
1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!

author:Sister Li chats about the present
1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!

Recently, the real estate market has been so lively that I have been dazzled by the two big news. One is Fengyang, Anhui Province, Hubei Province, and Nantong, Jiangsu Province, where farmers are encouraged to give up their homesteads, buy houses in the city, and pay back subsidies; The other is even more absolute, more than 1,800 counties want to sell to collect houses and make them into affordable housing. As soon as this happened, our farmer friends were confused: should we go into the city to break through, or should we guard the homestead and wait for rural revitalization?

As soon as this policy came out, many peasant friends felt like they had been scratched by a cat. Going to the city to buy a house and paying back the subsidy sounds like a pie-in-the-sky thing. But we also have to wonder if this pie can be eaten or not, and whether there is any trap hidden?

You think, if you enter the city and lose the homestead, it will be equivalent to cutting off the back road. How long can the subsidy of tens of thousands of yuan last in the city? If your work is not going well, your life is not satisfactory, and you can't go back to the countryside if you want to, what can you do? Our farmer friends, what we pay attention to is stability, this homestead is our root, and it is our retreat. Without it, can you not panic?

1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!

So, this policy, it is not to let everyone go to the city to squeeze, but to give those who want to enter the city and have the ability to enter the city a chance. If you have a rural hukou, have a little spare money in your hands, and have been hesitating to go to the city, then this subsidy is a booster to make you make up your mind. But if you don't have that strength, it's better to stay in the countryside honestly and wait for the good news of rural revitalization. After all, this homestead is our root and soul, and we can't lose it easily.

Let's talk about the more than 1,800 counties that want to collect houses. It's not a small fight, it takes a lot of money. So where does the money come from? We can't rely on printing money, that will make the money in our hands worthless. So, this money has to be financed by bonds, especially ultra-long-term government bonds. This national debt can not only stimulate consumption, but also alleviate local debts, and give local governments the opportunity to develop their economies.

Whose house will it take? Of course, it's not our people's, but those developers who have a lot of houses in their hands. By converting these houses into affordable housing, there is no need to spend money on building new ones. This not only solves the dilemma of developers, but also stabilizes the real estate market. It's a win-win situation!

1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!

As for the price, it's a technical job. The interests of the developer must be considered, and the market price must also be considered. If it is too expensive, the price of our rent will be high in the future; If it is too cheap, the developer will not be happy. So, the price has to be set just right to make everyone happy. It's not easy! We need our government to think about it.

Having said so much, how should we choose our farmer friends? Actually, it depends on your own situation. If you have the strength and the idea to develop in the city, then it is not impossible to give up the homestead. After all, although this homestead is important, it can't be a stumbling block for you to move forward. You have to have the courage to pursue a better life!

But what if you don't have enough strength and don't know the bottom of your heart? Then I still suggest that you guard the homestead and wait for rural revitalization. After all, this homestead is our root and retreat. Without it, can you be sure? Besides, the current market environment is not good, and it is no joke to carry a mortgage for decades. So, we have to plan our future rationally!

1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!

Speaking of which, it's not easy for young people nowadays. They go to college, go out to work and live, and they don't necessarily have to buy a house in the city. Renting is also a good option! Especially now, many young people don't like to be tied to their lives by mortgages. So, they prefer to choose the flexible lifestyle of renting. It's a smart choice!

Finally, what I want to say is: don't be too anxious to make a decision! Is this a homestead or a county house? That's a big problem! You have to choose according to your actual situation! Don't blindly follow the trend! After all, this is related to our future life and happiness! So, let's think about it!

1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!

Also, I want to say to those farmers who are still hesitating: don't worry too much! This policy, it won't stay the same forever. Perhaps, there will be better policies in the future! So, we have to keep a normal heart! Don't be intimidated by this policy! After all, we are the protagonists of life! We have to live according to our own ideas and rhythms!

Okay, old irons, let's talk about it for now. The new policy of the real estate market is really a headache. We peasant friends should not be too anxious to make a decision, we have to come according to our actual situation. Is it a homestead or a county house? That's a big problem! You can leave a message in the comment area and talk about your views and choices.

1800 county town to collect the house, homestead or county house? Choosing the right one is earning, hurry up and take a look!