
Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

author:Point soldiers, point generals
Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

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Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

‬今天是2024年6月30日星期日,也是6月份的最后一天,祝大家精神百倍,财气逼人,健康永驻; Here's what's in the day's news:

‬一、中国推出首款液氢燃料电池牵引车“解放蓝途星熠”,以及国内首台可商业化运营的氢气发动机牵引车。 These two innovations mark a major breakthrough in China's field of clean energy commercial vehicles, and indicate that logistics and transportation will be more environmentally friendly and efficient in the future.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

2. CRRC is leading the green transportation revolution with the world's first launch of seven new energy locomotives, covering battery and hydrogen fuel technologies, aiming to promote the low-carbon transformation of industrial transportation and significantly reduce environmental impact, demonstrating China's innovative strength in the field of sustainable transportation.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

3. Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted the Oriental Selection video, the anchor Shi Ming apologized for his gaffe, and the other anchor was dissatisfied with the public, causing the loss of fans and a brand image crisis. Oriental Selection faced a PR challenge and needed to rebuild the trust of the audience.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

Fourth, the Lanzhang 34-line high-speed railway was grandly opened to traffic, and Gansu Tower and Lanzhou Telecom worked together to achieve full 4G and 5G network coverage, bringing passengers a seamless high-speed Internet experience and helping the regional economy take off.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

5. China has successfully launched the Long March-7 carrier rocket and carried the Zhongxing-3A communication and broadcasting satellite into the predetermined orbit. The launch was completed at the Wenchang Cosmodrome, marking another important step forward in the field of communications satellite technology for the mainland.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

6. Suzhou Daily praised the civilian hero Hu Youping, who stood up in times of crisis and died to protect the safety of others. The municipal government awarded her the honor of "Model of Righteousness and Courage", and the citizens deeply cherish the memory of this brave woman.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

7. Internet celebrity gluten brother Cheng Shulin was hospitalized for advanced liver cancer and is currently in the ICU for treatment, and the hospital has issued a critical illness notice. The family said that they are actively contacting the hospital to prepare for transfer and considering a liver transplant.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

8. The elk population in the Dafeng Elk Nature Reserve in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province exceeded 8,000 and reached 8,216, becoming the world's largest elk habitat. Since 1986, the reserve has managed to achieve a huge increase in elk populations, which now total more than 12,000 individuals, accounting for more than 80% of the world's population, demonstrating remarkable conservation results.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

9. CGN has built the first commercial proton therapy equipment manufacturing base in China in Mianyang, Sichuan, which has passed the completion acceptance, marking a key step in the localization of the proton therapy system in mainland China and providing self-produced proton therapy solutions for the global market.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

10. Shanghai introduced the first fixed-wing police drone, deployed in Fengxian District, designed for highway patrol, with a battery life of 120 minutes. The drone can efficiently carry out illegal parking monitoring and illegal behavior investigation, significantly improving the efficiency of traffic management.

Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

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Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

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Let's take a look at today's news, June 30 news summary! 10 important news to know early!

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