
The "Hodgepodge" of Faith Is Too Complicated - The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (7)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The "hodgepodge" of the dojo where the faith is too complicated - the funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (7)

The "Hodgepodge" of Faith Is Too Complicated - The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (7)
The "Hodgepodge" of Faith Is Too Complicated - The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (7)
The "Hodgepodge" of Faith Is Too Complicated - The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (7)

Hartung was of Jewish ethnicity and believed in Judaism. Since coming to Shanghai, China at the age of 24, his social relations have become increasingly complex, and Chinese traditional culture cannot but be influenced by him. Especially after marrying Luo Jialing, first through the Wumu Mountain monk Huang Zongyang and Ji Juemi, who was a Taoist priest and monk, he was greatly influenced by Buddhism and Taoism, and then by Confucianism.

Because Hartung came from the Arab region of the Middle East, he was familiar with Islam and had a good impression of Islam (he once reprinted the Koran). Hartung can be said to be a comprehensive believer in the world's major religions. According to religious believers, there is no one thing to believe. Whoever has many believers has no faith. Those who believe in it also do not believe in it.

The biggest feature of the Chinese funeral dojo is that it is not completely based on the beliefs of the deceased. Some are based on the beliefs of their descendants; Some are based on the common beliefs of the dead and the mourned. But most of them are not religious beliefs, but are used to enhance the funeral scene, show off their wealth, and show off their wealth, so as to increase the glory of the family. Some people don't believe anything when they are alive, and as long as the family is in trouble, they immediately "believe" everything.

Of course, Hartung's Dojo of Death is a comprehensive dojo, which is not as good as the law, not as standardized, and ingenious everywhere. Of course, this is still the masterpiece of Ji Juemi and Mrs. Luo.

It is said that Hartung's Dojo of the Dead lasted a total of 49 days. If the altar is opened on June 19 (i.e., the fourth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar) from the day of the inversion, it should be completed on August 6, which is the 23rd day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar. But I don't know what the basis is, but on the 35th day of "May Seven", that is, on July 23, he was hanged and became the owner.

The dojo is basically divided into four altars, namely Fan, Tao, Sang, and Nun (whether it is the same date is unknown), which are practiced in various places in the Aili Garden. According to the requirements of the funeral office, the ritual is not limited to the death, but to perform all kinds of merits, and then "dedicate" to Hartung, so that they can survive and die, and each will benefit from the good. 49 lamas were invited from the Lama Temple in Beijing, all wearing yellow Tibetan hats, red and yellow robes, skirts and robes, carrying Mongolian and heavy ritual weapons, such as large copper "just frozen", jack drums, cymbals, conch horns, human skin drums, golden mouths, locks, sirens, bells... Wait.

Every day, he recites sutras on the "treasure cover-style" throne that has been erected. It is not limited to the scriptures dedicated to death, but the main scriptures of Tibetan Buddhism are recited from beginning to end, with the aim of explaining the Dharma to the deceased and allowing the deceased to take refuge in the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The main scriptures arranged before and after are: "Refuge Sutra", "Great White Umbrella Cover Sutra"), "Green Buddha Mother Sutra", "White Buddha Mother Sutra", "Puxian Wish", "Maitreya Wish", "Bliss Wish" and so on.

Every "seven" routine should be put a "lantern (lantern) flame port". The lama's flame mouth is different from the monk's flame mouth of Han Buddhism, the monk's flame mouth is worn by the main "Vajra Master" wearing five Buddha crowns on behalf of the Buddha to command ghosts and gods, while the lama's flame mouth is all wearing five Buddha crowns on the seat, all of which are "Vajra Guru". Especially before the flame outlet, plus the lamp (lantern viewing) ritual (offering to the Netherworld Sect Master Jizo King Bodhisattva and the Ten Palaces of Yama) is very impressive, when the lama recites the scriptures, by the paving (chores on the altar) with the old strings to do the line, pull a "spirit man" (also known as the "lamp man" silk body, mud head, three feet high dummy), the spirit hand holds a lacquer plate with lanterns, one by one to the filial piety of the kneeling spirit. The "spirit man" enters and exits the left and right Caizi circle doors, just like the generals on the stage.

