
Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

author:Full of positive energy

Linglin Qi has released a new episode of the girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West, this episode is based on Sun Wukong's troubles in the Pan Tao Club, telling the story of Smoked Wukong telling his classmates to lose weight, but he secretly ate it in the Pan Tao Club, which is really funny.


From the very beginning, it was the Monkey King in the original book who tricked all the gods and goddesses into going to another place, but the Queen Mother and the gods from all walks of life found that there was very little food to eat, don't you say, the actor is really temperamental when he plays the Queen Mother.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Then the fairy reported that because Sun Wukong had an excuse to lose weight, there was no AA system, and of course there would be no enough things. I said, Wu Wu is only alone, he didn't participate in AA, so many of you don't pay for it? [covers face]

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

As soon as the camera turned, Sun Wukong was secretly eating at the peach banquet, which snack with high calories would be eaten secretly, and a famous sentence was also exposed: Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a day's gluttony, which is really a literary monkey. [covers face]

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Subsequently, Sun Wukong came to Taishang Laojun's dormitory after eating and drinking, and there was actually a Victoria's Secret Angel offline communication group on the door, which is worthy of being a college student dormitory, and everyone is self-proclaimed Victoria's Secret model, right?

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

The special effects of Sun Wukong entering the room through the crack in the door are exactly the same as the five-cent special effects of the eighty-sixth version of Journey to the West, which is too emotional, and with the exclusive music of Sun Wukong's transformation, it can't be said to be very similar, it can only be said to be exactly the same. [covers face]

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Everyone finally reacted that Sun Wukong was a white prostitute monster, and he just wanted to steal snacks, so he tricked all the gods to another place, and he went to prostitute snacks for nothing.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Sun Wukong is really stealing the fruit of Taishang Laojun, this Erlang's legs are exactly the same as the TV series, plus this background music, it reminds people of the time when they watched the 86th version of Journey to the West during the summer vacation.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

The Queen Mother was furious, and wanted to send 100,000 classmates to the circle of friends to hang out Sun Wukong, and also expose his web browsing records, so that Sun Wukong would die, what a modern punishment method!

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Sometimes when I watch Journey to the West, I look at monkeys, but now when I watch Journey to the West, no one looks at monkeys haha, they all look at the beautiful fairies or beautiful fairies or fairies next to them.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Publishing web browsing records, this is probably what modern people are most afraid of happening, seeing something hung out, really going to be laughed to death.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

The three layers of the lower abdomen are not a day's gluttony, both raw food, why raw fat? In just two sentences, I directly applied two classic sayings, really trying my best not to lose weight.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

Just this acting, as well as the costumes of this filming venue, are simply beating the current TV drama directors and screenwriters. I don't know what the little fresh meat are doing with millions of salaries.

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

In short, paying tribute to the classics, and at the same time adding modern elements, let the audience feel the lively and creative spiritual world of contemporary college students, bringing joy to everyone, I hope that there will be a lot of sequels filmed, and a series can be made directly, what do you think?

Laugh to death! The girls' dormitory version of Journey to the West's big trouble will be a peach meeting, and the three layers of the lower abdomen are not a one-day gluttony

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