
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much

author:Single-minded kitten yl
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much
In the eyes of girls, six behaviors that boys lick very much

In this busy city, there are always stories unfolding on the streets. Hao Chuan, an ordinary young man, shuttles through this street every day, living a simple and ordinary life. Recently, however, he found that he seemed to have become a "licking dog" in the eyes of others, which made him a little crying and laughing.

Hao Chuan is a warm-hearted young man, he is helpful and always cares for his friends. However, it is this overly straightforward enthusiasm that has made him synonymous with "licking dogs" in the eyes of some people. He didn't know that his every move was becoming a topic of conversation after dinner.

One day, Hao Chuan met his high school crush Xiaoya on the street. Xiaoya is now a well-known model in the fashion industry, and she is radiant. Hao Chuan looked at her, and an inexplicable excitement surged in his heart. He stepped forward to say hello, but found himself a little nervous.

"Xiaoya, long time no see." Hao Chuan tried to make himself look natural.

Xiaoya turned her head and saw that it was Hao Chuan, and smiled slightly: "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time." You okay? ”

"I'm okay, how about you? I'm so happy for you to see how successful you are now. Hao Chuan said sincerely.

Xiaoya nodded gratefully: "Thank you." Actually, I've always remembered you. ”

Hearing this, Hao Chuan's heart warmed, and he felt that his years of waiting seemed to have paid off. However, he didn't realize that his next behavior would cause a storm.

In the following days, Hao Chuan began to appear frequently in Xiaoya's social situations. He gives her flowers, buys gifts, and even helps take care of her pet dog when she's busy. Hao Chuan felt that he was just doing what he could, but he didn't expect that these actions had changed in the eyes of others.

"Look at that Hao Chuan, circling around Xiaoya all day long, what a licking dog."

"That's right, he doesn't look at his own conditions, so he dares to lick the goddess."

These gossips were like sharp knives that pierced Hao Chuan's heart. He began to reflect on his actions, was he really too humble?

However, by chance, Hao Chuan overheard Xiaoya's friend's conversation.

"Actually, Xiaoya is very grateful to Hao Chuan, she thinks he is a sincere person."

"Yes, she told me that although Hao Chuan looks a little silly, his heart is real."

Hearing this, Hao Chuan was stunned. It turned out that he was not so wrong. He began to realize that the so-called "licking the dog" behavior was actually just a misunderstanding of others.

So, Hao Chuan decided to stop caring about those gossip, and he wanted to continue to do what he thought was right. He began to work harder and improve his abilities; At the same time, he also began to learn to face Xiaoya more confidently, and no longer be as submissive as before.

Gradually, Hao Chuan's changes attracted the attention of the people around him. They began to discover that this young man, who was once ridiculed by them as a "licking dog", actually had his own persistence and pursuit. His sincerity and kindness began to win the respect and recognition of more people.

And Xiaoya was also surprised and delighted by Hao Chuan's changes. She began to communicate with Hao Chuan more actively, and the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious.

By chance, Xiaoya expressed her gratitude to Hao Chuan: "Hao Chuan, thank you for your continuous companionship and support. I know I may have neglected your feelings a little before, but now I want to tell you that I really cherish our friendship. ”

Hearing this, Hao Chuan felt a warm current in his heart. He understands that he hasn't done anything wrong, he just needs time to prove himself.

Since then, Hao Chuan is no longer the "licking dog" who is ridiculed, but has become a respected and appreciated young man. His story tells us that sincerity and kindness are qualities that will never go out of style, and as long as we stick to our beliefs and pursuits, we will be able to win the respect and recognition of others.

In this noisy world, let us all maintain a sincere and kind heart to face all kinds of challenges and difficulties in life. Only in this way can we become a better version of ourselves and win more happiness and success.