
Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

author:Boss Qian is in the countryside


Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

The changes in the entertainment industry are always dizzying. Recently, the divorce dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei has become the focus of public attention. She originally enjoyed the reputation of "big curve" in the entertainment industry, but now she has been collectively backlashed by the Taiwan media because of a series of behaviors. As the saying goes, "there are many people who are popular", but here in Big S, it seems that right and wrong have surpassed red, which makes people ask: What happened to this former darling of the entertainment industry?

Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

The divorce dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei was originally just an ordinary family dispute in the entertainment industry. However, as events unfolded, Big S's behavior gradually caused public dissatisfaction. According to Yu Ji Ge Siqi, in order to obtain favorable evidence, Da S actually set up a bureau to take pictures and record audio, which is undoubtedly surprising. She was originally a disadvantage in her marriage, but now she uses such means to seek benefits for herself, which makes people sigh: Where is this still the big S we are familiar with?

The change in attitude of the Taiwan media is also quite interesting. Once upon a time, Da S won countless praises and support in the entertainment industry with his talent and beauty. Now, however, she has lost that support because of her actions. Taiwan media has gone from supporting Big S to the current collective anti-water, which is undoubtedly a major blow to Big S.

Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

What's even more shocking is that Big S and the bald head have been connected before the divorce. According to the relevant evidence held by Yuji, Da S has maintained an intimate relationship with the bald head during the marriage. Such an act betrayed not only the marriage, but also the public's trust in her. Da S's behavior caused strong public dissatisfaction, and her image was seriously damaged as a result.

In this dispute, Big S's greed was even more exposed. Not only did she demand high alimony, but she also tried to fight for her property by all means. Such behavior begs the question: what is she really for? Is it for their own interests, or is it to take revenge on Wang Xiaofei?

Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

In this turmoil, Big S's behavior is embarrassing. Her once glorious and beautiful has now come to naught. Her actions not only put herself in trouble, but also disappointed and heartbroken those who had supported her. I hope that Da S can reflect on his behavior and rediscover the one who once made us like.

The changes in the entertainment industry are always unpredictable, but no matter what, we should stick to our bottom line and principles. Although Big S's behavior disappointed us, it also reminded us to always keep a clear head and not be confused by fame and fortune. At the same time, we should also learn to be tolerant and understanding, and give those who have made mistakes a chance to mend their ways. After all, life is like a play, with ups and downs, sorrows and joys. Only by experiencing the baptism of wind and rain can we be stronger and more mature.

Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

Hey, when it comes to netizen comments, it's really varied, and it's very lively!

Some netizens said: "Big S is really surprising this time, I used to think she was quite personable, but I didn't expect it to be like this this time." ”

Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that this bowl of rice in the entertainment industry is not so delicious, and it will 'overturn' if you accidentally do!" ”

Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?

Of course, some netizens expressed their understanding and support: "Everyone has their own difficulties and choices, and we should respect Big S's decision." ”

However, some netizens questioned: "Can an act like Big S really gain a foothold in the entertainment industry?" ”

Looking at these comments, it really makes people feel the enthusiasm and attention of netizens. However, in any case, we should remain rational, not blindly follow the trend, and do not jump to conclusions. After all, everyone has their own stories and choices, and we should respect their decisions, and wish Da S can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and regain his own happiness.

Xiao S violently exploded his brother-in-law Gu Junye and did not return to Taiwan, but Wang Xiaofei was thriving, and Big S's marriage was in an emergency again?




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