
Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened


Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened

Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened

Dog days are the hottest, humid and muggy times of the year. During this special period, the right regimen is essential to maintain good health and prevent diseases.

Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened

On dog days, the body's metabolism accelerates, yang energy is emitted, and yin is included. At this time, if you don't pay attention to health preservation, it can easily lead to physical discomfort and even cause various diseases. Therefore, we need to adjust our lifestyle and eating habits according to the characteristics of dog days to adapt to the changes of seasons.

Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened
Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened
Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened

First of all, in terms of diet, it should be mainly light. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as bitter gourd, winter melon, watermelon, strawberries, etc. Bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching heat and quenching thirst; Winter melon can help reduce swelling and help drain excess water from the body; Watermelon is a natural anti-heat product, rich in water and a variety of nutrients; Strawberries are sweet and sour and rich in vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the intake of greasy, spicy and irritating foods to avoid aggravating the burden on the stomach.

Sweating a lot in summer can easily lead to the loss of water and electrolytes in the body. Therefore, it is important to stay hydrated in a timely manner. In addition to drinking boiled water, you can also drink some mung bean soup, chrysanthemum tea, lotus leaf tea, etc. appropriately. Mung bean soup has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and improving water; Chrysanthemum tea can clear the liver and eyes, clear heat and detoxify; Lotus leaf tea can clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen and raise the sun. However, it should be noted that it is not advisable to drink cold drinks excessively, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach yang qi.

During the dog days, the schedule also needs to be adjusted accordingly. It is necessary to ensure adequate sleep, go to bed early and wake up early, and take a proper lunch break at noon to restore energy. When sleeping at night, pay attention to the appropriate indoor temperature and humidity to avoid excessive heat and affect the quality of sleep. At the same time, it is necessary to develop good sleep habits, avoid strenuous exercise and use electronic devices before going to bed, so that the body and mind can be fully relaxed.

Exercise is also essential for wellness, but on dog days, you need to pay attention to choosing the right time and method. Try to avoid strenuous exercise during hot periods, and choose to do moderate amounts of exercise in the early morning or evening when the temperature is relatively low, such as walking, yoga, tai chi, etc. Exercise at a moderate intensity to avoid excessive fatigue and heat stroke. Replenish water and electrolytes in time after exercise to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

In addition, you should also pay attention to heat prevention and cooling on dog days. Take sun protection measures when you go out, wear a sun hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. If you experience symptoms of heat stroke such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting during outdoor activities, you should immediately move to a cool and ventilated place to rest, and replenish water and electrolytes in time.

In terms of emotional health, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable mood and avoid irritability, anxiety and other bad emotions. You can relax and relieve stress by listening to music, reading, traveling, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the mind is calm and naturally cool", and maintaining a peaceful state of mind helps to regulate the flow of qi and blood in the body and enhance the body's resistance.

For some people with weak constitutions, such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases, special attention should be paid to health preservation during dog days. The elderly should pay attention to the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and regularly measure blood pressure, blood sugar and other indicators; Children should pay attention to dietary hygiene and prevent intestinal diseases; Pregnant women should pay attention to rest and avoid exertion; People with chronic diseases should take their medications on time as instructed by their doctors and have regular check-ups.

In addition to the above aspects, some of the health preservation methods of Chinese medicine are also applicable during dog days. For example, the three-pronged patch is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment method. It is based on the theory of "winter disease and summer treatment", and traditional Chinese medicine is applied to specific acupuncture points on dog days to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating winter-prone diseases. However, it should be noted that the three-dog patch is not suitable for everyone, and you should consult a professional TCM doctor before use.

Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened
Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened
Entering the dog days, the right way to maintain health should be opened

In conclusion, dog days are a critical period for wellness. We should choose the appropriate health regimen according to our own situation, adjust our living habits and dietary structure, and maintain a good attitude and moderate exercise. Only in this way can you survive the dog days and maintain your body's health and vitality. Let's seize this good time to take care of your health and build a solid foundation for your health and a better life in the future.

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