
I bragged to my friends that I was going to marry my neighbor's sister when I grew up, and she came to my house to look for me, and I was so scared that I slipped away through the back door

author:Easy Beian 8J4

The childhood sweethearts of the hometown and the changes of the years

Surrounded by mountains in the southeast of Hubei Province, there is a small village that is like a paradise. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are simple, as if time has slowed down here. The village is inhabited by two families with two main surnames, the Hong and the Zhou, who have lived together for generations, living together in harmony, as if two rivers on this land meet and run side by side.

The surname Hong is the aboriginal of this land, and their roots are deeply rooted in this soil and absorb the nutrients of this land. The surname Zhou is a foreigner who migrated here at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and they took root here, multiplied, and built this harmonious village together with the Hong family.

The children of the two families have played together, read together, and grown up together since childhood. They walked hand in hand across the fields, climbed side by side over the hillside, and that innocent friendship was like the ancient locust tree at the edge of the village, which was still lush after wind and rain. Some children gradually developed deep feelings when they got along day and night, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, which became a good story in the village.

I, Hong Hui, and my wife, Zhou Chunxiu, are such examples. Zhou Chunxiu, two years older than me, is the pearl of the neighbor Uncle Zhou's aunt. When I was a child, our two families were not far apart and we could see each other almost every day. At that time, she had a straightforward personality and was lively and active, and often took us friends to explore around the village. Her fiery temper makes us both awe and close. Whenever I her off by being naughty, she always stomped her feet in anger and threatened to ignore me again. But it won't be long before she comes back to reconcile with me, as if nothing had happened.

When we were in elementary school, we grew up and began to understand some of the world's feelings. Zhou Chunxiu's personality has also converged a lot, and she is no longer so impulsive. But occasionally they still quarrel with me over trivial things. I remember one time, we were playing a game, and I couldn't learn it because I was clumsy, and she was so angry that she called me a stupid pig. My self-esteem was frustrated, and I left her house in anger. Hong Xiao, my cousin, also left with me. Zhou Chunxiu was a little angry when she saw us leaving, but she didn't say much.

After school that afternoon, Hong Xiao and I were playing on the way home. Suddenly, an idea popped up and said to Hong Xiao: "When I grow up, I want to marry Zhou Chunxiu, and let her do laundry and cook for me every day, and make cattle and horses." Hong Xiao laughed when she heard this, thinking that my idea was very novel. But I didn't expect that Hong Xiao would tell my words under Zhou Chunxiu's coercion and temptation.

After school the next day, I was stopped by Zhou Chunxiu. She crossed her hands on her hips, her apricot eyes wide open, and asked me why I was saying those things. I explained in a hesitant way that it was bragging, and that it meant nothing else. But she apparently didn't believe my explanation and walked away in a huff. Since then, she has always kept a straight face when she sees me, as if I am a negative person.

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, we have all grown up. I went out to study and work, and I worked hard in the city. And Zhou Chunxiu also left the village and went to work in other places. The connection between us gradually decreased, but the memories of that childhood were as deeply rooted in my heart as the locust tree at the edge of the village.

Until one day, I received a letter from Zhou Chunxiu. She wrote to me the news that she was getting married and invited me home for her wedding. I was so excited that I immediately packed my bags and went back to my hometown. When I saw Zhou Chunxiu again at the wedding, I found that she had become more mature and stable. She smiled and walked up to me and stretched out her hand and said, "Hong Hui, long time no see. I took her hand and said, "yes, long time no see, I wish you happiness." "At that moment, I was filled with emotion, as if I had returned to that carefree childhood.

Now, I have been away from my hometown for many years, but the memories of that childhood are forever engraved in my heart like the mountains and rivers of my hometown. Whenever I think of those days spent with Zhou Chunxiu, there is always a warm current in my heart, which makes me feel extremely warm and happy. The childhood sweethearts of the hometown and the changes of the years

Surrounded by mountains in the southeast of Hubei Province, there is a small village that is like a paradise. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are simple, as if time has slowed down here. The village is inhabited by two families with two main surnames, the Hong and the Zhou, who have lived together for generations, living together in harmony, as if two rivers on this land meet and run side by side.

The surname Hong is the aboriginal of this land, and their roots are deeply rooted in this soil and absorb the nutrients of this land. The surname Zhou is a foreigner who migrated here at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and they took root here, multiplied, and built this harmonious village together with the Hong family.

The children of the two families have played together, read together, and grown up together since childhood. They walked hand in hand across the fields, climbed side by side over the hillside, and that innocent friendship was like the ancient locust tree at the edge of the village, which was still lush after wind and rain. Some children gradually developed deep feelings when they got along day and night, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, which became a good story in the village.

I bragged to my friends that I was going to marry my neighbor's sister when I grew up, and she came to my house to look for me, and I was so scared that I slipped away through the back door

I, Hong Hui, and my wife, Zhou Chunxiu, are such examples. Zhou Chunxiu, two years older than me, is the pearl of the neighbor Uncle Zhou's aunt. When I was a child, our two families were not far apart and we could see each other almost every day. At that time, she had a straightforward personality and was lively and active, and often took us friends to explore around the village. Her fiery temper makes us both awe and close. Whenever I her off by being naughty, she always stomped her feet in anger and threatened to ignore me again. But it won't be long before she comes back to reconcile with me, as if nothing had happened.

When we were in elementary school, we grew up and began to understand some of the world's feelings. Zhou Chunxiu's personality has also converged a lot, and she is no longer so impulsive. But occasionally they still quarrel with me over trivial things. I remember one time, we were playing a game, and I couldn't learn it because I was clumsy, and she was so angry that she called me a stupid pig. My self-esteem was frustrated, and I left her house in anger. Hong Xiao, my cousin, also left with me. Zhou Chunxiu was a little angry when she saw us leaving, but she didn't say much.

I bragged to my friends that I was going to marry my neighbor's sister when I grew up, and she came to my house to look for me, and I was so scared that I slipped away through the back door

After school that afternoon, Hong Xiao and I were playing on the way home. Suddenly, an idea popped up and said to Hong Xiao: "When I grow up, I want to marry Zhou Chunxiu, and let her do laundry and cook for me every day, and make cattle and horses." Hong Xiao laughed when she heard this, thinking that my idea was very novel. But I didn't expect that Hong Xiao would tell my words under Zhou Chunxiu's coercion and temptation.

After school the next day, I was stopped by Zhou Chunxiu. She crossed her hands on her hips, her apricot eyes wide open, and asked me why I was saying those things. I explained in a hesitant way that it was bragging, and that it meant nothing else. But she apparently didn't believe my explanation and walked away in a huff. Since then, she has always kept a straight face when she sees me, as if I am a negative person.

I bragged to my friends that I was going to marry my neighbor's sister when I grew up, and she came to my house to look for me, and I was so scared that I slipped away through the back door

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, we have all grown up. I went out to study and work, and I worked hard in the city. And Zhou Chunxiu also left the village and went to work in other places. The connection between us gradually decreased, but the memories of that childhood were as deeply rooted in my heart as the locust tree at the edge of the village.

Until one day, I received a letter from Zhou Chunxiu. She wrote to me the news that she was getting married and invited me home for her wedding. I was so excited that I immediately packed my bags and went back to my hometown. When I saw Zhou Chunxiu again at the wedding, I found that she had become more mature and stable. She smiled and walked up to me and stretched out her hand and said, "Hong Hui, long time no see. I took her hand and said, "yes, long time no see, I wish you happiness." "At that moment, I was filled with emotion, as if I had returned to that carefree childhood.

I bragged to my friends that I was going to marry my neighbor's sister when I grew up, and she came to my house to look for me, and I was so scared that I slipped away through the back door

Now, I have been away from my hometown for many years, but the memories of that childhood are forever engraved in my heart like the mountains and rivers of my hometown. Whenever I think of those days spent with Zhou Chunxiu, there is always a warm current in my heart, which makes me feel extremely warm and happy.