
To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management

What kind of thinking does a good leader have?

In the workplace, moving to a leadership position is not only a promotion of a position, but also a change in the way of thinking.

A true leader must have the thinking of the strong, abandon the thinking of the weak, follow the rules to do things, seek truth from facts, look at the essence, and look at cause and effect.

Objective facts should never be allowed to pay for subjective consciousness.

Today, let's dive into what strong thinking is, why it's so important, and how to get rid of weak thinking.


Strong thinking

A sword that cuts through thorns

Moving into a leadership position requires not only professional ability and experience, but also a strong way of thinking.

The thinking of the strong is the key to our steady progress in this complex and ever-changing world. How to have a strong mindset?

1. Seek inward and cultivate outward

The thinking of the strong first emphasizes seeking inward and cultivating outward.

The spirit is guarded, and the self is sought for himself; Open the way in the mountains and redeem yourself; Good at borrowing strength, borrowing fake to cultivate the truth.

Confucius said, "I have three provinces in my day." "A truly strong person is constantly self-reflective and looking for inner strength.

To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

In the face of difficulties, they do not complain about the environment, but actively look for solutions, take the initiative, and save themselves.

At the same time, they know how to use external forces and resources to achieve higher goals.

Cultivation Method:

Daily reflection: Spend 15 minutes each night reflecting on the day's actions and decisions and looking for areas where you can improve.

Self-improvement: Read self-improvement books regularly, attend relevant courses and lectures, and constantly improve your cognitive level.

Keep your goals in mind: Set short- and long-term goals and develop a detailed plan to achieve them in stages.

2. The Controller mentality

The strong mindset also includes the mastermind mentality.

Self-motivated, dare to think and dare to do; trial and error correction, upgrade and fight monsters; Allow it to happen, accept impermanence.

Successful leaders don't passively wait for opportunities, but actively create them.

They dare to try and make mistakes, learn from failures, and keep improving.

Life is like a game, only by constantly "upgrading and fighting monsters" can we reach the top.

In addition, the strong understand that the world is full of uncertainties, and are able to accept change and respond flexibly.

Cultivation Method:

Self-motivation: Write down your daily achievements and progress to motivate yourself to keep going.

Reflect on mistakes: Review past mistakes once a week, analyze the causes, and develop measures for improvement.

Accept change: Train yourself to accept uncontrollable change, practice meditation and mindfulness, and improve mental resilience.

To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

3. Long-termism

Long-termism is an important trait of the strong mindset.

Know what you want and what you don't want; It has strong concentration and shielding power, is not in a hurry, and is rooted downward.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "What does not kill us makes us stronger." ”

Strong people are clear about their goals and are able to focus on long-term interests and not be moved by short-term temptations.

They know how to accumulate steadily, take root in reality, and move forward steadily.

Cultivation Method:

Long-term plan: Clarify your life goals and career plans, and make a detailed long-term plan.

Stay focused: Do deep work at a fixed time each day to avoid distractions and increase productivity.

Perseverance: Do not easily change the set goals and plans, and maintain a firm belief in long-term goals.

4. Incremental thinking

Another characteristic of strong thinking is incremental thinking.

Focus on new growth points, dare to use stock to create incremental value, and pay attention to greater possibilities in the future.

The strong will not be satisfied with existing achievements, but will constantly look for new growth points.

They have the courage to try, use existing resources to create greater value, focus on the future, and pursue greater possibilities.

Cultivation Method:

Keep learning: Maintain the habit of learning new knowledge and skills, and expand your knowledge.

Seek innovation: Encourage yourself and your team to constantly look for innovative solutions and ways of working.

Take risks: On the basis of reasonable assessment of risks, dare to try new projects and opportunities, and break out of the comfort zone.

To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

5. Grayscale philosophy

Conduct oneself in the world, and strong thinking advocates the philosophy of grayscale.

With an open and tolerant mindset, seek balance and flexibility between black and white. There are no absolutes in the world, and the strong know how to deal flexibly in the gray area.

They are open and inclusive, do not stick to fixed standards, and are able to find the best solutions in complex environments.

