
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

author:Brother Chuan Y

#头条首发大赛#广东35岁欧文在尼泊尔找了位19岁的女朋友, Owen took special care of his daily life, and the aesthetics of the two were different when he was shopping for clothes, which led to a falling out between the two, and Owen thought about whether to continue walking.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

A 35-year-old single young man in Guangdong is looking for a daughter-in-law in Nepal, and he has been in Nepal for a long time and has met some locals. One day, Owen went to the house of an uncle he knew, and happened to meet the uncle's 19-year-old niece, and the girl called the uncle and his wife Uncle and Aunt, presumably the uncle and the girl's mother were brother and sister. Owen felt that the girl was tall and beautiful, and asked for the girl's phone number on the spot, and the uncle also saw Owen's idea and immediately agreed.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

It turned out that the girl's family was in the mountains in the countryside, and she worked in a restaurant in Pokhara for 500 yuan a month, but the restaurant closed down a few days ago due to poor business, so the girl played at her uncle's house. They chatted on their phones that night, and went shopping together the next day, both of them were more cheerful people, and both had a good impression of each other, and Owen invited the girl to dinner and took it back to his residence.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

After arriving at Owen's residence, she saw that the room was full of messes, so the girl tidied up the bed neatly, and washed the dirty clothes that Owen piled up, the girl is a rural person, so it is her instinct to be diligent, a girl like Owen is good as a wife, the only deficiency is that it is a little dark.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

A few days later, the girl took Owen to the clothing store and bought a coat that was exactly the same as what she was wearing. The next day, Owen bought the girl a pair of sneakers. And on the tenth day they were together.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

The girl is a romantic, and she took out her savings to take Owen to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, for her honeymoon, which is a 25-minute flight, but the air ticket fee is different, 200 for locals and 600 for outsiders. Once you've found a place to stay, you'll have lunch on Tamil Street. After that, go to the palace to see the night view, and the two of them can be regarded as a romantic honeymoon trip.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

The next day I went to the clothing store to buy clothes, tried on a lot of clothes Owen said it was not good-looking, Nepalese women's clothing is definitely not as fashionable as in China, when the girl tried on a pink dress and came out, Owen said it was too ugly like an aunt, but the girl said that the dress was beautiful and liked it very much, Owen said that it was ugly, and the two quarreled like this. Every time I try on a piece of clothing, the owner of the store says goodgood, and the owner's mind can understand. In the end, after bargaining, I bought a set of clothes, and the pink dress was not bought.

Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself
Because of the awkward awkward aesthetic difference with her 19-year-old Nepalese girlfriend, let her go back by herself

The two came out of the store unpleasantly, and after walking for a minute, the girl said that she was going to the toilet. After a while, the girl didn't go to the toilet at all, but returned to the store and bought the pink clothes, which made Owen angry, this dress is so ugly that she still went to buy it, and directly said that you go back to Pokhara by yourself, and after saying that, the girl turned around and left.

I feel that Owen is a bit machismo, and the girl is not a temperamentless person, and the reason is that the two have different preferences and aesthetics, which causes awkwardness. Where can the girl go if she is not familiar with life in Kathmandu, it is estimated that Owen will still chase the girl back.

In addition to the different aesthetics of the two, there are also differences in geography, humanities and customs, and there is still a long way to go for long-distance love.

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