
In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well


We're going to talk about this thing today, but it's really fresh. It is said that in a small town far away from our northeast, this place has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, but some strange things appear from time to time. Our protagonist is a daughter-in-law named Xiaocui, who looks smart and has a good heart, but there is a small problem, and she always has to get up to go to the toilet at night.

That night, the moon was hazy, and Xiaocui tossed and turned in bed, always feeling unsteady. She put on her clothes, pushed the door lightly and went straight to the latrine in the courtyard. As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard a strange sound from Lao Wang's house next door, like someone whispering, and like something was rubbing. Xiao Cui's heart tightened, she tiptoed to the window of Lao Wang's house, and peeked in through the gap, hey, she almost didn't scare her soul away! I saw Lao Wang and his family, surrounding the famous old well in the town, and throwing something into the well with something in their hands. It is said that there is a water god living in this well, and everyone usually takes a detour.

Xiaocui beat the drum in her heart, in the middle of the night, what are the two of them doing by the well? She crept back into the house, lay on the bed, tossed and turned, but couldn't sleep, thinking about it all the time. Early the next morning, Xiao Cui got up and wanted to ask Lao Wang what the hell he was doing last night. But as soon as Lao Wang saw her, his face was as white as paper, and he said that there was nothing to do. When Xiao Cui saw his appearance, she felt even more ghostly.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

In the next few days, Xiao Cui found that there were always strange noises in Lao Wang's house, and the more Lao Wang and his family looked at it, the more mysterious they became. She decided to find out what was going on in the well. Another night, Xiaocui got up to go to the toilet again, she lightly touched the window of Lao Wang's house, and looked through the gap to see that Lao Wang and his family were by the well again, and they were still carrying a sack in their hands. The two muttered, and then threw the sack into the well. Xiao Cui was shocked, what is in this sack?

She decided to go down into the well to have a look. Back in the house, she found a rope and a basket, tied the rope to the basket, and slowly slid down the rope into the well. The well water was as cold as ice, and Xiao Cui gritted her teeth and sank. After a while, she touched the bottom of the well. She looked around, hey, there was a secret door at the bottom of the well! She opened the door and saw that it was a small room, full of bottles and jars and some strange charms. Xiaocui was shocked, this old Wang family hid such a place under the well! She looked around and suddenly saw a sack. She walked over and opened it, and there was a corpse inside! Xiao Cui was so frightened that she almost screamed, she quickly covered her mouth and quietly exited the hut. She climbed up along the rope and swooped up, but her heart was full of thoughts: What is the old Wang family doing? Whose corpse does it belong to? She thought to herself, and planned to tell the people in the town about this, so that the big guys could get to the bottom of it. But just as she was about to climb out of the well, she suddenly heard footsteps from above. Her heart tightened, and she quickly grabbed the rope and remained motionless. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer, and then a man's voice came: "What is the secret in this deep well?" I'll have to go down and see. When Xiao Cui heard this voice, her heart was half cold. This man is none other than Zhang Mazi, the bully in the town! If he discovers the secret of this deep well, then what will he do? Xiao Cui hurriedly held her breath, for fear of being discovered by him.

Zhang Mazi lay at the mouth of the well and looked down for a while, and then found a longer rope and a larger basket. He slid down the rope and was silent in a few moments. Xiao Cui waited at the bottom of the well for a while, and her heart was up and down. She didn't know what Zhang Mazi had discovered, and she didn't know if he would leak it. She decided to go up and see what was going on. She climbed up the rope, and as soon as she climbed out of the well, she saw Zhang Mazi sitting on the ground panting. When he saw Xiaocui crawling out of the well, he was stunned: "You...... Why are you here? Xiao Cui chuckled in her heart, but she quickly calmed down: "I...... I couldn't sleep and walked around, but I didn't expect to see you here. Zhang Mazi's eyes rolled: "What did you see?" Xiao Cui shook her head: "I didn't see anything." Zhang Mazi snorted coldly: "Who are you fooling?" There must be a secret in this deep well! Xiaocui's heart tightened: "You...... What do you want to do? Zhang Mazi stood up and patted the soil on his body: "This matter can't be left like this, I have to tell the mayor to go!" After saying that, he turned around and left, and Xiao Cui hurriedly caught up: "You wait for me!" The two walked to the mayor's house one after the other, but Xiaocui's heart was overturned. She didn't know how far this would go, and she didn't know if the secrets of this deep well would be revealed by her...... Find out what happens next, and listen to the next breakdown.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

