
The child pointed to the grave and said that there was a dragon, and was reprimanded by the man, and 7 days later the old man cried and shouted that the grave should be moved quickly

author:Clever storytelling

This content is a fictional short story, aiming to spread positive energy, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the opposite seat. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.

The clouds were thick and the wind was miserable.

Bian Tonghai heard the strange cry of an owl, opened his eyes, and found that he was in the cemetery, and there was a new grave in front of him, which was the deceased father's, and his father had just burned the first seven yesterday.

He was wondering why he had come to the grave in the middle of the night. But when he saw the tomb suddenly parting in the middle, his father came out and cried out to him, "My son, this is the dragon's lair, I have no blessings, move the grave quickly." ”

As soon as the words fell, a dragon claw suddenly stretched out from the grave, grabbed Bian Tonghai's deceased father, and shrank into the grave. I saw that the tomb was slowly closed, and it was so tightly closed that there was no trace of it. A small pebble on the grave rolled down to the feet of Bian Tonghai, making him believe that everything that happened in front of him was true.

At this moment, from the tree not far away, there was a strange cry of an owl, which made his cold hair stand on end, and he suddenly woke up, only to find that he was soaking wet, and he had a strange dream just now.

The child pointed to the grave and said that there was a dragon, and was reprimanded by the man, and 7 days later the old man cried and shouted that the grave should be moved quickly

Bian Tonghai sat up, took a sip of cold water, stabilized his mind, and remembered the abnormal behavior of his youngest son Fei Er on the day of the burial, and a question arose in his heart, could it be that what Fei Fei Er said was true?

On the day of the burial, she was led by her mother to give her grandfather's funeral. After the coffin fell into the pit, everyone went around the coffin to say goodbye, and Qiu Fei'er suddenly pointed to the grave and shouted: "Dragon, there is a big dragon lying underneath." ”

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked into the tomb, in addition to the coffin, it was still the coffin, where was the dragon? Everyone covered their mouths and snickered.

Fei Fei'er turned her head and shouted at her father: "Daddy, there really is a dragon, grandpa did too many ridiculous things when he was young, and he is not blessed to suffer from the dragon's den, don't be buried here, sooner or later he will cause trouble." ”

Where is this the words of a child? He usually can't even speak, but he speaks so fluently, as if an adult is talking. Everyone looked at Qiu Fei'er, only to see that his head was faintly surrounded by mist, and his face was shrouded in a strange cyan, and everyone suddenly felt the cold hair stand on end, and their hearts were filled with a chill.

Bian Tonghai was furious, rushed over and slapped him, and slapped him Qiu Fei'er's face, pointing at him is a scolding. Fei Fei'er's face instantly returned to blood red, and the faint mist on her head dissipated.

Yu Fei'er burst into tears, his mother glared at Bian Tonghai, blamed Bian Tonghai for being too heavy, and hurriedly went down the mountain and went home with him in her arms.

Bian Tonghai did not ask Mr. Feng Shui to look at the cemetery, this cemetery was found with the help of his distant cousin, who specializes in funerals and knows a little about the quality of the cemetery. Now that he said that there was a dragon under the grave, he thought it was pure nonsense, so he didn't take it to heart.

The child pointed to the grave and said that there was a dragon, and was reprimanded by the man, and 7 days later the old man cried and shouted that the grave should be moved quickly

Now just after the first seven, Bian Tonghai had a strange dream, not only dreaming that his deceased father was crying to move the grave, but also saw a dragon's claw sticking out of the grave, which made him have to believe that what Qiu Fei'er said was true.

After getting up the next day, Bian Tonghai took Qiu Fei'er out of the quilt and asked if he really saw the dragon on the day of the burial? Qiu Fei'er opened her blank eyes and didn't know what to do, probably frightened by Bian Tonghai, and she cried.

Hearing this, Fei'er's mother rushed over and asked Bian Tonghai what he was doing? Bian Tonghai told the strange dream last night, and Fei'er's mother frowned and said, "What does he know as a child?" In my opinion, you go to the old monk in the temple and ask. ”

Bian Tonghai nodded, and after breakfast, he took the little donkey and went to the ancient temple on the edge of the town, found the abbot and the old monk, and asked. The old monk nodded, lit a stick of incense, closed his eyes and meditated.

