
Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

author:Speaking of weapons

In the national navy, warships are an extremely important part of the strike and protection force, and in this regard, submarines and destroyers are an important part of the naval force, each of which plays an indispensable role.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

Submarines are known for their superior concealment and powerful attack capabilities, while destroyers shine on the battlefield with excellent detection and defensive means, but interestingly, despite their powerful attack power, they are often less demoralized when confronted by destroyers.

So why are submarines afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine choose to rush up to the decisive battle?

First, let's look at the comparison of the performance of submarines and destroyers. Submarines, by virtue of their unique stealth advantages, are able to lurk underwater for a long time and carry out surprise attacks on the enemy, but this concealment is not absolute, especially in the face of destroyers, which are not so stealthy.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

Because the destroyer is equipped with advanced radar detection equipment, it can quickly detect the presence of submarines, and once the submarine is in such a situation, the survival rate will quickly decrease.

Moreover, at the time of detection, because the submarine is potentially underwater, its maneuverability will also be limited to a certain extent, and it is difficult to dodge due to the unsmooth movement, and it is vulnerable to serious attacks.

Secondly, there are also significant differences between submarines and destroyers in terms of attack and defense capabilities, and this huge difference makes the former weak, and even in many cases in a more dangerous state, although the weapons systems they carry make them have powerful attack power and can inflict fatal blows on enemy ships.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

However, destroyers also have decent defense capabilities, including anti-aircraft and anti-submarine means. This means that when attacking a destroyer, the submarine will have to deal not only with a direct counterattack from the destroyer, but also with its powerful defense system. This puts the submarine at great risk in the event of an attack.

Why, then, did the submarine not choose to rush up to the decisive battle after being discovered? This stems primarily from the operational tactics and tactical choices of submarines. The combat tactics of submarines are generally inclined to avoid a frontal clash and instead use stealth to carry out surprise attacks. Once spotted, the submarine will quickly adjust its tactics and try to avoid a head-to-head confrontation with the destroyer, this is because the submarine is relatively poor in maneuverability, and once locked, it is difficult to escape the destroyer's attack.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

Of course, there is a more important factor, that is, the ship will carry out a risk assessment when it is not in danger, if the risk is too large or will cause huge damage, then it is really not absolutely necessary, it is better to go first.

From a risk point of view, the submarine rushing to the decisive battle means facing the destroyer's powerful firepower and defense system, which is likely to lead to the destruction of the submarine and heavy losses. And from the point of view of earnings, even if the submarine succeeds in defeating the destroyer, it will not be able to change the entire tide of the war.

Therefore, it is not wise for submarines to rush to a decisive battle, not only because of the disparity in strength, but because it is necessary to preserve combat power and avoid unnecessary losses.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

The difference in the strength of these two types of ships is not only a reference to data and some simple literal analysis, in fact, the same conclusion can be reached in the historical engagement cases of the two types of ships.

In many previous cases, submarines tend to be more inclined to use concealment to ambush or evade than to confront destroyers, which further confirms why submarines are afraid of destroyers and why submarines do not rush up to fight them.

To sum up, the main reason why submarines are afraid of destroyers is that destroyers have strong detection capabilities and defense means, which makes submarines in the face of destroyers.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

The reason why submarines do not rush to a decisive battle lies in their operational strategy and tactical choices, as well as risk and benefit assessments. Submarines are more inclined to avoid a head-on clash and take advantage of stealth to attack, rather than a decisive battle with destroyers.

Of course, we cannot ignore the different positioning and complementary roles of submarines and destroyers in the Navy. These two types of ships have different characteristics and are equally important in the fleet.

In addition to the characteristics they play in their own right, they have a great auxiliary effect on the entire fleet, which is far beyond the role they can play on their own. Submarines have become an important part of the navy's strength with their unique concealment and attack capabilities, while destroyers provide a solid guarantee for the navy with their excellent detection capabilities and defensive means.

Why should submarines be afraid of destroyers? After being discovered, why didn't the submarine rush to the decisive battle?

In the future development of the Navy, with the continuous progress of submarine technology and the continuous innovation of tactics, new changes may take place in the relationship between submarines and destroyers, and there may also be a certain increase in performance. But in any case, they will continue to play an indispensable role in the ocean, and jointly safeguard the country's maritime rights and security.