which is an extremely unreasonable regulation!

Han Yu, Fu Laiqing, the Democratic Progressive Party, Lu Xiuyan, Hou Youyi, and then speak out!

It is foreseeable that the fierce Fu Laiqing will harden the DPP in the Legislative Yuan! And just yesterday, Fu Laiqing made a statement that she will put the "Amendment to the Recall Ordinance" on the agenda next Thursday!

However, there is still some uncertainty about next week's vote, and it is difficult to predict the outcome, it is reported that it will be Gao Jin Sumei's turn to preside over next week, and Gao Jin Sumei was sent to the hospital due to illness, and it is not yet certain whether she can attend! If Gao Jin is unable to attend, the voting battle will present a situation of "blue six green six white one", that is, the vote of Mai Yuzhen, the white committee, will become the key to the approval of the regulations.

And we know that the People's Party is an extremely unreliable existence, and the recent statement of the People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe is reversed, a typical speculator, the Kuomintang must not pin its hopes on the People's Party!

In the past two days, Hou Youyi and Lu Xiuyan, who have appeared frequently recently, have rarely appeared together, and expressed their respective attitudes towards the offense and defense of the ruling and opposition parties!

We know that Hou Youyi and Lu Xiuyan are important members of the Kuomintang, especially the New Taipei and Taichung that they govern are the traditional vote bases of the Kuomintang. However, they have always rarely taken a stand on the affairs of the blue camp, and they are always worried that they will be smeared and smeared by the green camp and affect their future future!

Han Yu, Fu Laiqing, the Democratic Progressive Party, Lu Xiuyan, Hou Youyi, and then speak out!

However, the terms of office of both Hou Lu and Hou Lu will expire, and judging from the recent actions of the two, they both have a strong desire to challenge the chairman of the Kuomintang, so the two have to make a rare joint statement, which has attracted great attention from the media!

Lu Xiuyan said that the confrontation between the government and the opposition is not beneficial, and welfare should be the priority.

Hou Youyi said that blue and green should "unite" and cooperate, and should not be overly "offensive and defensive"!

The statement of the two once again tells us what "non-stick pan" is! In the face of possible attacks on their teammates, Hou Youyi and Lu Xiuyan, who are important members of the Kuomintang, did not even have a word of encouragement, you know, the DPP has exhausted the strength of the whole party to suppress the Kuomintang, and Hou Youyi and Lu Xiuyan, who are likely to become the future leaders of the Kuomintang, actually have nothing to do with themselves, which is a typical exquisite egoism, which is chilling!

You must know that if the DPP's recall succeeds, the KMT's advantage in the Legislative Yuan will no longer exist, and the KMT will once again be reduced to a double minority!

It's just that some people feel sorry for Han Fu and the others, they are under huge pressure in the Legislative Yuan, and it's not pleasing to win! If you lose, you may be blamed!

Han Yu, Fu Laiqing, the Democratic Progressive Party, Lu Xiuyan, Hou Youyi, and then speak out!

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