When the incense was about to run out, the old monk opened his eyes and said, "I went over there and asked, your child is right, there is indeed a dragon lying in the grave, you stumbled by mistake and found a dragon's den." This is a treasure of feng shui, and the deceased buried in this cave will inevitably produce high-ranking officials in their descendants. ”

Bian Tonghai couldn't wait to ask, "Since it's a dragon's lair, why is my father crying and crying to move the grave?" The great monk said: "The treasure land of feng shui can only be inhabited by the virtuous, and the aura will be stimulated." On the contrary, it will take trouble. ”

Then, the great monk explained that there was a green dragon lying under the tomb, and on the day of the burial, in order to prevent the burial, it attached itself to the body of Qiu Fei'er and made a statement to prevent the burial. This is the reason why there is a faint mist on his head and his face is shrouded in blue.

However, Bian Tonghai didn't believe in evil, and slapped Qiu Fei'er in the face and knocked the green dragon off. Therefore, after the first seven days, Qinglong instructed Bian Tonghai's deceased father to hold a dream, crying and crying to move the grave.

The child pointed to the grave and said that there was a dragon, and was reprimanded by the man, and 7 days later the old man cried and shouted that the grave should be moved quickly

Hearing this, Bian Tonghai couldn't help but ask: "Great monk, why did Qinglong drive away his dead father?" The old monk nodded and said, "I have already said before, a good tomb must be lived in by the virtuous. Your father is of bad character and therefore does not deserve to be buried here. ”

It turned out that when Bian Tonghai's father was young, he did a lot of ridiculous things, and he did three of the four major lack of virtue in the world. In the thirteenth year of Kaiyuan, in order to open up wasteland and farm, he dug a dead grave, and was retaliated by the yin spirit, which damaged his blessings. In the eighteenth year of Kaiyuan, he kicked the widow's door at night and tried to secretly communicate with the widow, causing yin qi to attack the body and damage the longevity.

In the twenty-fifth year of Kaiyuan, he had a dispute with a family surnamed Lu, the husband and wife of this family were disabled, the man was mute, and the woman was blind. In a fit of rage, he scolded the dumb man and kicked down the blind man, thus damaging his wealth.

If he hadn't done these three immoral things, he would have lived a few more years and enjoyed a few more blessings, and his family would have been richer. It's a pity that he didn't know that these things damaged Yin Virtue and led to the corruption of virtue, so he was not blessed to live in Feng Shui Treasure Cave and was driven away by the Green Dragon.

After listening to the old monk's words, Bian Tonghai nodded, indicating that after returning home, he would start preparing to move the grave of his deceased father. After a while, he asked: "Great monk, my family is possessed by the green dragon, is this son blessed, and he will definitely do something in the future?" ”

The old monk shook his head and said, "You think too much, Qiu Fei'er is just an ordinary child, he doesn't have a special foundation and qualifications, and he won't have much success in the future." The reason why Qinglong was attached to his body was because his body was thin and his yang qi was weak. This kind of physique is easy to attract the invasion of evil energy, and it is right that you should make up for his body more. ”

The child pointed to the grave and said that there was a dragon, and was reprimanded by the man, and 7 days later the old man cried and shouted that the grave should be moved quickly

Bian Tonghai returned home, told his wife the words of the old monk, and began to prepare for the relocation of the grave. A few days later, in the evening, he summoned his friends and relatives to remove his father's grave.

I heard that this tomb is a dragon's lair, and future generations will produce high-ranking officials, many people want to take it for themselves, and some people even fight in order to occupy the dragon's lair.

On a dark and windy night, it rained heavily. In the middle of the night, there was a violent tremor in the earth, which woke everyone up. The next day, people found out that a huge stone flew from the dragon's lair, which was one zhang high, and it was difficult for human power to shake it. Only then did the people stop fighting for the dragon's lair.

Although Bian Tonghai has increased the nutrition of Qiu Fei'er, Qiu Fei'er's physique has not changed. When he was a teenager, he suddenly fell ill and died.

To be a man, you must keep the bottom line, don't do things that lack virtue, if you do too many things that lack virtue, you will be punished sooner or later. Those who are virtuous can not only gain people's respect, but also get the respect of ghosts and gods, and will not encounter strange things, and their lives will be peaceful.

The absurd penmanship of this story is intended to use facts to illustrate and persuade the world, and has nothing to do with feudal superstition. The content is purely fictional, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text are all needed for artistic processing, and have nothing to do with reality, please treat them rationally.