
Psychometric test: Choose a picture that calms you and measure how hurt you are

author:Cool ink pond fish

In this fast-paced era, each of us is suffering from some pressure and trauma to a greater or lesser extent. Sometimes, we may not be aware of these traumas, but they are quietly influencing our emotions and behaviors.

Today, let's go through a simple psychological test together, choose a picture that can calm your heart, and explore the extent of your inner hurt!

The test begins

Choose one of the four images below that will make you feel at peace:


Psychometric test: Choose a picture that calms you and measure how hurt you are

The picture comes from the Internet


Psychometric test: Choose a picture that calms you and measure how hurt you are

The picture comes from the Internet


Psychometric test: Choose a picture that calms you and measure how hurt you are

The picture comes from the Internet


Psychometric test: Choose a picture that calms you and measure how hurt you are

The picture comes from the Internet

1. Choose by feeling and don't think too much

2. Analyze the comment area to be revealed

3. Fun test, analysis is for reference only, please treat it rationally

Through this psychological test, we can not only understand the degree of our inner injury, but also find a suitable adjustment method for ourselves.

Regardless of your test results, believe that you have the courage and ability to overcome difficulties. Let's move forward bravely on the road of life and constantly pursue inner peace and harmony!

Thank you all for your support and participation, and I wish you all a happy day, and we'll see you next time.

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