Cultivation Method:

Be open-minded: Be open to different opinions and perspectives and avoid bias and stubbornness.

Flexible response: When faced with complex problems, do not rush to conclusions, patiently analyze, and find the best solution.

Be tolerant: Be tolerant and understanding of others' mistakes and shortcomings, and avoid being too harsh.


Weak thinking

Shackles that bind hands and feet

The counterpart to the thinking of the strong is the thinking of the weak.

The weak are often mired in self-delusion and wishful thinking, and their hearts are full of greed and hatred.

1. Seek outward and expect to be redeemed

Contrary to the thinking of the strong, the thinking of the weak always looks outward, expecting to be redeemed.

Put yourself in the position of being redeemed, longing to survive by relying on others, hoping to be lucky to be unusual, hoping to be recognized, favored and cared for by others.

To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

Weak people always want others to solve their problems, but they are not willing to work on their own.

They lack self-confidence, are always dependent on outside help, and are unable to face challenges on their own.


Self-reliance: Develop the ability to solve problems independently and not rely on others.

Reduce dependence: Expect less from others and learn to be self-motivated and self-recognized.

Enhance self-confidence: Enhance self-confidence through continuous practice and successful experiences.

2. Victim mentality

The underdog mentality also includes the victim mentality.

self-esteem, self-pity, self-denial, self-limitation; Resist everything that happens, constantly confront and complain.

The weak always consider themselves victims of circumstance and constantly complain about the injustice of fate. They lack the courage to change the status quo, indulge in self-pity and denial, and cannot move forward.


Stop complaining: Learn to accept the status quo and stop complaining about the environment and others.

Positive: Develop a positive mindset and take the initiative to find solutions to problems.

Self-motivation: Motivate yourself to keep moving forward by writing down positive things and accomplishments every day.

To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

3. Think short-term

Short-term thinking is a distinguishing feature of the thinking of the weak.

In a hurry, distracted from time to time, looking around, and not knowing the situation in the game.

The weak are always eager for quick success and lack long-term planning. They are easily seduced by the temptation in front of them, unable to focus on long-term goals, and ultimately achieve nothing.


Long-term goals: Be clear about your long-term goals and make a detailed plan.

Cultivate patience: Learn to be patient, not rush, and move forward steadily.

Reduce distractions: Avoid external distractions and stay focused and firm on your goals.

4. Stock thinking

The underdog mentality also includes the stock mentality.

Stick to the past and stick to the dogma of experience; Focus on losses, reluctance to step out of your comfort zone, and fear to try new opportunities and challenges.

The weak always cling to the experience of the past and are afraid to try new things.

They are afraid of failure and prefer to stay in their comfort zone, unable to adapt to change, and missing out on development opportunities.


Be innovative: Encourage yourself to try new things and opportunities, and dare to push your comfort zone.

Accept change: Learn to adapt to changes in the environment and maintain the ability to respond flexibly.

Continuous learning: Maintain a learning attitude and update your knowledge and skills in a timely manner.

To go to the leadership post, you must have the thinking of the strong and abandon the thinking of the weak

5. Black and white

Black-and-white thinking is a typical manifestation of the thinking of the weak.

Either/or, right or wrong, friend or foe, adopt simple and crude binary thinking.

The weak always look at the world with simple binary thinking and cannot accept complex realities.

They either accept it all or reject it completely, unable to find a balance in the contradictions, resulting in difficulties in communicating with others.

Prone to conflict.


Open-mindedness: Cultivate an open mind and accept different opinions and perspectives.

Flexible response: When faced with complex problems, do not rush to conclusions, patiently analyze, and find the best solution.

Be tolerant: Be tolerant and understanding of others' mistakes and shortcomings, and avoid being too harsh.

✎ Write at the end

In short, in leadership positions, the thinking of the strong is a sword that cuts through thorns, and the thinking of the weak is the shackles that bind the hands and feet.

Which kind of thinking you choose determines how far you can go.

A true leader must not only have a sharp eye, but also have a firm strong mindset.

In this way, we can lead the team and create the future in the complex and ever-changing real world.

At the same time, let us abandon the thinking of the weak, meet every challenge with the posture of the strong, and write our own legend.

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