
Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

author:The Wisdom of the Yuan Era


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Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

Fighting between Myanmar's military junta and local militants has escalated again, making tensions on the border between China and Myanmar extremely tense. Secret contacts between the United States and Myanmar have added a lot of uncertainty to the dispute.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

The situation in Myanmar is really frustrating, and after such a short period of time, the junta could not bear the loneliness and clashed with the local armed De'ang army.

The "ceasefire agreement" brokered by the Chinese side has not been half a year old, and the Myanmar government has started to do it again before the signature and ink on the agreement have even dried up.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

The ceasefire agreement became a joke?

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Earlier this month, Myanmar's junta was revealed to have repeatedly ignored a Chinese-brokered ceasefire by sending drones and warplanes to bomb and shell areas controlled by the De'ang Liberation Army.

Needless to say, the shelling resulted in the injury of many innocent civilians, including a 10-year-old child.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

At this time, the De'ang army was completely on fire, and they decided to take action to "teach a lesson" to the Burmese junta, so they launched an attack on the government stronghold in Kyaukmei town.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

They also joined forces with the Mogok People's Defence Forces (MOPDF) to launch an onslaught against the Myanmar junta.

The Burmese junta, of course, will not sit idly by and immediately launch air strikes in retaliation. The whole situation, like a powder keg, exploded directly by the barrel.

People who don't see hope

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

The military operation of the Brotherhood Alliance has really left no hope for the local people, especially when the Arakan Army and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (NDA) have joined forces to cheer on the De'ang Army, and the fighting has already reached northern Shan State.

The momentum of this conflict is expected to be even more "enthusiastic". If there is no other force to control them, then it is likely that the scope will continue to expand.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Those conflict areas are so close to our Chinese border that they are only a few kilometers away.

China is a big family composed of countless small families, and the tranquility of the border is related to the safety of each and every one of us.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

China's mediation efforts

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Last year, when civil strife raged in Myanmar, China, as a neighboring country, was deeply concerned about them and the people who were still suffering.

We have not only stepped up military exercises in the border areas to demonstrate our firm determination to maintain peace, but have also actively mediated and pushed all parties to sit down and negotiate, and peace is the fundamental way to solve the problem.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

After several rounds of efforts, on January 10 this year, the local armed forces and the military junta of Myanmar successfully reached an armistice agreement in Kunming, Yunnan Province.

We are very pleased with the good news. This marked the agreement of the three brothers alliance to stop the attacks, and the junta also promised to stop the air strikes and artillery shelling, a solid step for peace and stability in Myanmar.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

As a neighboring country, we hope that all parties in Myanmar will cherish this hard-won peace and work together to lay a solid foundation for Myanmar's future development.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Preparation and counterattack by the junta

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Although the "ceasefire agreement" was signed, the top level of Myanmar still held back a big breath of bad anger in their hearts, because they had lost too much, almost equivalent to losing half of the northern Shan State.

This also includes about 20 important towns and trade arteries connected to China. How could the Burmese junta give up on such losses?

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

So Min Aung Hlaing decided to take action, he knew the importance of the counteroffensive, and he had to fight a decisive battle, and he began to actively prepare.

He stepped up the propaganda of conscription, calling on the enthusiastic young people in the country to serve the country and fight to regain the lost territory.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Since February this year, Myanmar has introduced a compulsory conscription law that forces men between the ages of 18 and 35 and women between the ages of 18 and 27 to be recruited into the army, and they must stay in the army for at least two years.

Many school-age men and people have been forced to join the army, and this method is too strong. However, after such a reversal, the Burmese military junta has almost replenished its troops.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

At the beginning of April this year, the first batch of 5,000 recruits had already enlisted in the army and began training, and by the end of the month, they would all have entered the official barracks.

With troops in hand, the Burmese top brass could not sit still, and directly turned the table to overturn the cease-fire agreement and launched a counter-attack against hostile local forces


Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Secret U.S.-Myanmar Contacts: Another Mystery?

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

On the eve of tearing up the "agreement," the top level of Myanmar and the top level of the United States held a secret meeting.

During his visit to Vietnam, the US assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, Kondak, quietly chatted for a while with Kyaw Rinzo, the commander of Burma's navy, and some high-ranking pro-democracy officials.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

The US side did not make a big deal about this, and the specific content of the talks was also kept secret.

However, a spokesman for the US State Department said that they would continue to "do their best to get the Burmese military regime to change direction through diplomatic channels" and stop doing things to the Burmese people.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Kangda and Juelinzuo will meet again soon, and it is estimated that there will be some new topics and developments in this meeting.

Since 2021, the United States has not stopped exerting economic pressure on Myanmar's military junta.

They also have frequent contacts with those who oppose the junta, especially the shadow government of national unity, whose spiritual leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, is in the spotlight.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

In June last year, the United States was even more ruthless, directly sanctioning Myanmar's Ministry of Defense and two banks, Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank and Myanmar Investment Commercial Bank.

The reason why the United States is so tough is because the military junta in Myanmar uses foreign currency to buy things that should not be bought.

A signal of a change in attitude in the United States

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

Recently, the United States has made a 180-degree turn in its attitude toward Myanmar, and has frequently met and exchanged with Burmese military government officials, which has sent a very clear signal.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

The United States may have to change its approach to the conflict in Myanmar, and perhaps even close its approach to the Burmese junta and strengthen cooperation.

In this way, the Burmese junta openly overturned the "cease-fire agreement" brokered by China, and it is very likely that it wants to show goodwill to the United States and please the United States.

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

China's attitude: the red line cannot be touched

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

The PLA's military exercises on the China-Myanmar border can be said to send a clear signal to Myanmar.

If Myanmar attempts to challenge China's bottom line and undermine China's interests, China will not hesitate to take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard its core interests.

Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after verification.

Here are the real sources of information:

A new conflict broke out in Myanmar, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

With the outbreak of new conflicts in Myanmar's Shan State and Mandalay Province, has China engaged with either side? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded

Saw the high-level of the United States and floated? Min Aung Hlaing refused to accept the armistice agreement and did what China did not like!

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