
On the night of the woman's childbirth, she heard the old dog crying, and the old nun said: Your child is long gone


That night, the dog's cry was more desolate than the autumn wind, and the old nun's words were in the words, that autumn, the daughter-in-law of the Li family was pregnant with her first child, which was great news in the Chen family. The villagers in the village are shouting that the ancestral tomb of the old Li family is smoking, and the family is going to add Ding. The daughter-in-law of the Li family is happy in her heart, and she looks forward to the birth of the child every day. Seeing that the due date was approaching, that night, it was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and the autumn wind made people shiver. The daughter-in-law of the Li family was lying on the kang, her stomach hurt badly, she knew that this was the child coming. Chen Laohan hurriedly called the midwife in the village, and asked the family's old dog, Rhubarb, to guard at the door, so as not to let those night owls who don't have long eyes disturb the two mothers in the house.

Inside the house, the midwife was very busy, and Chen Laohan was anxious outside. At this moment, Rhubarb suddenly screamed, and his voice sounded like crying, which made people's hearts furious. Chen Laohan's heart tightened, feeling that the dog barked unusually, but he didn't think much about it, after all, the daughter-in-law giving birth to a child is a big deal, and he has to guard it here. But the dog's barking became worse and worse, as if someone was cutting its flesh. Chen Laohan couldn't sit still, he walked to the door, trying to drive the rhubarb away, don't let it cause trouble here. But as soon as he opened the door, the scene in front of him made him stunned. Rhubarb lay on the ground, his eyes as red as rabbits, tears in his eyes, and a low whimper in his mouth. When Chen Laohan saw this scene, his heart tightened again, he knew that this dog crying was definitely not a good sign.

He squatted down, touched Rhubarb's head, and said, "Rhubarb, what's wrong with you?" Is there something you want to tell me? Rhubarb seemed to understand Chen Laohan's words, raised his head, looked at him with those red eyes, and then slowly wagged his tail. Chen Laohan was even more unsure. He stood up and decided to go to the old nun in the village and ask what the dog meant by crying. The old nun lived in the easternmost part of the village, a nunnery with a long history. Chen Laohan trotted all the way over, and when he arrived at the door of the nunnery, he gasped and shouted, "Old nun! Old nun! Something strange has happened to my family, please take a look! The old nun heard the shouting and came out of the house. As soon as she saw Chen Laohan's anxious look, she knew that something was wrong. She asked about the situation, then sighed and said, "Alas, your dog is crying so badly, I'm afraid something bad is going to happen." You go back first, I am here to pray for you, I hope to keep your mother and son safe. Chen Laohan listened to the old nun's words, and his heart was even more up. He thanked the old nun, turned around and hurried home. Along the way, he was nervous, not knowing what was going to happen.

On the night of the woman's childbirth, she heard the old dog crying, and the old nun said: Your child is long gone

When he returned to the door, he saw that the house was brightly lit, and the midwife greeted him with a beaming face and said, "Congratulations! It's a big fat boy! Mother and child are safe! As soon as Chen Laohan heard this, the stone in his heart finally landed. As soon as he stepped into the house, he saw the daughter-in-law of the Li family holding the baby, lying on the kang, with a smile on her face, as if she had drunk honey. He took three steps and made two steps, walked to the side of the kang, reached out and gently pinched the baby's little face, and his heart blossomed. But at this moment, the old dog Rhubarb suddenly barked again, and his voice was worse than crying. Chen Laohan's heart tightened, and when he turned his head, Rhubarb was lying on the ground, his eyes were as red as rabbits, and his eyes were full of tears. He muttered in his heart: The babies have come out, why is Rhubarb still crying? Just as he was thinking, the old nun suddenly pushed the door and came in. She glanced at the scene in the house, sighed, and said, "Alas, I said it a long time ago, your dog is crying so badly, something bad must be coming." Look at this baby. When Chen Laohan heard this, he was stunned, and he turned his head to look at the baby in the arms of the Li family's daughter-in-law. I saw that the baby's face was as white as paper, her eyes were closed, and she didn't move. He reached out and touched the baby's face, which was cold, and then sniffed - gone! Chen Laohan was dumbfounded at that time, he couldn't believe that this was true! He hugged the baby and cried as if he had lost his soul: "My son! Why are you just leaving? The daughter-in-law of the Li family also cried as if the sky had fallen, hugging Chen Laohan with tears in her eyes. The old dog, Rhubarb, was lying on the ground, tears flowing silently, as if he was also sad for this unfortunate family. When the people in the village heard about it, they all came to see it, and they were all shocked, and their hearts were also in pain. Everyone said that this baby must have been entangled in something unclean, otherwise why did he leave so suddenly? At this moment, the old nun spoke again, and she said, "This baby should not have come to this world, and his soul has long been taken away by the evil spirits in the river." The reason your dog is crying so badly is because he has seen the unclean things. When everyone heard this, they were all frightened, and they asked the old nun what was going on. The old nun sighed and said, "This is all fate, and no one can change it." You better bury this baby well, and may he have a good birth in the next life. With that, the old nun left. As soon as the old nun left, the people in the house fell silent. The Li family and his wife cried so much that they were heartbroken, and the villagers also wiped their tears. This is such a happy event, why did it become like this? Just when everyone was at a loss, the old dog Rhubarb suddenly stood up, walked up to Chen Laohan, rubbed his leg with his head, and then barked twice at the door. When Chen Laohan looked at it, his heart tightened, does this dog have something to say? He squatted down, touched Rhubarb's head, and said, "Rhubarb, do you have anything to tell me?" Rhubarb seemed to understand Chen Laohan's words, nodded, and then grabbed the corner of Chen Laohan's clothes and dragged him out of the door. Although Chen Laohan was puzzled in his heart, he had no choice but to follow Rhubarb out of his anxious appearance. Let's this Gada, the two of them slipped to the small river at the head of the village, and the big yellow dog stopped and barked endlessly at the river. Chen Laohan followed the eyes of the big yellow dog, there was a black thing floating on the river, and took a closer look, hey, isn't that a figure! He was so frightened that he hurried back to the village, beckoned a few sturdy young men, and went down to the river to save people.

