
The scholar went up the mountain to worship his ancestors, and kindly straightened other people's tombstones, Daogu: You are really confused

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about this strange thing today, it happened in a small mountain village in the south of us, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is picturesque. There is a scholar in the village, named Li Qingyun, this young man is only eight years old, rich in five cars, and treats people and things, which is first-class and exquisite, and his character is so good that he has nothing to say.

During the Qingming Festival that year, Li Qingyun carried a book basket on his back, incense, candles, and paper money in his hand, and went up the mountain to worship his ancestors. As he walked, he muttered "It rains a lot during the Qingming Festival, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls", and his heart is full of thoughts of his ancestors. As he walked, he saw a tombstone halfway up the mountain, crooked, as if it had been blown by the wind and rain, and was crumbling.

Li Qingyun thought in his heart: "I don't know which ancestor this tombstone belongs to, why is it so tattered?" Although I am not his descendant, we are all from the same village, and we have to help. He put the basket down, straightened the tombstone, and put a few stones on the mat to keep it steady.

The scholar went up the mountain to worship his ancestors, and kindly straightened other people's tombstones, Daogu: You are really confused

After straightening the tombstone, Li Qingyun continued to walk up the mountain, but muttered a little in his heart: "Why is this tombstone so dilapidated, is this family not going up the mountain to worship their ancestors?" He shook his head, didn't think much more, and continued on his way.

Just when he was about to arrive at his ancestral grave, he suddenly heard a crisp female voice behind him: "Childe, you are really confused!" As soon as Li Qingyun turned around, he saw a Taoist aunt standing behind him, wearing a cyan Taoist robe, holding a whisk in her hand, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and a fairy wind and bones.

Li Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Aunt Dao, what do you mean by this?" I just straightened the tombstone, why am I confused? Dao Gu smiled slightly and said, "Childe, you don't know, this tombstone belongs to a respected old man in our village. He saved countless people during his lifetime, and was called the 'Living Bodhisattva' by everyone after his death. But his descendants did not cherish this blessing, and after so many years, no one came to worship, so that the tombstone was dilapidated like this. Although you have good intentions today, you have inadvertently disturbed the peace of the 'Living Bodhisattva', which may cause trouble. ”

The scholar went up the mountain to worship his ancestors, and kindly straightened other people's tombstones, Daogu: You are really confused

When Li Qingyun heard this, his eyes straightened, he didn't expect that his kindness would cause trouble. He hurriedly asked, "What should I do?" I originally wanted to accumulate virtue and do good, but I didn't expect to get into trouble. ”

Dao Gu waved her hand and said, "Childe, don't blame yourself too much, it's not your fault for this." However, you have to be careful not to let the resentment of the 'Living Bodhisattva' hurt you. I have a charm here, and you can take it and stick it on your tombstone, so that you are safe. As she spoke, Dao Gu took out a yellow talisman from her sleeve and handed it to Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun took the spell, and thanked him for the gratitude in his heart. Dao Gu continued: "In addition, I see that you have a heroic spirit between your eyebrows, and you will definitely be able to do something great in the future." But remember, it is good to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, but you must also know how to respond to others, don't force it, otherwise it may backfire. ”

Li Qingyun listened, nodded again and again, and the admiration for this aunt in his heart spontaneously arose. He bowed his hand again, thanked him, and set out on his way up the hill again. Walking and walking, and finally arrived at the ancestral grave of our family, Li Qingyun carefully pasted the charm on the tombstone, and then kowtowed to the ancestor respectfully. After kowtowing, he packed up and prepared to go down the mountain to go home. But at this moment, he saw that the charm on the tombstone began to slowly light up, and his heart tightened, and he hurried over to look at it. I saw that the charm emitted a faint golden light, and the tombstone was tightly wrapped. He was so confused in his heart, but he didn't dare to act rashly. At this moment, the golden light suddenly dissipated, and the tombstone returned to its original state. Li Qingyun was stunned, his heart full of doubts. He looked back at the direction where Dao Gu disappeared, and muttered in his heart, "What is the origin of this Dao Gu?" What did she mean by that? At this moment, a gust of mountain wind blew by, blowing Li Qingyun's thoughts away. He shook his head, didn't think about it anymore, put the book basket on his back, and set out on the way down the mountain. But how did he know that this time he went up the mountain to worship his ancestors had changed his life......