The two trotted all the way to the door of the mayor's house, Zhang Mazi kicked the door open, shouting for the mayor to come out. The mayor was eating his supper when he was almost choked by the sudden movement, coughed a few times, and walked out with a displeased expression. "In the middle of the night, what are you crazy about?" The mayor asked, rubbing his stomach and glaring. "Mayor of the town, you have to take care of it, the old Wang family in our town is hiding secrets in the deep well!" Zhang Mazi said eagerly. When the mayor heard this, his brows tightened: "What secret?" Don't talk nonsense. "Really, I saw with my own eyes, there's a small room under the well, and there's a corpse in the house!" Zhang Mazi patted his chest and promised. As soon as the mayor heard about this, he hurriedly summoned a few strong young men, followed by Zhang Mazi and Xiaocui, and rushed to Lao Wang's house in a hurry. Along the way, Xiaocui's heart was like playing a drum, seven up and eight down, she didn't know what would happen to this matter, and she couldn't guess what the old Wang family would say.

When they arrived at the door of Lao Wang's house, the mayor waved his hand, and the strong men rushed in like wild horses. After a while, Lao Wang and his wife were brought out, their faces were as white as paper, and they knew that there was a ghost in their hearts at a glance. The mayor glared and asked sternly, "Old Wang, what secrets are hidden in your deep well?" Lao Wang was hesitant and couldn't say why for a long time, but his daughter-in-law suddenly knelt down and said with tears in her eyes: "Mayor of the town, we are forced to do this!" ”

"Forced to do so? What's the last resort? Say it! The mayor urged impatiently. The daughter-in-law wiped her tears and began to speak slowly. It turned out that the corpse was a distant relative of Lao Wang, and he was sick and could not be treated, so the family sent it to Lao Wang, hoping that he could find a quiet place to bury. The old king relented, so he hid him in a hut under the deep well. As for those bottles and cans and charms, they were bought by Lao Wang from the Taoist priest in the town in order to suppress the resentment of the corpse.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

"Then why didn't you just tell us?" The mayor asked. Lao Wang bowed his head and said, "We're afraid that you won't believe it, and it's not good to say that this matter will spread out." When the mayor heard this, he sighed: "You guys, you are really confused! How can this be hidden? If something goes wrong, who can afford it? When the two of them heard this, their heads lowered and they didn't say a word.

The mayor waved his hand and asked the strong men to take them back to the house, then turned to Xiaocui and Zhang Mazi and said, "This matter is over here, and you don't spread the word about it." Xiaocui and Zhang Mazi both nodded, agreeing very happily. They followed the mayor back to the town, and no one said a word all the way. Xiaocui had mixed feelings in her heart, she didn't expect this to be such an ending. Zhang Mazi looked proud, feeling that he had made a great contribution.

Soon after this incident, Lao Wang moved out of the town and went to other places to make a living. His house was also demolished by the mayor, and the deep well was filled in. The people in the town said that the old Wang family was unlucky, and they didn't want to mention it. But Xiaocui always remembered it in her heart. She often remembered the scene she saw in the middle of the night, and the horror and helplessness on the faces of Lao Wang and his mother-in-law. She sometimes thinks that if they hadn't chosen to hide it and had told the mayor directly, maybe everything would have been different.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

Time passed, and Xiao Cui slowly let go of this matter. She still lived an ordinary life, and occasionally remembered the deep well and those strange things in the dead of night. But she knows that those are in the past, and she wants to cherish her current life and live it well. The townspeople seem to have faded from their memory. Their lives are still peaceful, with occasional get-togethers for chats and tea. However, once someone mentions the matter of Lao Wang's family, everyone will tacitly avoid this topic. In this way, the life of the town slowly returned to the tranquility of the past. The deep well and those strange events have gradually become a forgotten legend with the passage of time, buried in the dust of history.

This story teaches us a profound truth: the truth is often not as frightening as we think. As long as we have the courage to face it and accept it, we can find a way to solve the problem. At the same time, we should also learn to respect the privacy and choices of others, and avoid easily revealing the pain of others. After all, everyone has their own stories and secrets, and all we have to do is focus on ourselves and cherish the people around us.

Since that incident, although the secret of the old Wang family has been revealed, the people in the town have not felt relieved by this. No one would have thought that that seemingly ordinary deep well would hide such an amazing secret. Although Xiao Cui had let go of this matter in her heart, whenever she passed by the well that had been filled, she always couldn't help but take a few more looks, and her heart would always think of the house, charms, and corpses under the well.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

One day, while wandering around the market, she overheard several women discussing the matter. Their conversation was vivid, as if they had experienced it themselves. Xiao Cui felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she walked up to them, cleared her throat and said, "I have heard about this matter, but you don't spread it casually, after all, it is all in the past." When the women saw that it was Xiaocui, they stopped the discussion. One of the older women took Xiao Cui's hand and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Cui, is this incident true or false?" Is there really a room under the deep well, and is there really a corpse lying in the room? Xiao Cui sighed, shook her head and said, "I don't know, but I think Lao Wang and they did this out of helplessness." Let's not discuss it anymore so as not to cause more trouble for their family. The women nodded in understanding and stopped the conversation. Xiao Cui also breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left the market.

As time passed, Tsui's life gradually returned to peace. But one night, she had a bizarre dream. In the dream, she returned to the deep well, but this time there was no water in the well, but it became a deep tunnel. She went deeper and deeper along the tunnel, deeper and darker. Suddenly, she saw a light in front of her, and she quickened her pace to find that the light came from a small room. She pushed open the door and saw the room filled with bottles and charms, and the body was lying in the middle of the room. Surprisingly, the corpse actually moved, and it opened its eyes and looked at Xiao Cui with a strange smile. Xiao Cui jumped up from the bed, feeling wet all over her body, as if she had just been fished out of the water. She sat there panting, her mind going up and down, pondering the strange dream. Is there really something unpleasant about that corpse, and you want to settle accounts with me? The more Xiao Cui thought about it, the more panicked she became, she slapped her thigh and decided to talk to the mayor about it.

Early the next morning, Xiaocui ran to the door of the mayor's house. She told the mayor everything about the dream she had had last night. When the mayor heard this, he frowned and said, "This thing sounds a bit evil. But don't take it too seriously, the body has been buried for so many years, so it shouldn't be a big deal. When Xiaocui heard this, her heart was a little more steady. But she still felt that she had to find a Taoist priest to take a look, after all, this matter was too strange.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

A few days later, Xiao Cuizhen invited a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest was dressed in a Taoist robe and carried a peachwood sword in his hand, which looked quite like that. He walked around the town and finally came to Little Cui's house. Xiaocui told the Taoist priest again about the matter from beginning to end, and the Taoist priest nodded after listening: "I understand this." Don't worry, I'll deal with the corpse's grievances. With that, the Taoist priest left. Xiao Cui looked at the back of the Taoist priest and felt a little more at ease.

After a few more days, the Taoist priest came again. He told Xiao Cui: "I've already dealt with the corpse's grievances. You can rest assured that it won't come back to trouble you again. Xiao Cui listened, and the stone in her heart finally landed. She glanced at the Taoist priest gratefully, and then sent him out. Since then, Xiao Cui has never had that strange dream again. She wasn't afraid of the well anymore, because she knew there was nothing to fear down there.

The townspeople are slowly forgetting about it. They still live a quiet life, occasionally getting together to chat and drink tea. But as long as someone mentions the matter of Lao Wang's family, everyone will tacitly change the topic. After all, that's all in the past, and there's no point in mentioning it anymore. Xiaocui also realized a truth: some things look scary, but as long as you dare to face and solve them, there is nothing to be afraid of. She made up her mind that no matter what difficulties she encountered in the future, she would face them bravely and solve them positively, so as not to let fear and fear occupy her heart.

In the middle of the night, the woman bumped into a neighbor who was embarrassed and raped, a husband and wife in a deep well

In this way, life in the town returned to its former tranquility. The deep well and those strange things have slowly become a legend, buried by the dust of time.

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