
Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

author:Full of positive energy

Recently, according to news reports, a post-95 woman in Yimin, Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarding anchors, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan.


In recent years, with the trend of younger cadres, many young people have gradually stepped into leadership positions, but many of them have not kept up with the progress of their positions, and they feel that they are young and promising, so they begin to flutter, openly crossing the thunder pool of the law, thinking that what they are doing is seamless, but in fact, they are extremely stupid.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

Faced with the police's questioning, the woman said that she was born in 1995 and is only 29 years old this year. If she went to work after graduating from the bachelor's degree, then she may have been in this position for 7 years at most, seven years is enough for a person to have a full understanding of the operating rules of this position, so she has the courage to embezzle public funds.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

The woman is facing the crime of embezzlement, that is, taking advantage of her position to embezzle public funds. This kind of crime is more common than the unit's financial post, which is in charge of the unit's capital operation, embezzles public funds through various illegal means, and evades supervision, but cases as large as tens of millions of dollars are relatively rare, and it can only be said that the young people now are really not small, and it is also reflected from the side, and now there is a lack of cultivation of young cadres' sense of integrity.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

In this regard, some netizens said righteously: Don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand, this should be an iron law, all young leading cadres should keep it in mind, as young people, it is a very creative group, but there are many young cadres who have transformed this creativity into a means of playing clever and seeking benefits for themselves.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

Some netizens said that half of the current women's prisons are financial accountants, and there are objective reasons for such a phenomenon, mainly because there are mostly female students in these positions. Of course, this is also a wake-up call for young comrades engaged in these jobs, why do they become high-risk positions? The main reason is that the temptation is too great, after all, facing a large amount of cash flow every day, it is easy to want to take a little benefit from it. If a unit earns tens of millions of dollars at a time, then there will definitely be financial personnel who want to make more than a dozen or even hundreds of thousands of dollars from it, but Drizzle fantasizes that no one will find out at all, which also leads to the high risk of integrity in financial positions.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

Some netizens also explained that this post-95 cadre was only sentenced to four and a half years, indicating that most of them took the initiative to return the stolen goods, otherwise there might be more than such a short sentence. This also shows that the purpose of this woman's embezzlement of public funds is different from that of some people, and some news have squandered it on him after embezzling public funds, but this woman still has money to take out to make up for the embezzlement, which shows that it is still relatively thin and long-term, probably thinking about saving the money first, and then taking it out and spending it after the rumors have passed.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

You say he's stupid, he can get more than 10 million, you say he's smart, he goes to reward and gamble, this can only say that gambling is a thing, you must not get involved, once you get it, you really fall into the abyss, no matter how much money you can't fill the bottomless pit of gambling, so it is inevitable that the state will vigorously crack down on pornography, gambling and drugs.

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

Some netizens joked that some young people can get tens of millions at a young age, and some post-95s are young but can't even eat. Of course, this is just a joke, relying on your own ability, even if you live an average life, you will live a down-to-earth life, you won't be scared all day long, rely on being smart, and get the money, even if there are thousands, one day you need to spit it all out, not a penny, and you have to face prison, really why bother?

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan

In short, the young leading cadres at present must enhance their sense of honesty and integrity, and they must not feel that they can deceive the old leaders in their units by means of their youth, and feel that they will pass the test by escaping their supervision. In fact, there are a large number of overseers waiting for you behind you, and you will be caught if you stretch out your hand.

If there are young juniors in the family who are engaged in financial positions, they must be reminded to be more careful, whether it is greeted by others, or they are greedy, embezzlement of public funds is really worth the loss!

Outrageous! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million yuan of public funds for gambling and rewarded, and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan
