
Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

author:The South Wind Girl

Look at the picture to guess the idiom: whether the language skills are good or not, you will know by testing!

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (342) answer announced:

Those who are able to work hard, sharpen iron like clay, and pass it on from generation to generation

The courtyard of the deep house is green and white, and the big waves are rich and colorful

Use your brain more, it's not easy to get old! In this issue, we continue to share 8 questions to guess idioms by looking at pictures, the question is a bit difficult, and the first question has already stumped most netizens. What is your language level? How many questions can you guess correctly? Let's start today's journey of guessing idioms by looking at pictures!

Topic 1:

On the left are some yellow stars, scattered here and there. On the right is a game of chess, the black and white are all set, can you understand?

Explanation: Distributed like the stars in the sky and the chess pieces on a chessboard. There are many descriptions and they are widely distributed.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure 1

Topic 2:

A big tiger was sitting with its back arched, and an ancient man was riding on the tiger's back, trying to go down but couldn't get down, and he was so shocked that he was sweating profusely.

Explanation: You can't get down on the back of a tiger. The metaphor is that it is difficult to carry on with a task, but the situation does not allow it to stop halfway, and it is a dilemma.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure II

Topic 3:

On the left is a black character for "spring", with a few small pink flowers scattered on the strokes. On the right is a black character for "autumn" with four red fruits hanging from the strokes.

Explanation: Blooms in the spring and bears fruit in the fall. It is a metaphor for people's literary brilliance and virtue. Now it is also a metaphor for learning to be fruitful.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure III

Topic 4:

It is a curved black hook hanging from above, and there is a black word "wish" hanging from the hook.

Explanation: The metaphor is a willing trap.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure IV

Topic 5:

It looks like a huge black "feather" character, but it's missing on the left and right sides.

Explanation: It means that the bird has not grown up, and the hair on its body is still very sparse. The metaphor is young, inexperienced, immature, or not strong enough.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure V

Topic 6:

There is only one sentence in this picture, which reads "Book 14", how to read "book" in English? If you know how to read, then this question is easy to guess.

Explanation: I don't think people of the present generation can do it. Described as empty-eyed and arrogant to the extreme.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure VI

Topic 7:

It was a thick calendar with a giant bee standing on it.

Explanation: Gentle and sunny. Describe the sunny and warm weather.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure VII

Topic 8:

What is this word? The whole word was dismantled so loosely that it was a little unrecognizable. Can you recognize it? If you can recognize it, you will soon get the answer.

Explanation: The family was forced to separate and scatter.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (343): The first question stumped most netizens, you come to challenge it

Figure 8

That's all for this issue, how is your language level? How many of the 8 questions can you guess correctly? If you can guess all of them correctly, then your language level is very high, and you are probably a knowledgeable and talented student.

What's your answer? Feel free to share it in the comment section!

If you can't guess it, it doesn't matter, the answer will be announced in the next issue~