Li Qingyun returned home and told his family about it, and when his father Li Tou'er heard it, his eyes widened like copper bells: "Oh mom, you have stabbed a hornet's nest!" The descendants of the 'living bodhisattva', who in our village is not respectful? How dare you touch his tombstone? When Li Qingyun heard this, his heart was even more bottomless. He scratched his head and said, "Dad, how do I know this?" I just looked at the tombstone and wanted to straighten it, which Cheng wanted to ......" Old Li Tou'er sighed and said, "You can't be blamed for this, you are kind." However, the grievances of this 'living bodhisattva' are not a joke, we have to find a way to resolve them quickly. At this moment, Wang Laowu, the village doctor, walked in, he heard what happened to Li Qingyun, muttered for a moment, and said, "I have an idea, maybe I can resolve this grievance." When Li Qingyun and Old Li Tou'er heard this, they hurriedly asked, "What's the idea?" Speak up, talk fast! Wang Lao Wu said: "I heard that Daogu is a person with Taoism, since she gave you a charm, it means that she intends to help you." Let's go to the mountains and find her and ask her for guidance. When Li Qingyun heard this, he thought it was a good idea, so early the next morning, he followed Wang Lao Wu up the mountain. After some searching, they finally found Daogu's residence. It was a small temple with a statue of the Sanqing Patriarch enshrined in the temple. Dao Gu was not surprised when she saw them coming, but asked lightly: "You are here?" Li Qingyun hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, saying, "Aunt Dao, I inadvertently provoked the resentment of the 'Living Bodhisattva' yesterday, and I am terrified in my heart, so I am here to ask you for guidance. Dao Gu smiled slightly and said, "You sit down and listen to me speak slowly." So, Li Qingyun and Wang Lao Wu sat down in front of Daogu and listened to her tell the story of the "Living Bodhisattva". Our Li Qingyun in the Northeast is really a legend. Back then, the ancestors of his "living bodhisattva" had superb medical skills, good heart, and saved countless people. But later, the younger generations did not give their strength, their medical skills were lost, and they didn't even sacrifice their ancestral graves. The "living bodhisattva" is on the tombstone, and he is angry. Dao Gu said: "Although you accidentally disturbed the purity of the 'Living Bodhisattva' yesterday, you can be regarded as doing a good deed. If you want to get rid of this resentment, you have to inherit your legacy and continue to practice medicine to save people. Li Qingyun listened, and his heart was bright. He was originally a material for studying medicine, but his family background was not good and he was unable to further his studies. As soon as Dao Gu pointed out this, he immediately made up his mind to inherit the legacy of the "Living Bodhisattva".

He said goodbye to Dao Gu and Wang Lao Wu, returned to the village, and opened a medical center. With good medical skills and a warm heart, he soon won the trust and respect of the villagers. Treat the disease and save people, without charging money, I hope that the patient will get better soon. After a long time, Li Qingyun's reputation spread, and even people from other villages came to see him. He always remembered Aunt Dao's words, practicing medicine to save people and benefit the people. Over the years, Li Qingyun has changed from a young scholar to a respected doctor. The medical skills are getting higher and higher, and the heart is getting softer and softer. When asked why he was so enthusiastic, he always smiled and said, "Haven't I inherited the legacy of the 'Living Bodhisattva'?" ”

The scholar went up the mountain to worship his ancestors, and kindly straightened other people's tombstones, Daogu: You are really confused

That aunt, after instructing Li Qingyun, never showed up again. Some people say that she has traveled all over the world, and some people say that she has become an immortal. No matter what you say, she will always be Li Qingyun's mentor and role model in her heart. Li Qingyun practiced medicine until he was old, and before he died, he passed the medical hall to his apprentices and told them to continue practicing medicine to save people. His tombstone is also engraved with the name of "Living Bodhisattva". Now when Li Qingyun is mentioned, the people in the village will give a thumbs up and say: "That is really a good person, who inherited the legacy of the 'Living Bodhisattva' and practiced medicine to save people for a lifetime!" ”