In a few moments, the black shadow was fished up. When everyone saw it, they were all stunned - this was actually a raw face dressed in black, his face was as white as paper, his eyes were closed, and he looked dead. What's even more evil is that this person still has a sachet around his neck, which is actually a baby's afterbirth! As soon as Chen Laohan glanced at the sachet and the afterbirth, he understood in his heart - the person who dared to love was the evil ghost who snatched his son's soul! He was so angry that he grabbed the man by the collar and asked loudly, "You evil ghost, why do you want to harm my son!" Although the man was dead, he seemed to be able to hear Chen Laohan's words, opened his eyes slightly, and said in a weak voice, "I...... I was also forced...... A man in black gave me money...... Let me wait here...... Wait for a pregnant woman to give birth to a baby...... Just take that kid away......" When Chen Laohan heard this, he was furious. He asked, "Who is the man in black?" Why did he do that? The man shook his head and said, "How do I know...... He...... He covered his face...... I can't tell what he looks like......" As soon as the words fell, the man choked. Old Man Chen was so angry that he trembled. He knew there must be something bigger about it.

Holding his son's corpse, he decided to go to the old nun and ask for clarification. The old nun listened to Old Man Chen's words, sighed and said, "This man in black must be a demon who practices evil arts. In order to improve their cultivation, they can do anything that hurts the heavens and reason. Your son's soul was snatched away because he was counted by the demon on his birthday. When Chen Laohan heard this, he was even more angry. He asked, "Where is the demon now?" I'll have to settle accounts with him! The old nun shook her head and said, "That demon is a mysterious man, and I don't know where he is." But don't worry, I've already informed nearby Taoist temples and temples so that they can help find the whereabouts of the demon. Once we find him, we'll have to make him pay! When Chen Laohan heard this, his heart felt a little more comfortable. He thanked the old nun and went home with his son's body.

On the night of the woman's childbirth, she heard the old dog crying, and the old nun said: Your child is long gone

When the group arrived at the mountain, they found a demonic cave. They cautiously walked inside, and after some fighting, they finally cleaned up all the monsters in the cave. After that, the Taoist priest performed another ritual to transcend the victimized souls. After the ritual was completed, the Taoist priest said to Chen Laohan: "Now that the evil law has been eliminated, your family's bad luck is over." However, no one can say for sure what is going on in this world. You have to be careful in the future. Chen Laohan nodded like pounding garlic, sent the Taoist priest away, and went home to tell the Li family the good news. When Li heard this, he was so excited that he hugged Chen Laohan and cried for a while before he came to his senses. Since then, the Chen family's life has slowly gotten back on track. Chen Laohan and Li also regained their strength and began to live harder, hoping to accumulate some virtue for their son.

The family's old dog, Rhubarb, also seems to have felt the change, becoming much more lively, and often running around the yard, amusing everyone. As the days passed, the Chen family's days became more and more prosperous. The people in the village also began to envy them, saying that they had a good life and great blessings. But Chen Laohan and Li knew in their hearts that all this was not easy to come by, and they cherished their current life even more, and they also knew how to be grateful and kind.

The cave on that mountain was later discovered by the villagers and became a magical place. It is said that as long as someone goes there sincerely to pray, they will receive good luck and blessings. The mountain has gradually become a sacred place in the village, attracting more and more people to worship and pray for blessings.

On the night of the woman's childbirth, she heard the old dog crying, and the old nun said: Your child is long gone

That's the story we're going to tell today. Although it sounds a bit mysterious, the truth in it is deep. It tells us that there will always be some hurdles in life, but as long as we have faith and courage, we will definitely be able to overcome them and meet a better tomorrow. At the same time, it also reminds us to know how to be grateful and kind, because these virtues can make us go further and more steadily.