
What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

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What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

In this ancient land of China, education has always carried the heavy responsibility of the rise and fall of the country, and students are the bearers of this heavy responsibility. However, with the development of society and the continuous improvement of the education system, we can't help but think: what are the things that Chinese students lack the most? Recently, a street interview attracted a lot of attention, and one female student bluntly pointed out: "Soul! This answer is brief, but it has a profound meaning and deserves to be explored in depth.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

When asked why she answered this way, the girl's next words made us ponder.

"Sober Schoolgirl"

"I think what Chinese students lack the most is the soul, because I can solve binary equations, understand trigonometric functions, know the laws of celestial movements, and understand the change of dynasties, but I can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest, nor do I understand medical insurance and social security, and I also don't understand love, and more importantly, I don't understand the meaning of hard work!"


The girl's speech deeply shocked the hearts of netizens. Indeed, under China's education system, we will only "die reading", although we have learned some so-called knowledge, but in fact we are not even clear about the most basic common sense, just like the identification of the "southeast, northwest" direction, I believe that many young people are not clearly distributed now! Not lying, because I'm one of them!

In addition to this, we can learn more from this passage. This is not only the confusion of students, but also many adults who have struggled in the torrent of society, but also often lose their way in the high-pressure busyness, wondering whether the true meaning of hard work is only limited to the accumulation of money.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

When the wheels of time roll forward, when we stand at a certain point in our lives and look back at the past, in that long journey, do we really experience the joy and satisfaction in our hearts?

Life in the world is like a drop in the ocean, short and insignificant. However, in this short journey of life, I firmly believe that our ultimate goal should be to find and feel our own happiness. Let's slow down, savor the "scenery" along the way, listen to our inner voice, and finally find our true and complete selves.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

For a long time, China's education system has been heavily influenced by exam-oriented education, and students are struggling to get high scores. In this model, students are often instilled with a lot of knowledge, but often lack the ability to think independently and innovate. They study for exams and compete for scores, but neglect to pay attention to their inner world. This utilitarian way of learning makes students gradually lose their love of life and vision for the future while pursuing grades.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

Under the influence of exam-oriented education, the spiritual world of Chinese students has gradually become impoverished. They lack the ability to think independently, lack critical thinking, and lack perception and experience of life. They passively receive knowledge like machines, but they rarely have the opportunity to actively explore the world and understand themselves. This lack of soul makes them appear helpless and lost in the face of frustration and difficulties, and even produces psychological problems.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

However, it is this absence that makes us realize that the search for souls is a problem that Chinese students have to face. So, how do you find a soul?

"In Search of the Soul"

First of all, we need to pay attention to the inner world of our students. Schools should provide more mental health education and counseling for students to help them develop a correct outlook on life and values. At the same time, parents should also pay attention to their children's emotional needs and give them more love and support.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

Secondly, we need to develop students' ability to think independently. Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about cultivating students' thinking skills and innovative spirit. Schools should encourage students to bring their own perspectives and ideas, and encourage them to participate in class discussions and hands-on activities.

Thirdly, we need to guide students to focus on life. Life is the best textbook, and it contains countless wisdoms and revelations. Schools should provide more practical opportunities for students to get out of the classroom, out into society, and in contact with nature. Through first-hand experience and appreciation of life, students can better understand themselves and the world.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

Finally, we need to focus on the spiritual growth of our students. Spiritual growth is a long-term process, which requires students to constantly reflect, summarize, and improve. Schools should provide students with more spiritual food, such as excellent literary works and artistic works, so that they can feel spiritual edification and enlightenment through reading and appreciation.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

Finding souls is not only a matter for individual students, but also for the entire education ecosystem. In order to reshape the education ecosystem, we need to start from the following aspects:

1. Reform the education system: We need to gradually change the mode of test-oriented education and establish a more comprehensive and diversified evaluation system. This includes focusing on the development of students' comprehensive quality, innovation ability and practical ability.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

2. Strengthen teacher training: Teachers are a key force in education, and their quality and abilities have a direct impact on the growth and development of students. Therefore, we need to strengthen teacher training and improve teachers' professional quality and educational philosophy.

3. Strengthen home-school cooperation: The family is an important place for students' growth, and parents' educational methods and methods have a profound impact on students' growth. Therefore, we need to strengthen home-school cooperation and focus on the growth and development of students.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

4. Advocate reading for all: Reading is an important way to acquire knowledge and wisdom, and it is also an important means to cultivate independent thinking and innovation ability. Therefore, we need to advocate reading for all, so that more people can fall in love with reading and enjoy reading.

Is Chinese-style education really right? 》

With the changes of the times, people's doubts and reflections on "Chinese-style education" are also increasing. So, is Chinese-style education really right? This is a topic that deserves to be explored in depth.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

First of all, we must admit that Chinese-style education has made remarkable achievements to a certain extent. Through a strict examination system and selection mechanism, the mainland has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents, who shine in their respective fields and have made great contributions to the country's development. However, this evaluation system, which uses scores as the only criterion, also brings a lot of problems.

On the one hand, the excessive pursuit of grades makes students study under great pressure. Not only do they have to face a heavy workload of schoolwork, but they also have to participate in various cram schools, competitions, etc., with little time for rest and recreation. This kind of high-intensity learning is not only detrimental to students' physical and mental health, but can also lead to their boredom and resistance to learning.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

On the other hand, the excessive emphasis on scores also ignores the development of students' personality and the cultivation of comprehensive quality. In the environment of exam-oriented education, students are often required to learn and think according to a fixed pattern, and lack independent thinking and innovation ability. Students trained in this educational model often lack critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and find it difficult to adapt to the complex and changing social environment.

In addition, there are some other problems in Chinese-style education, such as the uneven distribution of educational resources, the large gap between urban and rural education, and the uneven quality of teachers. All these problems have restricted the development of education in the mainland, and also affected the growth and future of students.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

So, how can we improve Chinese-style education? First of all, we need to reform the examination system, reduce the role of scores in evaluating students, and pay attention to the overall quality and personality development of students. Second, we need to strengthen the input and allocation of educational resources, improve the level of education in rural and poor areas, and narrow the gap between urban and rural education. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the training and training of teachers to improve their professional quality and education and teaching ability.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

Of course, reforming education is a long-term and complex process that requires the joint efforts of the whole society. However, as long as we adhere to the educational philosophy of student-oriented and quality-oriented, and continue to explore and innovate educational models and methods, we will certainly be able to cultivate more talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, and lay a solid foundation for the future development of the mainland.

What are the things that Chinese students lack most? Street Interview with Schoolgirl to Tell the Truth: Soul!

To sum up, Chinese-style education has made achievements to a certain extent, but there are also many problems. We need to face up to these problems and take practical and effective measures to improve them. Only in this way will we be able to cultivate more outstanding talents and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the mainland. #头条创作挑战赛#

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