
It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

author:Nine Nine Times
It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

In the smoke of the European Cup, the Swiss team actually knocked down the Italian team with a score of 2-0, which was like a hammer and smashed into the hearts of countless fans.

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

What is wrong with Italy, which once shined in football, is now so embarrassed in the knockout rounds of major competitions?

Is it a trick of fate, or is it one's own loss?

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!
It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

1. "Tactical Lost"

Media person Miao Yuan pointed out sharply: "Not only the national football team can't play complex football, but Italy is also the same!" With the lack of a midfielder, how can victory begin? ”

The Italian team's tactical set-up in this matchup has been criticized.

The organization and defense of the midfield are like a plate of loose sand, and there seems to be an invisible gap between the front and back of the team, the offensive firepower cannot be transmitted smoothly, and the defensive front is full of holes.

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

Spalletti's line-up was controversial, with Faggioli tasked with organising the attack, but his passing rhythm was dragged like an old cow pulling a cart, seriously slowing down the team's attacking tempo.

This makes one wonder if the coach misjudged the ability of the players, or if the tactical arrangement itself was fatally flawed.

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!
It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

2. "The Starlight Is Dimmed"

In the past, Italian football was full of stars, and superstars such as Baggio, Signori, Massaro, Baresi, Maldini, and Albertini were like the brightest stars in the night sky, illuminating the entire football world.

However, time has passed, and the current Italian squad is no longer in its former glory.

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

Although Chiesa and other players tried their best, the decline in overall strength was still difficult to hide.

The midfielders who once shocked football are now withering, and there is a lack of core players who can control the overall situation and turn the tide.

Is this a fault line in talent training, or an omission in the youth training system?

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!
It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

3. "League Dilemma"

The decline of Italian football is closely linked to the development of Serie A.

Beta said bluntly: "Serie A's slow and logical health football is outdated!" ”

Napoli's title was thus overshadowed.

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

In today's football world, high-intensity, fast-paced is the mainstream, and Serie A seems to have failed to keep up with the times.

Its style of play and training methods may no longer produce players who are comfortable with the fierce rivalries of modern football.

So, how can Serie A break the game in order to provide fresh blood for Italian football and regain its glory?

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!


It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

The demise of Italian football is a sad moment, but it is also a pivotal moment for change.

We are looking forward to the return of Italian football to its former glory.

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

Dear fans and friends, what are your unique insights and constructive suggestions on the current situation of Italian football?

Let us speak in the comments section and let's work together to shine a light on the future of Italian football!

It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!


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It's no surprise that the defending champions are out, how long has it been since you've seen Serie A? Wellness football is outdated!

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