
As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

author:Nine Nine Times
As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

As soon as the dust settled on the top 18 groups of the national football team, Ivankovic started a new round of preparations.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

However, what is remarkable is that the four former national football backbones were turned away, and this sudden change was like a bombshell, which instantly set off stormy waves in the football world.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!
As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

1. Wu Xi's gloomy departure

Wu Xi, who can be called a meritorious player of the national football team, has emerged in the national football team since Camacho's coaching days.

His performance on the pitch can be described as versatile, especially his impressive back-row raiding ability, which makes opponents unguardable.

In the position of the local back, Wu Xi was like a needle of the sea god, and he was an irreplaceable existence.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

Originally, according to Ivankovic's love for the single-back tactic, Wu Xi should have been the best choice for this tactic.

It's a pity that Wu Xi took the initiative to say goodbye to the national football team this time, which made Ivankovic feel helpless, full of regret and helplessness.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!
As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

Second, Zhang Linpeng's heart is powerless

Zhang Linpeng is also a veteran of the national football team. Recalling the fierce battle between the national football team and Singapore away, the team had a two-goal lead, and the situation was very good.

However, who would have expected that in the end, it would be tied by the opponent, and Zhang Linpeng will undoubtedly bear the main responsibility for the two goals conceded.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

Perhaps it was the erosion of the years that made him feel powerless on the field.

In the end, Zhang Linpeng could only withdraw from the stage of the national football team with regrets.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!
As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

3. Tan Long's embarrassing exit

Tan Long, born in 1988, is no longer dominant in age.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

In the past, if it weren't for the special favor of the then national football coach Jankovic, Tan Long might not have had a chance to be selected for the national football team.

And now, in Ivankovic's tactical blueprint, Tan Long has struggled to find his place, and his exit seems to be expected.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!
As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

Fourth, Exxon's tragic fate

Exxon used to be a fierce player with high hopes for the national football team.

But helplessly, time is not forgiving, and as he gets older, he is not only riddled with injuries, but also ups and downs.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

Although Ivankovic has extended an olive branch to him many times and given him the opportunity to be selected for the national football team, Ackerson always seems to be unlucky, and every time he joins the team, he is either recovering from injuries or struggling to find his peak form.

In the end, Ivankovic had to make a painful decision to cross him out of the squad for the round of 18.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!


As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

The journey of the national football team in the top 18 is destined to be full of hardships and uncertainties, and Ivankovic's lineup adjustment, although it seems ruthless, is actually for the future of the team.

The pain of the replacement of the old and the new is inevitable, and whether the younger generation can carry the banner of national football revival still needs time to test.

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!

What do you think about this major adjustment of the national football team? Do you support the manager's bold decision, or are you sorry for the departure of the veterans?

Come and speak freely in the comment area and discuss with the fans!

As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!


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As soon as the top 18 groups of the national football team were decided, Ivan removed the top four international players, led by the ace captain!