
In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

author:Eat deep wishes

Summer is not only a sunny season, but also a time for middle-aged and elderly friends to pay special attention to bone health. As we age, bone density gradually decreases, and problems such as osteoporosis are more likely to occur. If you don't pay attention to bone nourishment, you may feel weak in your hands and feet, and even be prone to injury in daily activities. Therefore, calcium supplementation activities should not be missing, and it is necessary to choose the right methods and ingredients, so that you can really strengthen your muscles and bones and be full of vitality!

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Everyone knows that drinking milk and eating calcium tablets are common ways to supplement calcium, but in fact, there are some "invisible calcium supplements" in the kitchen, which are not only highly nutritious, but also appear on our table in various delicious forms. Today, I'm going to reveal four super "calcium kings" that will be a regular on your summer dinner table and help you and your family maintain bone health and vitality. These ingredients are easy to obtain and easy to cook, allowing you to enjoy your meal while also replenishing calcium and strengthening your bones.

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Below, we'll show you how to transform these calcium-boosting ingredients into home-cooked dishes that are both nourishing and delicious with four delicious recipes. Whether you're a seafood lover or a family member who prefers plant-based foods, there's something for everyone.

Recommended recipe 1: Scrambled golden eggs with green peppers

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Eggs are an excellent choice for calcium supplementation and are rich in high-quality protein and vitamin D, the latter of which is particularly important for calcium absorption. Combined with green peppers, this dish is not only delicious, but the high vitamin C content of green peppers also helps to further promote iron absorption and enhance blood health, making it ideal for middle-aged and elderly people to enhance physical strength and bone health.

Main ingredients: eggs, green peppers

Here's how:

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a pinch of salt.

Wash the green peppers and cut them into strips.

Heat oil in a pan, pour in the egg mixture, and quickly fry until semi-solidified.

Add the green pepper strips and stir-fry quickly until the eggs are completely set.

Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

Recommended recipe 2: Garlic cumin pork ribs

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Pork ribs are an excellent source of calcium, especially after being boiled and stewed, which can provide rich collagen and calcium. In addition to the addition of cumin and minced garlic, not only does it enhance its flavor, cumin itself also has an effect on digestion, and the anti-inflammatory properties of garlic can improve the body's immunity, making this dish an excellent choice for enhancing bone health.

Main ingredients: pork ribs, cumin, garlic

Here's how:

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Wash the ribs and marinate in cooking wine, salt and cumin powder for 30 minutes.

Slice the garlic and set aside.

Add oil to the pan, sauté the garlic until fragrant, then add the pork ribs and stir-fry.

Stir-fry until the surface of the ribs is slightly charred, sprinkle in cumin powder, and stir-fry quickly and evenly.

Add an appropriate amount of water, simmer over low heat until the ribs are cooked through, season and remove from the pot.

Recommended recipe 3: yam beef soup

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

The combination of yam and beef is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the kidneys and body, and is rich in starch, protein, vitamin C and calcium, which help to strengthen the spleen, stomach and immunity. Beef provides high-quality protein and iron, which is ideal for enhancing the physique and bone health of middle-aged and elderly people.

Main ingredients: yam, beef, ginger slices

Here's how:

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Cut the beef into cubes and blanch with boiling water to remove the blood.

Peel the yam and cut it into cubes for later use.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the beef and ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer.

When the beef is half-cooked, add the yam and continue to simmer.

Cook until the beef and yam are tender, season with salt and enjoy.

Recommended recipe 4: Stir-fried mushrooms with asparagus

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Both asparagus and mushrooms are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially asparagus' high calcium and high fiber properties, which help to enhance bone health and improve digestion. Mushrooms are also rich in essential amino acids and minerals, making this dish a perfect choice for healthy nutrition for middle-aged and elderly people.

Main ingredients: asparagus, mushrooms, minced garlic

Here's how:

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

Wash the asparagus and cut into sections, and slice the mushrooms.

Add oil to the pan and sauté the minced garlic until fragrant.

Add the asparagus and mushrooms and stir-fry until tender.

Add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste according to taste, stir-fry well and then remove from the pan.

In summer, it is necessary to nourish bones, and middle-aged and elderly people often eat 4 kinds of "calcium supplements" to strengthen muscles and bones, and make their hands and feet stronger

These four recipes are not only easy to learn, but also rich in calcium, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat in summer, to help strengthen muscles and bones, and improve daily vitality. Let's cheer up our bones with delicious food this summer and enjoy health every day!