
These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Oh, I've got to tell you, these three foods are cholesterol assassins, and you'll cry if you eat too many blood vessels!" The 60-year-old Chef Liu was a chef before he retired, so he naturally knows a lot about food. Now he's passionate about sharing how to stay healthy through diet, especially on how to avoid foods with high cholesterol.

Chef Liu talked about red meat, especially processed red meat, such as sausages, bacon, etc. The saturated fat in red meat is the main culprit behind the rise in LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in the blood.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Persistently high levels of LDL can lead to hardening of the arteries, which is the gradual blockage of blood vessel walls, which is one of the direct causes of heart disease and stroke. Chef Lau emphasised that although red meat is a good source of protein, for the sake of health, you should choose lean portions and try to replace your daily intake of red meat with white meat, such as chicken and fish.

Chef Liu mentioned an issue that is often overlooked: full-fat dairy products. Foods such as whole milk, cheese, and butter are rich in saturated fat, which increases bad cholesterol in the body, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

He advises that in order to control cholesterol levels, it is best to choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products, which can absorb the nutritional benefits of dairy products while avoiding adverse health effects. He also made a point of mentioning cooking oils, especially those that have been partially hydrogenated, such as some cheap cooking oils and margarine.

The trans fatty acids contained in these oils raise levels of LDL (aka bad cholesterol) and decrease levels of HDL (good cholesterol), which is extremely bad for cardiovascular health. Chef Liu recommends using olive oil, coconut oil, or other oils that are not overly processed to reduce these risks.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Through this detailed explanation, Master Liu not only showed residents the potential dangers of cholesterol, but also provided specific dietary advice to help them understand that simple dietary adjustments can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain the health of blood vessels.

When it comes to keeping blood vessels open and heart healthy, in addition to controlling the intake of high-cholesterol foods, we should also pay attention to the overall diet and lifestyle adjustments. In fact, many seemingly unrelated eating habits and lifestyle choices have a profound impact on cardiovascular health.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Increasing the intake of dietary fiber, especially the soluble one, is really good for the body! Soluble fiber is like a little expert in our intestines, and it can combine with bile acids.

You know, bile acids are made from cholesterol. This hook-up helps us to limit cholesterol in the intestines so that it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, and then it can be excreted with the stool. This operation not only directly helps us lower the bad cholesterol in the blood, but also controls blood sugar steadily and fights type 2 diabetes.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

What do you want to eat to get this amazing fiber? Oats, apples, pears, all of them. Don't forget about beans and nuts, these guys are not low in soluble fiber either. A little more of these foods in the diet is quite good for the body!

Be mindful of increasing your dietary intake of antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body fight free radical attack and reduce oxidative stress, which is especially important for preventing atherosclerosis.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of heart disease, and it occurs when lipids, including cholesterol, accumulate in the lining of blood vessels. Antioxidants in food, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and flavonoids, are widely found in a variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, have been shown to reduce heart disease risk, they can improve the electrophysiological activity of the heart, reduce the risk of arrhythmias, and have anti-inflammatory effects. Common sources of omega-3 fatty acids include deep-sea fish such as salmon, mackerel, and salmon, as well as flaxseed and walnuts.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Controlling weight and avoiding obesity are also key strategies to reduce the risk of heart disease. Excess weight is not only round and round, but also a big burden on the heart. As soon as the weight increases, the blood pressure will climb upward, and the risk of diabetes will also rise in a straight line, which are all big bad guys who push the heart into the pit!

But don't worry, keep your mouth under control and open your legs, it's not a big problem. As long as you insist on 150 minutes of walking, running, or 75 minutes of hard exercise every week, weight control will be dramatic, and your heart will be happy.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Long-term anxiety or depression can lead to heart disease. But we can be smarter, do some yoga, meditate, have more happy parties, and have some fun. This will not only improve your mood, but also make your heart healthier and your life more enjoyable.

To take good care of the heart, it is not enough to improve the diet, and the lifestyle must also be planned reasonably. For example, regular health check-ups are particularly important to help detect any hidden dangers early. It is important for heart health to monitor blood pressure, lipids, blood sugar and weight, which can help us identify problems in time and intervene early to prevent the disease from worsening.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Making sure you're drinking enough water is a simple and effective way to protect your heart. Proper water intake can help blood flow smoothly and reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the burden on the heart. In general, adults need to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, of course, this amount can be adjusted appropriately depending on the intensity of your activity and the weather.

Staying away from tobacco and controlling alcohol consumption are also very important. Smoking can damage the heart and blood vessels by chemicals, increasing the risk of heart disease. Whereas, alcohol abuse can lead to high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

Also, don't underestimate the benefits of sleep for the heart. Lack of sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Adults should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night and try to maintain a regular sleep schedule, which is very beneficial to the heart.

Protecting our hearts requires efforts on multiple fronts. By eating right, exercising moderately, relaxing properly, avoiding bad habits, and having regular check-ups, each of us can significantly reduce our risk of heart disease and lead a healthy and active life. Let's start today and stick to a healthier lifestyle for the health of ourselves and our families. (All names have been changed)

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

What do you think about cholesterol? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Lin Xueqi. Correlation between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and hypoperfusion of brain tissue in patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis, Nerve Injury and Functional Reconstruction, 2024-06-12 Reference

These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked
These 3 foods can be called "cholesterol assassins", advice: be sure to eat less, don't let the blood vessels be blocked

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