
Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing


Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing

Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing

Summer is the prime season for fishing, but in order to catch a good catch during this season, it is important to master the right drifting skills.

Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing

First of all, we need to understand the basic principles of drifting. The purpose of drifting is to keep the hook in the right position in the water so that it can more accurately reflect the signals of the fish bite. To put it simply, it is to adjust the buoyancy of the float and the weight of the plumb sinker to achieve the ideal fishing state.

Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing
Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing

In summer fishing, due to the higher temperatures, the range and feeding habits of the fish will change, so the drifting strategy needs to be adjusted accordingly.

For still water areas, such as ponds, lakes, etc., the commonly used method of adjusting drifting is to adjust four fishing two. The specific operation is to find the bottom of the heavy lead first and determine the water depth. Then pull the float down a little more than a strand length and start trimming the lead skin until the float is exposed to the water. At this time, hang the double bait and adjust the float position so that the float is exposed to the water. This drifting method is more sensitive, and is suitable for the situation that the fish mouth is good in summer.

If you're fishing in a river with a slower current, it's probably not uncommon to walk through the water. At this time, you can use the run-lead fishing method. Increase the weight of the sinker so that it can stabilize underwater. Open the space beans on the lead seat, about 10 cm or so, so that the line can slide freely inside the lead base. The adjustment of the float is relatively simple, as long as it is visible from the surface of the water. This method of fishing can filter out some false signals caused by the current, and when the fish bites, the float will appear obvious black drift or top drift.

In summer, when the water temperature is relatively low in the morning and evening, the activity of the fish may not be particularly high, so it can be appropriately dulled at this time. For example, leveling the water to fish the two eyes, this drifting method can make the line bend at the bottom of the water to a greater extent, suitable for when the mouth of the fish is light. When the fish sucks up the bait gently, it will not cause the rod to be empty because the float is too sensitive.

In addition, the float should be adjusted according to the target species. If you are fishing for small fish such as crucian carp, you can choose to eat between 1 gram and 2 grams of lead on the float, which can be more sensitive when adjusting the drift. If the target is large fish such as carp and grass carp, due to their greater strength and fierce movements, the amount of lead eaten by the float can be more than 2 grams, and the drift can be relatively blunt to prevent false signals generated by small fish nests.

In addition to the above basic drifting methods, there are some details that need to be noted. For example, before adjusting the float, make sure that the line set is in a vertical state to avoid affecting the accuracy of the drift adjustment due to the bending of the line set. Each time you change the spot or the weight of the bait, you need to recheck and adjust the float.

At the same time, observing the signal of the float is also key. In the summer, the fish are more active and the signals of floating can be more varied. The common ones are pause, top drift, black drift, etc. Stuttering is usually a sign of a fish swallowing bait quickly; The top drift may be a fish raising its head at the bottom of the water to eat bait; In black drifting, the fish sucks the bait completely in and swims away. However, it should be noted that the floating signal may vary depending on the water, fish species and fishing environment, and anglers need to accumulate experience through practice to accurately judge the timing of the rod.

In addition, the weather is changeable in summer, sometimes experiencing wind and rain. In this case, waves can be generated on the surface of the water, which affect the observation of the float. In this case, you can choose to use a float with a bold tail or a large amount of lead to increase stability and visibility.

In short, the drifting technique of summer fishing needs to be used flexibly according to the specific fishing environment, fish species and weather conditions. Only by constantly practicing and summarizing experience can we better master the drifting skills, improve the success rate of fishing, and enjoy the fun of fishing.

Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing
Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing
Summer fishing and drifting skills sharing

I hope the above sharing will be helpful to the majority of fishing friends in the summer, and I wish you all a full harvest by the waterside in summer!