
Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

author:Entertaining jokes

Edit: Entertainment Jokes

In the CCTV hosting circle, Wang Guan was once loved by the audience for his inspirational and intelligent hosting style, and he was young because of his outstanding appearance to shoot advertisements, but he was not proud, and worked hard to learn to host.

In the rising period of her career, Wang Guan suddenly suffered a scandal turmoil, in 2013, it was rumored on the Internet that her private life was chaotic, and in 2016, she left CCTV, which caused a lot of speculation, under the pressure of public opinion, Wang Guan chose to retire, and now, she will return again?

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

In his early years, the crown rose to prominence in the advertising industry with his outstanding appearance, and he worked part-time as a model in high school, shooting commercials side by side with first-line stars such as Gao Yuanyuan, and even participated in the movie "Flying Dance".

She was not complacent because of this, but used the advertising money she earned to further her studies and hone her hosting skills.

Wangguan's intelligence and diligence paid off in 2010 when she won the Shanghai Youth Host Competition and became a new star in the hosting industry.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

Her name began to be known, and her hosting style gradually left a deep impression on the hearts of the audience.

After entering CCTV, Wang Guan quickly stood out among the hosts with his talent and charm.

Her hosting style is unique, with both oriental gentleness and modern vitality, which is deeply loved by the audience, and with the increase of fame, some controversies have followed.

In 2013, rumors of the chaos of the crown's private life suddenly broke out on the Internet, and this news made her image collapse instantly.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

In the face of overwhelming negative public opinion, the crown chose to remain silent and use time and action to prove his innocence.

This turmoil did not subside, but intensified, and just when the crown's career fell into a trough, she made an astonishing decision - to leave CCTV.

This move has sparked a lot of speculation from the outside world, some people speculate that she was fired from CCTV because of private life problems, and this speculation always seems to find a place in the gossip wind of the entertainment industry.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

This is just speculation, without any evidence to support it, and some people say that Wang Guan left CCTV to marry Xiao Ni, and the two have been secretly dating for many years.

This kind of speculation is even more imaginative, but there is also no conclusive evidence, and what is outrageous is that some people have also hyped up the scandal between Wang Guan and Cao Kefan.

As a veteran in the entertainment industry, Cao Kefan has always maintained a good reputation and image, but in this Internet era, rumors and scandals can often spread quickly.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

Someone even spread the news that the crown was involved in Cao Kefan's marriage, and this kind of nonsense is even more ridiculous.

No matter how the outside world speculated and discussed, the crown himself remained silent, and after leaving CCTV, the crown gradually faded out of the public eye.

She chose to live a low-key life, no longer exposing her private life too much, and during this time, she seemed to disappear from people's memories, leaving only those former glories and controversies.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

Just when people thought that the crown had completely bid farewell to the entertainment industry, she reappeared in people's sight.

In 2020, she hosted the show "Hello Life" and once again showed her hosting talent.

Her composure and professionalism have made people see a crown of more maturity and confidence.

Since then, the crown has begun to appear frequently in major programs, and her hosting style has become more confident and calm.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

She used her strength to prove that even if she left the stage of CCTV, she could still shine in the entertainment industry.

After that turmoil and years of retirement, the crown is back again, and she seems to have become stronger and more confident.

She used her actions to tell people that no matter how big the difficulties and setbacks are, as long as they maintain their original intention and love, they will be able to get out of the predicament and meet new challenges.

The return of the crown has also sparked some controversy.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

Some believe that the crown's return this time is not out of pure love or artistic pursuits, but rather to hype up his own topicality in an attempt to regain attention.

In this era of information explosion, topics and traffic seem to have become important criteria for measuring the success of a star, and the behavior of the crown seems to be in line with this logic.

There were also doubts about the crown's ability.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

They are worried that even if the crown once had a glorious past, whether leaving the entertainment industry for a long time will rust her skills, and whether she can regain the recognition of the audience, this has become a question in their minds.

These controversies and doubts are undoubtedly a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry, and whenever a star returns or a newcomer emerges, it will always be accompanied by a variety of voices.

For the crown, she doesn't seem to care too much about these outside voices, she hopes that she can use her strength and talent to prove her worth and win the love and respect of the audience.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

The situation in the entertainment industry is unpredictable, and the future of the crown is also full of uncertainty.

No matter what path she chooses, we should respect her choice and look forward to her continuing to bring us more excellent works and wonderful performances.

We should also look at the gossip and controversy in the entertainment industry rationally, and the tenacity and perseverance of the crown have become her most solid backing.

Wang Guan has always maintained his love and awe for the hosting career, prepared every show with his heart, and treated every audience with sincerity.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

After achieving certain achievements in his hosting career, Wang Guan did not rest on his laurels and began to try to diversify his development.

Although the crown has achieved good results in the entertainment industry, public opinion turmoil is still unavoidable.

In the face of all kinds of speculation and doubts, Wang Guan has always maintained her calmness and sanity, she chooses to respond to all doubts with her strength, and touches every audience with sincerity.

In the face of public opinion turmoil, the crown showed her unique way of dealing with it, and she did not care too much about those unwarranted speculations and attacks.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

The crown has infinite possibilities, and she will continue to work hard in her hosting career to bring more excellent programs and wonderful performances to the audience.

She will continue to expand her field and try more new challenges and opportunities, and we believe that in the coming days, Wang Guan will use her strength and talent to write more brilliant chapters.

The crown proved his worth with his own hard work and sweat, and won the love and respect of the audience.

Messy private life? Was "expelled" by CCTV? She was rumored to be married to Xiao Ni, what happened to her now?

In the entertainment industry, which is full of competition and challenges, Wang Guan has proved his worth with his strength and talent.

She is not only an excellent host, but also a role model to be respected and emulated.

Let's look forward to the crown continuing to shine in the coming days and bring us more wonderful performances.

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