
Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

author:Nanmu has a voice

Recently, the Xinxiang Fat Donglai Joint Venture Catering "Rolling Dough" Processing Site has been on the hot search due to health problems and has become the focus of public attention.

Fat Donglai Trading Group not only gave a cash reward of 100,000 yuan to customers who complained, but also provided a total of 8.833 million yuan in compensation for customers who had purchased rolled dough and spicy noodles.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

This move caused a huge repercussion in the society, quickly calmed down the storm of public opinion, won the trust and praise of consumers, and people praised Fat Donglai's way of dealing with it.

01 The turmoil caused by Douyin exposure

A customer posted a video on Douyin exposing the hygiene problems at the "rolling dough" processing site of the Xinxiang Fat Donglai joint venture restaurant.

In the video, the picture is shocking: the dirty and messy processing environment, the raw materials randomly stacked on the ground, and the non-standard operation procedures of the employees are all shocking and worrying.

After the video was released, it immediately attracted a lot of attention on the Internet. In just a few hours, the video garnered millions of views and tens of thousands of comments poured in.

In today's era of highly developed social media, the speed and influence of a Douyin video can be imagined.

Every detail and frame in the video has become the focus of discussion among netizens. Netizens have expressed concerns about food safety and doubts about corporate responsibility.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

Some people are angry, some people are disappointed, and some people even launched a boycott of Fat Donglai. This turmoil not only brought huge public pressure to Fat Donglai, but also caused serious damage to his brand reputation.

The exposure of this video actually reflects the public's high concern and zero-tolerance attitude towards food safety issues.

Food safety is not only related to the health and life safety of every consumer, but also related to the reputation of enterprises and the trust of society.

The negligence of any link may trigger a strong reaction from the public and cause irreparable losses to the enterprise.

02 Rapid response and active rectification

In the face of doubts and criticisms from public opinion, they did not choose to shirk responsibility, but immediately set up an investigation team to conduct a comprehensive and thorough investigation of the problem.

This kind of handling not only effectively controlled the development of the situation, but also alleviated the public's anger to a certain extent.

After a detailed investigation, Fat Donglai confirmed that the customer's feedback was true. Instead of choosing to cover up or downplay the problem, they chose to face it head-on and actively rectify it.

The company released a detailed investigation report in the early morning of June 27, providing a comprehensive response to the exposed video content.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

Fat Donglai demanded that all the stalls of the associated merchants be closed down immediately, and quickly set up an investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation of the matter.

During the investigation, Fat Donglai showed efficient execution and a strong sense of responsibility.

They not only imposed severe penalties on those involved, including dismissal, dismissal, and cancellation of year-end benefits, but also refunded and compensated all customers who had purchased related products.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that Fat Donglai gave a cash reward of 100,000 yuan to customers who complained.

This move was praised by many netizens as a "heavy reward for cheaters", which greatly enhanced the company's image and reputation.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

Aristotle said, "A brave man is not a man who is free from fear, but a man who dares to face it." ”

Fat Donglai proved his courage to face problems with practical actions and won the recognition of the public.

03 A delicate balance between consumers and businesses

Consumers are the cornerstone of the operation and development of enterprises, and they are the "financiers" of enterprises. The relationship between businesses and consumers is based on trust.

However, in the modern market, it is not uncommon for companies to sacrifice consumer rights and interests in pursuit of maximizing profits.

From "soil pit sauerkraut" to "pure potato vermicelli", and then to "sea cucumber in deep water", every incident is like a thorn in the hearts of consumers.

Each story is filled with consumer anger and disappointment, and these incidents have severely eroded public trust in businesses.

Just as the fish trusts the water, but the water boils the fish; The leaves trust the wind, but the wind blows the fallen leaves. Consumers trust businesses, but businesses push consumers into the abyss of disappointment.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

Psychologists refer to this breakdown of trust as a "trust breach," in which the trusted party fails to meet the trusting party's expectations, leading to dissatisfaction among the trusting party.

As can be seen from several recent food safety incidents, companies ignore product quality for short-term gain, which ultimately leads to extreme consumer disappointment and anger.

For example, in the Laotan sauerkraut incident, the company neglected the hygienic conditions in the production process, resulting in a threat to the health of consumers; In the starch sausage incident, in order to reduce costs, enterprises used inferior raw materials to deceive consumers......

In the business environment, when a company loses the trust of consumers, the order and stability of the market will also be impacted.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident: 8.333 million customers were compensated for purchases, and 100,000 customers were rewarded for complaints!

Consumers may voice their dissatisfaction through boycotts, complaints, and even legal means, which can have a devastating impact on a business's reputation and business.

Write at the end

Peter Drucker said, "The essence of management is to fulfill responsibility. ”

Food safety is no trivial matter, and only by keeping vigilant at all times and strictly managing every link can enterprises truly win the trust of consumers and establish a good brand image.

Fat Donglai's performance in handling the crisis has not only won the trust of consumers, but also provided valuable experience and reference for other enterprises.

It is hoped that Fat Donglai can continue to maintain this attitude and bring more confidence and security to consumers.

It is also hoped that all enterprises can learn lessons from it, continuously improve their management level and service quality, and truly put the rights and interests of consumers in the first place.
