
Shimeitang Public Kindergarten: Witness growth with love

author:Weiding Teaching

Graduation, a word that makes people have mixed feelings, growth, love, gratitude, nostalgia, blessings, and hope come together, followed by the joy of growth, but also accompanied by the reluctance to separate and the expectation of the future. On the evening of June 28, Shimeitang Public Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony with the theme of "Witnessing Growth with Love".

Before the start of the activity, parents signed in in an orderly manner and wrote their full wishes for their children and their expectations for the future.

Shimeitang Public Kindergarten: Witness growth with love

The graduation ceremony kicked off with laughter. Nie Xiaoping, the director of the kindergarten, walked cordially to the stage, with a proud and moving smile on his face. She fondly recalled the happy time spent by the children in the kindergarten, from toddler to confident expression, every step of growth embodies the hard work of the teachers and the efforts of the children themselves. In Nie Xiaoping's words, there are not only blessings for the children, but also ardent expectations for their future.

Shimeitang Public Kindergarten: Witness growth with love

Parent representative Zheng Duowen's grandmother took the stage to speak. She shared with emotion the growth experience of young children in kindergarten, from a shy and introverted child, gradually became lively and cheerful. She thanked the teachers for their patient teaching and careful care, so that the children gained friendship and self-confidence here. When Zheng Duo heard her grandmother's words, she expressed the voices of all parents, and also resonated with every parent present.

Shimeitang Public Kindergarten: Witness growth with love

The head teacher, Ms. Wang Tingting, walked on stage with full of love, she counted the bits and pieces of getting along with the children, and those times of laughter and tears intertwined have become the most precious memories. She encouraged the children to be brave enough to pursue their dreams and keep learning and improving. Her words made the children feel the warmth of home.

Afterwards, everyone watched the video of the children's growth. In the picture, children are either playing or studying seriously, and every moment is full of innocence and happiness. These precious images will become a valuable asset for children's future memories.

At the end of the ceremony, everyone sat around and enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner while watching the movie "Dream Travel". This film tells a story about dreams and family, and the meaning is profound. The children felt the greatness of family affection and the power of dreams in laughter.

Shimeitang Public Kindergarten: Witness growth with love

This graduation ceremony is not only a summary of kindergarten life, but also the starting point of a new journey for children. May they carry this beautiful memory with them in the days to come, move forward bravely, and pursue their dreams.

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