This tells us that it is a good thing to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, but we must know how to respond to people; A true act of kindness can change people's lives. Li Qingyun inherited the legacy of the "Living Bodhisattva", opened a medical hall, treated diseases and saved people, and was dedicated to goodness. The reputation of the hospital is getting bigger and bigger, and people from other villages come to seek medical treatment. But he was never proud, always remembered the teachings of Aunt Dao, and was in awe. One day, it was freezing and snowing heavily, and an old man in ragged clothes came to the infirmary, his face was pale, his breath was like a gossamer, and he was very sick. As soon as Li Qingyun saw the old man, he quickly stepped forward to help him into the house and personally treated him. After a meticulous examination, Li Qingyun diagnosed the old man with cold and urgently needed medical treatment. However, the medicinal materials in the medical hall are not complete, especially the medicinal materials for cold syndrome are difficult to find. Li Qingyun frowned, he knew that if he didn't take medicine immediately, the old man's life might be difficult to maintain until dawn. At this moment, he thought of the spell given by Dao Gu. With a movement in his heart, Li Qingyun took out the charm, recited the spell silently, and lit it. Suddenly, a warm aura emanated from the spell, which quickly filled the entire medical hall. Surrounded by this warm current, the old man's complexion gradually returned to ruddy, and his breathing became steady. When Li Qingyun saw this scene, he was overjoyed and understood that this was Aunt Dao's secret help. He immediately prepared medicinal herbs and made a medicinal soup for the old man. The old man woke up soon after taking the medicine, looked at Li Qingyun gratefully, and thanked him repeatedly: "Thanks to the divine doctor for saving me, otherwise my life would not have been saved." Li Qingyun waved his hand lightly and said humbly: "The old gentleman is serious, I just did my duty." He inquired about the old man's origin and condition, and learned that the old man was a lonely old man from another village, and his family was poor and could not afford to pay for medical expenses, so his illness was delayed so far. Li Qingyun's heart was sour, and he decided to exempt the old man from the medical expenses and personally send him home. The old man was moved to tears and thanked him repeatedly. He told Li Qingyun that although his family had a few acres of thin fields and a dilapidated house, his life could barely make ends meet. Hearing this, Li Qingyun felt pity and decided to help the old man again. The next day, Li Qingyun took his apprentices to the old man's house to help repair the house and cultivate the fields. The old man looked at their busy figures, his eyes full of gratitude and admiration. He clasped Li Qingyun's hand and said excitedly: "Divine doctor, you are the great benefactor of our village!" I have nothing to do but pray that God will bless you with peace in your life. Li Qingyun replied with a smile: "Old gentleman doesn't have to be polite, I just did what I could." He told the old man that he had inherited the legacy of the "Living Bodhisattva" and took it as his mission to practice medicine and help the world. He also encouraged the elderly to live strongly, believing that the future will be better. After hearing this, the old man nodded again and again, saying that he would cherish life and work hard to live. Li Qingyun saw that the old man had recovered his spirits, so he left with confidence. Since then, Li Qingyun has worked harder to help the world, treated countless patients, and helped many poor people. His good deeds were praised in the countryside and abroad, and people called him the successor of the "Living Bodhisattva". As the years passed, time flew by, and Li Qingyun was already a gray-haired old man, but he still stuck to the hospital to provide treatment to patients. Whenever someone asked about his persistence, he always replied with a smile: "Because that's what I'm supposed to do." As soon as the light of the early morning shone into the hospital, Li Qingyun felt sleepy, and knew in his heart that his days were numbered. He hurriedly called his apprentices to him and told them his last wish: "After I leave, you must continue to practice medicine to save people and pass on our craft." When the apprentices heard this, they burst into tears, and nodded their heads one by one to assure that they would not forget the master's teachings and continue to practice medicine to save people.

Li Qingyun listened, his heart was steady, nodded lightly, and slowly closed his eyes. After he left, the apprentices did not disappoint him, and continued to practice medicine to save people according to his wishes. They not only passed down Li Qingyun's medical skills, but also carried forward his medical ethics and style. Like Li Qingyun, they are dedicated to goodness, saving lives and helping the wounded, and have become "living bodhisattvas" in the hearts of the villagers.

The scholar went up the mountain to worship his ancestors, and kindly straightened other people's tombstones, Daogu: You are really confused

Li Qingyun's story has become a good story. People say that he is the descendant of the "Living Bodhisattva", inherited the legacy of the "Living Bodhisattva", and has been practicing medicine and saving people all his life. His good deeds not only changed the fate of countless people, but also made him a legend himself. This is the story of Li Qingyun, a story of kindness, inheritance and faith. It tells us that as long as we have love and faith in our hearts, we can create miracles and achieve legends.