
Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

author:Yuyu laughs and talks about things

Fan Xiaohui is a big Internet celebrity, and the main reason for the fire at the beginning was also because in the eyes of everyone, she was the J sister-in-law who was betrayed by her husband, which also aroused the sympathy of many women, and many people stood on her front to resist Zhang Haibo.

At that time, Zhang Haibo did not refute too much, and suffered serious cyberbullying because of it.

Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

It's just that this series is not over!

Recently, her ex-husband Zhang Haibo appeared in front of everyone again after a year or two, and as soon as he came up, he pointed out Fan Xiaohui's several major inappropriate "beating mother-in-law, abusing children, domestic violence PUA, and chaotic private life"!

Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

However, although what he said was the truth, the vast majority of netizens felt that he said it for the sake of profit.

Afterwards, the incident intensified, and the two also staged a drama of snatching their son, the reason was that Zhang Haibo said that he wanted to play with the child for a day, and Fan Xiaohui agreed, but afterwards Zhang Haibo was unwilling to hand over the child to Fan Xiaohui, saying that the other party abused the child and made this decision in order to protect the child.

Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

But netizens still didn't believe it, and Fan Xiaohui's maiden family also reported Zhang Haibo one after another.

In the end, Fan Xiaohui successfully brought the child back through the power of the court.

It's just that after that, the two pinched each other even more, and Zhang Haibo even exposed the chaotic past of Fan Xiaohui's private life, saying that Fan Xiaohui was a stage lady in her early years, under the pseudonym Qiqi, and in 2021, she also had a sister-brother relationship with her photographer, and after the two kissed and hugged Zhang Haibo's mother, they also beat Zhang Haibo's mother.

Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

He posted all kinds of Fan Xiaohui's past on major platforms, and even posted the chat interface where the person who claimed to be Fan Xiaohui's ex-husband provided evidence to him, and this series of operations made many netizens start to feel that Fan Xiaohui was unreal.

Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

Later, a netizen deliberately wrote a complete story based on the "truth" described by Zhang Haibo in recent days, which shocked many netizens after reading it, and many people began to sympathize with Zhang Haibo, feeling that he was indeed calculated by Fan Xiaohui, and he was properly wronged.

Because of this, some netizens have now "abandoned Fan Toubo" and stood on Zhang Haibo's needlework, and some netizens have always been Fan Xiaohui's "mother's family", no matter what Zhang Haibo says, they all support Fan Xiaohui.

Zhang Haibo exposed more scandals in Fan Xiao's past, the situation reversed, and netizens began to "abandon Fan Toubo"

Xiaobian thinks that the things on the Internet are true and false, false and true, only the verbal evidence posted by Zhang Haibo cannot be fully believed, and Fan Xiaohui's words cannot be fully believed, in short, I think both of them are suspected of telling lies, as for who is right and who is wrong in the end, then we can only wait and see what happens!

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