
A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

author:Tibetan jade APP
A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

A few days ago, I chatted with a jade friend and talked about the seed jade plate he was wearing, but I didn't expect that there was a twisted story hidden behind it.

It is understood that he was in 10 years when he visited a Beijing jade exhibition, he took a fancy to a beautiful jade plate, the price was 20,000 yuan, he did not buy it because it was too expensive, thinking that the next day to invite a knowledgeable friend to come together to palm the palm and cut the price.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

A few years later, he happened to meet this coveted jade card, because he was impressed, he recognized it at a glance, and he really liked it and finally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy it.

Maybe everyone will think that he bought it expensive and spent a lot more, but in his opinion, the future value of this jade plate is not more than the hundreds of thousands, which is also the eyesight he has practiced after several years of study and precipitation, but he regrets not starting earlier......

I just think it's expensive and I don't know jade

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

Playing jade collection, I am afraid of buying fake, afraid of buying expensive, but only when you really know jade, will you feel that a piece of jade is indeed worth the money.

The authenticity of Hetian jade requires us to have a certain ability to distinguish the authenticity in order to ensure that the Hetian jade we collect has real value.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

If you can't distinguish the authenticity, you may fall into the dilemma of "fakes are cheap and good, and you will always feel that the real thing is expensive", not only will you not be able to get the pleasure of collecting, but you may also suffer financial losses.

For example, if others offer tens of thousands of dollars, bargaining directly erases a zero, the transaction is naturally difficult to achieve, if you mistakenly think that the seller is trying to misbehave, just want to make huge profits, then not only is it difficult to get good jade, but also may miss the valuable learning and growth opportunities.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

Hetian jade collection, the works must be scarce enough, fine enough, but not all works have collection value, but also look at things specifically.

If something is only expensive, you may miss out on a really good baby, or you may spend a lot of money to buy general goods or fakes, either way, in the end it will be a loss.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

Therefore, it is necessary to correctly understand the true value of a work, and it is not an overnight thing to distinguish the authenticity of Hetian jade.

This requires us to have an in-depth understanding of the knowledge of Hetian jade, understand the origin, jade species, texture, color and other characteristics of Hetian jade, and improve our eyesight and appreciation through continuous learning and practice.

Price vs. value

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

In order to delve into the relationship between price and value, we must establish a premise that should be based on a relatively mature understanding of the real Hetian jade and the collector.

From a market point of view, only by satisfying these two points, it is possible that the value of the purchased Hetian jade is greater than or equal to the price.

First of all, we need to be clear that the price of Hetian jade is not always proportional to its value.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

In the market, because of the scarcity of fine products, it is often seen that some Hetian jade works are expensive, but high-quality Hetian jade that is truly collectible is rare.

If the actual value of the work is very low, but the price is high, this behavior can not really attract consumers to buy it, except for the temporary eyeballs.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

On the other hand, the biggest factor affecting the relationship between the price and value of Hetian jade is the collector himself, and the collector's preference, cognitive level, and economic strength will have an impact on the price of Hetian jade.

Sometimes, as long as collectors like it, they may not hesitate to buy it at a high price, and even due to individual differences in collecting cognition, they may not be able to perceive the true value of the work, so the relationship between the price and value of Hetian jade becomes more complex and uncertain.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

However, the value of truly high-quality Hetian jade often far exceeds its price, and has high ornamental value, collection value and investment value, and works like this can also stand the test of the market.

Collecting is not simply a consumption

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

When collecting Hetian jade, we need to make it clear that collecting is not a simple consumption.

The value of a work of art, in the final analysis, lies in its material and production process, and this is often most intuitively reflected in the collection process.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

Whether it is playing jade or hiding jade, it is inseparable from money, but it is not as simple as spending money, for example, spending on that kind of jade work? How much is appropriate? These are all questions worth pondering.

For collectors, the process of collecting is far more important than the investment of money.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

The road to success is always full of happiness and pain, and playing Hetian Yu is also inevitable, there will inevitably be medicine and tuition fees, but every step is a growth and a valuable experience to improve appreciation.

From not knowing to knowing, and then to the unity of knowledge and action, it is also a kind of enjoyment of life.

Collecting Hetian jade is not just for the purpose of pursuing its price increase, as a work of art, Hetian jade is the focus of our collection because of its own aesthetic value and cultural value.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

If there is a lack of cultural purchase, it can only be regarded as a kind of money consumption at most, and the happiness it brings is only material possession, and this endless desire will only make people gradually deviate from the original intention of collecting.

Rather eat a peach than a basket of rotten apricots, which is also the way of collecting recognized by many collectors.

A piece of seed material, hesitate for one night, spend 100,000 more!

Perhaps the boutique that was ruthlessly bought at the beginning will also bring more objective returns in the future, and the boutique like this will be more recognized by the market and easier to change hands.

Even if it can't be realized at the moment, the value of the happiness gained by playing jade is more meaningful than direct profit, and profit becomes a natural thing, isn't it?