It is said that he also engaged in "dancing gods". It is probably to pray for the establishment of the "Good Wish Day" festival, in which the monks dressed up as gods and ghosts, and danced "Buza" (fighting ghosts) to express the removal of evil spirits and welcome auspiciousness. However, this is the only case in the Fanjing Rite of Entertainment, and it is "unprecedented" for such a religious ceremony to be held during a funeral.

Northerners take the Zen scriptures of Han Buddhism as the main dojo, but southerners, including Shanghainese, mostly take the Taoist scriptures as the main dojo. Hartung and his family are not immune to this impact. After the sixty-third generation of the Han Heavenly Master Zhang Enpu explained the untested examination for Hatong, he may not have returned to the mountain at all, and continued to stay in the Aili Garden to preside over the setting up of the altar to make Jiao. Except for what Luo Tian Dajiao didn't do, almost all the rituals were done.

The two ends of the daily ritual follow the routine of adding the "Taishang Morning and Evening Altar", and the middle of the morning and evening altar is the formal confession of the Dharma, in order: "Jade Emperor Sutra Confession", "Zhenwu Sutra Confession", "Sanguan Sutra Confession", "Guanyin Sutra Confession", "Dou Jing Confession", "Chaotian Confession", "Qingxuan Confession" The ritual includes the upper table, offering to the sky, refining, refining, refining, offering, delivery, death fight, opening, knotting, Qingxuan Dynasty, inviting saints, lighting lamps, summoning orphaned souls, giving food and so on.

As for the Zen Sutra and the Nun Sutra, it is naturally dominated by the monks and nuns in the Pingjia Monastery in the park and the family temple. The insufficient number is supplemented by temples such as Longhua Temple, so as to be equal to the number of the two altars of Fan and Dao. However, the monks and nuns who were invited were all "admitted" after the personal examination of Ji Juemi, who had been a monk.

In short, Hartung's Buddhist affair is not easy to entertain, because Ji Juemi and Luo Jialing, the two lords of fasting, are all "insiders". He also invited three elders to sit in a separate niche to supervise the scriptures.

According to the "77" 49 days of Buddhism, the following four types are used to complete Zhoulong.

1. Chanting: Speak the Dharma to the deceased, so that the deceased can take refuge in the three treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, so as not to fall into the "three tu". The scriptures recited are: "Diamond Sutra", "Buddha Says Amitabha Sutra", "Buddha Crowning Strict Sutra", "Jizo Bodhisattva Sutra", "Guanyin Bodhisattva Pumen Pin", "Golden Light Sutra", "Medicine Master Nyorai Sutra". And add the curse of all kinds of gods accordingly.

2. Ritual confession: confessing to the Buddha for the deceased. Including: Great Compassion Confession, Jizo Confession, Pure Land Confession.

3. Lighting the lamp: that is, adding the Buddha to the lamp before the flame outlet, that is, sincerely performing the "Ten Kings Treasure Lantern of the Earth", passing the lamp as the transmission of the Dharma, and passing the Dharma as death. Offering lamps to the Netherworld Sect Master, King Jizo Bodhisattva, and the Ten Hall Yamas. Please do not violate the wish that "hell is not empty, and you will not become a Buddha".

4. Almsgiving: Cast the "Yoga Flame Mouth" to rescue the sinful ghosts who have been sent to the eighteen layers of hell, give them almsgiving, make them full, take refuge in the three jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, get rid of the path of hungry ghosts, and reincarnate those who should be reincarnated, and ascend to heaven when they should ascend to heaven, and each will get good results. With this supreme merit "dedicated" to the deceased.

It is said that there are also Buddhist laymen who take the initiative to enter the garden to chant sutras, but there is no fixed number of monks who "rejoice" at each altar, so they are not included in the official altar dojo.

There's one more difference. During this time, the synagogue in Shanghai prayed for Hartung; The Catholic Church celebrated "Mass" for Hartung; The Christ Church also performed a "funeral" ceremony for Hartung. It is true that the religious activities of commemorating Hartung are a hodgepodge of "local and foreign combinations".