
It is important whether a person can be a leader or not

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management

Can I be a leader if I have strong business skills?

In our management work, we often encounter this situation: some people have special business ability, but they are almost hot when they become leaders.

What's going on? To put it bluntly, the business ability is too good, but it has become a stumbling block.

Because the business is too strong, I like to do everything by myself, and I always rush to the front line.

You patronize and work hard and become the "top student" in the team.

But leadership work is not just about business ability.

Huawei's boss Ren Zhengfei said that a good leader does not look at how capable he is, but how powerful the team is.

Therefore, the key to seeing whether a person is suitable to be a leader depends on this point:

Can he bring out good soldiers and make his subordinates better than him, this is the real ability.


Strong generals have "weak soldiers" under them

We have all heard the old saying "one soldier bears, and one bears will be a nest".

But have you ever thought that sometimes there will be no "bears", and soldiers may also be "bears"?

This is just like what is said in "The Art of War", "The strong officials and the weak are said to be trapped"

That is to say, if the leader is very capable, but his subordinates are not, then the leader has to do everything by himself, and as a result, he is tired enough that he has no time to take care of the overall situation.

It is important whether a person can be a leader or not

In fact, this situation is all too common at work.

Some bosses or leaders are quite capable themselves, but they don't know how to lead the team.

As a result, I am busy dealing with small things all day long, but I don't have time to take care of big things, and in the end, I can't play my leadership level.

So why is this happening? There are three reasons for this:

1. Leaders love to worry about everything

Some leaders just like to do it themselves, and they don't worry about others doing anything. Even if his subordinates encounter problems, he will directly solve them.

But if you think about it, if a child is held by an adult all the time, he will not be able to learn to walk on his own, let alone run.

It's the same with the team, if the leader doesn't let go, how can the subordinates grow?

2. Leaders are small-minded and afraid of being surpassed

Some leaders are just cautious, afraid of being overtaken by their subordinates.

Therefore, they would rather find someone worse than themselves than cultivate someone who is stronger than themselves.

The result? The whole team is getting more and more cowardly, and the efficiency can't go up. This kind of leadership is a stumbling block to team development!

3. Leaders only look at immediate interests and have no foresight

It takes time, energy, and money to train subordinates. What about the leaders? stared at the little interests in front of him, and didn't care about the growth of his subordinates.

Tell me, can this kind of leadership bring out a good team?

It is important whether a person can be a leader or not

You have to treat your subordinates as an investment, don't keep trying to squeeze them. In the long run, cultivating subordinates is a sure-fire business.

Therefore, the situation of "strong generals and weak soldiers" is said to be the iniquity of the leaders themselves.

If you want to bring out a good team, the leader must first correct his own problems!


How to bring out strong soldiers?

If you want to bring out a good team, it's not enough to be a cow yourself, you have to make the whole team a cow to be a real skill.

To do this, the key lies in your courage, mind, energy, synergy, and cohesion, all of which together constitute your leadership.

1. Courage

Good soldiers are trained, and they have to be tempered on the actual battlefield.

Therefore, you must be brave enough to give your subordinates heavy responsibilities and let them grow in the face of challenges.

When authorizing, be considerate:

(1) Which tasks are suitable for decentralization?

One criterion is that if you don't interfere in this matter, will there be a mess.

(2) To whom?

You have to see if this person can do it, whether he has experience, whether he has done it before;

It depends on whether he is willing to do it, and if he has the ability, it will be useless if he doesn't do it, and he has to find the kind of motivated employee.

Delegation is not simply decentralization, but trust and nurturing subordinates. You have to dare to delegate authority and let your team members do it, so that they can grow and help you.

It is important whether a person can be a leader or not

2. Mind

To be a leader, you have to have the bearing, be willing to train people, don't be afraid that they are stronger than you, and don't be afraid that their wings will be hard and fly away.

Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans. If you nurture them with your heart, they will naturally know how to be grateful.

How do you train your subordinates? To put it simply, it is to pass, help, and lead.

To pass on is to teach them your experience, the principles of being a person and doing things.

Helping means that when they are in trouble, you have to help.

Studies have shown that whether a person performs well at work depends largely on their boss. So, you have to give them resources, guidance, and help them get things done.

Belt, is to take the lead in demonstrating.

When they can't, you have to teach them by hand, like a master leading an apprentice.

3. Vitality

The strength of the team comes from the passion from the heart and the motivation from the outside. Without vitality, no matter how strong the team is, it will be discouraged.

So how do you give the team more energy?

(1) A sense of accomplishment

Put simply, make them feel that their work is meaningful. In addition to material incentives, it is also necessary to make employees realize the far-reaching significance of their work.

Inspire a sense of accomplishment by showing how their work can impact others and change the world.

(2) A sense of security

Create a fair and equitable working environment.

As a leader, you have to be rewarded and punished so that people feel that their work here is worth it.

The system has the final say, not the people, so that everyone can work with peace of mind.

It is important whether a person can be a leader or not

4. Collaboration

If a team lacks coordination, it will be difficult to exert its maximum combat effectiveness, no matter how strong the individual is.

True collaboration is not simple cooperation, but the connection of hearts, the resonance of goals, and the consistency of action.

(1) First of all, we must establish an open and transparent communication mechanism.

As the leader of the regiment, you have to build such a platform so that everyone can speak up and be heard.

(2) It is necessary to cultivate the overall view and overall awareness of team members.

Only when everyone thinks in one place and works hard in one place can a strong joint force be formed.

(3) As a leader, you play a key role in collaboration.

Through your words and actions, you need to convey the idea of synergy and guide team members towards a common goal.

At the same time, you should also provide support and help in the actual operation to solve the problems and difficulties encountered in the collaboration process.

5. Cohesion

The hearts of the people are united, and Mount Tai moves. A team without cohesion is like a plate of loose sand, which will disperse as soon as the wind blows.

(1) Emotional people are an effective means to enhance cohesion.

As a leader, you care about the lives and work of your team members, understanding their needs and difficulties.

It is important whether a person can be a leader or not

When they encounter difficulties, reach out in time to help; Give them sincere praise and encouragement when they achieve results.

In this way, team members will feel your warmth and care, so they can work more dedicatedly.

(2) Convincing people with reason is the basic quality of a leader.

When dealing with contradictions and conflicts within the team, you must adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, present facts and reason.

Let your team members understand that your decisions are made in the best interests of the team as a whole. In this way, they will believe in you and support you.

✎ Write at the end

A true leader must not only have excellent business ability, but also have excellent leadership skills, be able to stimulate the potential of the team, and lead the team to success together.

Such a leader can be called a real strong man.